Titel | Autor(en) |
TA Today
Vann Joines, Ian Stewart
Tablet PCs in K-12 Education
Mike Van Mantgem
Tablet PCs in schools
BECTA, P. Twining, E. Evans, D. Cook, J. Ralston, I. Selwood, A. Jones, J. Underwood, G. Dillon, E. Scanlon
Tablet versus Druckmaterialien im Unterricht
Armin Mühlematter
Alexander Tillmann, Ingo Antony
Tablets for Teaching and Learning
Rana M. Tamim, Eugene Borokhovski, David Pickup, Robert M. Bernard, Lina El Saadi
Tablets im Grundschulunterricht
Günter Krauthausen, Kerstin Michalik, Claus Krieger, Florian Jastrow, Christina Metzler, Alexandra Pilgrim, Anja Schwedler, Mareike Thumel
Tablets in der Schule
Stefan Aufenanger, Jürgen Schlieszeit
Tablets in Schule und Unterricht
Jasmin Bastian, Stefan Aufenanger
Tacit Dimension, The
Michael Polanyi
Tafel muss raus!?, Die
von Dieter Smolka, Jutta Sengpiel
Tag an dem die Oma das Internet kaputt gemacht hat, Der
Marc-Uwe Kling
Tag an dem mein Bein fortging, Der
Oliver Sacks
Tagebücher der Schöpfung, Die
Stefan Klein
Tages Anzeiger Spezialausgabe Künstliche Intelligenz
Tagungsband zur Tagung Inverted Classroom and beyond 2020
Gerhard Brandhofer, Josef Buchner, Christian Freisleben-Teutscher, Karin Tengler
Taking TCO To the Classroom
Taking the Red Pill
Glenn Yeffeth
Taktiken der Entnetzung
Guido Zurstiege
Talentkompass NRW
Sabine Mayer, Reinhard Völzke
Tangible Steps Towards Tomorrow
Tanz mit der Welt
Nicola Bock
Tao der Physik, Das
Fritjof Capra
Josh Clark
Taschenbuch der Wirtschaftsinformatik und Wirtschaftsmathematik
Wolfgang König, Dietrich Ohse, Heinrich Rommelfanger
Taxonomie von Lernzielen im affektiven Bereich
B. S. Bloom, David R. Krathwohl, Bertram B. Masia
Taxonomie von Lernzielen im kognitiven Bereich
B. S. Bloom
Taxonomie von Unterrichtsmethoden
Peter Baumgartner
Taxonomy of educational objectives
B. S. Bloom
TCO Analyst
Gartner Group
TCO Manager for Distributed Computing
Gartner Group
Teach Your Child How to Think
Edward de Bono
Teacher Development And Educational Change
Michael Fullan
Teacher ICT Skills
Teachers and Machines
Larry Cuban
Teachers as Designers of Learning Environments
Alejandro Paniagua, David Istance
Teaching 21st Century Skills
Rekha B. Koul, Rachel Sheffield, Leonie McIlvenny
Teaching and Learning Systems - The Role of AI in Past, Present, and Future
Andreas Harrer, Alke Martens
Teaching as a Conserving Activity
Neil Postman
Teaching as a Design Science
Diana Laurillard
Teaching as a Subversive Activity
Neil Postman
Teaching Coding in K-12 Schools
Therese Keane, Andrew Fluck
Teaching Computational Thinking
Maureen D. Neumann, Lisa Dion
Teaching Computing
Carl Simmons, Claire Hawkins
Teaching Computing Unplugged in Primary Schools
Helen Caldwell, Neil Smith
Teaching crowds
Jon Dron, Terry Anderson
Teaching Digital Natives
Marc Prensky
Teaching for the future
OECD Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Teaching Fundamental Concepts of Informatics
Juraj Hromkovic, Rastislav Královic, Jan Vahrenhold
Teaching Gender in MINT in der Pandemie
Yves Jeanrenaud
Teaching Library in Deutschland
Claudia Lux, Wilfried Sühl-Strohmenger
Teaching Machines
Audrey Watters
Teaching Machines and Programmed Learning
A. A. Lumsdaine, Robert Glaser
Teaching Machines and Programmed Learning II
Robert Glaser
Teaching Media
Elisabeth Kampmann, Gregor Schwering
Teaching Python Programming to Novices
Tobias Kohn
Teaching Science for Understanding
James Wandersee, Joel Mintzes, Joseph D. Novak
Teaching Thinking
Edward de Bono
Teaching Thinking Skills
Stephen Johnson, Harvey Siegel, Christopher Winch
Teaching Trends 2014
Teaching Trends 2016
Wolfgang Pfau, Caroline Baetge, Svenja Mareike Bedenlier, Carina Kramer, Joachim Stöter
Teaching Trends 2018
Susanne Robra-Bissantz, Oliver J. Bott, Norbert Kleinefeld, Kevin Neu, Katharina Zickwolf
Teaching with Classroom Response Systems
Derek Bruff
Teaching with Tablets
Helen Caldwell, James Bird
Teaching with Technology
Judith Haymore Sandholtz, Cathy Ringstaff, David C. Dwyer
Audrey Watters
Team Human
Douglas Rushkoff
Teamarbeit gestalten
Conny H. Antoni
Tech Generation
Mike Brooks, Jon Lasser
James Tunney
Technically Wrong
Sara Wachter-Boettcher
Walter Chr. Zimmerli
Technik mit Globi
Technik und Subjektivität
Christina Schachtner
Technik und Wissenschaft als Ideologie
Jürgen Habermas
Technik wozu und wohin?
Hardi Fischer
Technik, Wissenschaft und Politik
Manfred Mai
technik-education 1/2023
Nina Autenrieth, Daniel Beckenbauer, Alexandra Bitterer, Julie-Theresia Blumer, Timo Finkbeiner, Harald Klat, Hannes Helmut Nepper, Armin Ruch
Technische Bildung
Marc Müller, Svantje Schumann
Technische Intelligenz oder Wie Ingenieure über Computer sprechen
Rolf Todesco
technischen Zivilisation gewachsen bleiben, Der
Hartmut von Hentig
Technisierte Gesellschaft
Hans Baumann, Martin Gallusser, Walter Herzog, Ute Kotz, Christine Michel, Beat Ringger, Holger Schatz
Giannis Varoufakis
Technoliteracy, Discourse And Social Practice
Darren Lee Pullen, Christina Gitsaki, Margaret Baguley
Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge
Charoula Angeli, Nicos Valanides
Technological Singularity, The
Murray Shanahan
Technological Slavery
Theodore J. Kaczynski, David Skrbina
Technologie, Imagination und Lernen
Heidi Schelhowe
Technologiefalle, Die
Stanislaw Lem
Technologiegestützte Lehr- und Lernmöglichkeiten für die Schule
Yvonne Köster
Technologiekritik und Medienpädagogik
Theo Hug
Technologie-Management - Idee und Praxis
Hugo Tschirky, Stefan Koruna
Technologien der Krise
Dennis Krämer, Joschka Haltaufderheide, Jochen Vollmann
Technologien im Mathematikunterricht
Technologies of Cooperation
Howard Rheingold, Andrea Saveri, Kathi Vian
Technologies of Speculation
Sun-ha Hong
Technologiestudie base4kids2
Luigi Caracciolo, Michel Centi, Alfred Bertschinger, Georg Ständike
Technologische Perspektive der digitalen Souveränität
Matthias Stürmer
Technologischer Totalitarismus
Frank Schirrmacher
Technologisches Wissen
Technology Acceptance in Education
Timothy Teo
Technology and Privacy
Philip E. Agre, Marc Rotenberg
Technology and Social Inclusion
Mark Warschauer
Technology and the School Library
Odin L. Jurkowski
Technology and the Spirit
Ignacio L. Götz
Technology and Young Children
Sally Blake, Denise L. Winsor, Lee Allen
Technology Assessment
Technology enhanced collaborative learning in projects
Michele Notari
Technology Enhanced Learning
Technology Enhanced Learning
Technology for Creativity and Innovation
Anabela Mesquita
Technology Implementation and Teacher Education
Technology in education: A Tool on whose Terms?
UNESCO United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Org.
Technology in Schools
NCES National Center for Educational Statistics (USA)
technology of teaching, The
Burrhus F. Skinner
Technology Review 10/2017
Technology Review 4/2020
Technology Support for Self-Organized Learners
Marco Kalz, Rob Koper, Veronika Hornung-Prähauser, Michaela Luckmann
Technology Toolbelt for Teaching, The
Susan Manning, Kevin Johnson
Technology Trap, The
Carl Benedikt Frey
Technology, Innovation, and Educational Change
Robert B. Kozma
Technology, Open Learning and Distance Education
A. W. Bates
Technology, Science Teaching, and Literacy
Kenneth P. King
Technology-Enhanced and Collaborative Learning
Stewart Martin, Michele Notari
Technology-related knowledge, skills, and attitudes of pre- and in-service teachers
Sabine Seufert, Josef Guggemos, Michael Sailer
Neil Postman
technoscope 3/05
Teens and Mobile Phones
Amanda Lenhart, Richard Ling, Scott Campbell, Kristen Purcell
Teens and Technology
Paul Hitlin, Amanda Lenhart, Mary Madden
Teil der Welt
Heinz von Foerster, Monika Broecker
Teil und das Ganze, Der
Werner Heisenberg
Teilhabe in der digitalen Bildungswelt
Jörg Hafer, Martina Mauch, Marlen Schumann
Teilung geistiger Arbeit per Computer, Die
Friedrich Krotz
Telefon, Das
Teletubbies & Co.
Claus Koch, Norbert Neuß
Television and the Teaching of English
Neil Postman
Telling Tales on Technology
Neil Selwyn
Ten Arguments For Deleting Your Social Media Accounts Right Now
Jaron Lanier
Ten steps to complex learning
Jeroen van Merriënboer, Paul A. Kirschner
Termin, Der
Tom DeMarco
terra cognita Herbst 2021
Terror im System
Dirk Baecker, Peter Krieg, Fritz B. Simon
Tertiarisierung der Lehrerinnen- und Lehrerbildung
Hans Ambühl, Willi Stadelmann
Test Your ICT-Knowledge
Florian Keller, Urs Moser
Testing and Learning Revolution, The
Edmund W. Gordon, Kavitha Rajagopalan
Testtheorie und Fragebogenkonstruktion
Helfried Moosbrugger, Augustin Kelava
Text, ConText, and HyperText
Edward Barrett
Textbasierte Digitalmedien und Förderung der Lesekompetenz im Primarbereich
Sonja Peschutter
Texte schreiben
Michael Becker-Mrotzek, Kirsten Schindler
Texten fürs Web
Stefan Heijnk
Till A. Heilmann
That Used to Be Us
Thomas Friedman, Michael Mandelbaum
The 11 Immutable Laws of the Internet
Al Ries, Laura Ries
The 25 Cognitive Biases
Charles Holm
The 44th ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, SIGCSE '13, Denver, CO, USA, March 6-9, 2013
Tracy Camp, Paul T. Tymann, J. D. Dougherty, Kris Nagel
The 45th ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, SIGCSE '14, Atlanta, GA, USA - March 05 - 08, 2014
J. D. Dougherty, Kris Nagel, Adrienne Decker, Kurt Eiselt
The ABCs of How We Learn
The Abundant University
Michael D. Smith
The Accidental Billionaires
Ben Mezrich
The Acquisition and Retention of Knowledge
D.P. Ausubel
The Age of AI
Henry A Kissinger, Eric Schmidt, Daniel Huttenlocher
The Age of Discontinuity
Peter Drucker
The Age of Intelligent Machines
Ray Kurzweil
The Age of Resilience
Jeremy Rifkin
The Age of Spiritual Machines
Ray Kurzweil
The AI Advantage
Thomas H. Davenport
The Alignment Problem
Brian Christian
The Allure of Machinic Life
John Johnston
The AltaVista Search Revolution
Richard Seltzer, Eric J. Ray, Deborah S. Ray
The Ambiguity of Teaching to the Test
William A. Firestone, Roberta Y. Schorr, Lora F. Monfils
The Anxious Generation
Jonathan Haidt
The App Generation
Howard Gardner, Katie Davis
The architecture of concurrent programs
Per Brinch Hansen
The Architecture of Intelligence
Derrick de Kerckhove
The Art and Science of Smalltalk
Simon Lewis
The Art of Community
Jono Bacon
The Art of Computer Programming Vol 1-3
Donald E. Knuth
The Art of Doing Science and Engineering
Richard W. Hamming
The Art of Human-Computer Interface Design
Brenda Laurel
The Art of Loving
Erich Fromm
The Art of Online Collaboration
Trebor Scholz, Geert Lovink
The Art of Prolog
Leon Sterling, Ehud Shapiro
The Art of R Programming
Norman Matloff
The Art of Tinkering
Karen Wilkinson, Mike Petrich
The Artificial Intelligence Debate
Stephen R. Graubard
The Atlas of AI
Kate Crawford
The Atomic Human
Neil D. Lawrence
The Atoms of Language
Mark C. Baker
The Attack
Noam Chomsky
The Attention Economy
Thomas H. Davenport, John C. Beck
The Attention Merchants
Tim Wu
The Attitude Book
Simon Tyler
The Back of the Napkin
Dan Roam
The Balanced Scorecard
Robert S. Kaplan, David P. Norton
The Balinese Character
Gregory Bateson, Margaret Mead
The Big Book of Computing Pedagogy
The Big Disconnect
Catherine Steiner-Adair, Teresa H. Barker
The Big Switch
Nicholas G. Carr
The Biggest Bluff
Maria Konnikova
The Black Box Society
Frank Pasquale
The Black Swan
Nassim Nicholas Taleb
The Blackwell Companion to Globalization
George Ritzer
The Blind Giant
Nick Harkaway
The blind Watchmaker
Richard Dawkins
The Book
Amaranth Borsuk
The Book of Why
Judea Pearl, Dana Mackenzie
The Box
Marc Levinson
The Boy Who Could Change the World
Aaron Swartz
The Brain of the Firm
Stafford Beer
The C Programming Language
Brian W. Kernighan, Dennis M. Ritchie
The Cambridge Handbook of Computing Education Research
Sally Fincher, Anthony V. Robins
The Cambridge Handbook of Information and Computer Ethics
Luciano Floridi
The Cambridge handbook of multimedia learning
Richard E. Mayer
The Cambridge Handbook of the Learning Sciences
R. Keith Sawyer
The Carbon Footprint of Everything
Mike Berners-Lee
The Cartoon Guide to Algebra
Larry Gonick
The Cartoon Guide to Biology
Larry Gonick, David Wessner
The cartoon guide to calculus
Larry Gonick
The Cartoon Guide to Chemistry
Larry Gonick, Craig Criddle
The Cartoon Guide to Computer Science
Larry Gonick
The Cartoon Guide to Genetics
Larry Gonick, Mark Wheelis
The Cartoon Guide to Geometry
Larry Gonick
The Cartoon Guide to Physics
The Cartoon Guide to the U.S. History
Larry Gonick
The Cartoon Introduction to Climate Change
Yoram Bauman, Grady Klein
The Cartoon Introduction to Economics I
Yoram Bauman, Grady Klein
The Cartoon Introduction to Economics II
Yoram Bauman, Grady Klein
The Cartoon Introduction to Philosophy
Michael F. Patton, Kevin Cannon
The Cartoon Introduction to Statistics
Grady Klein, Alan Dabney
The Case against Education
Bryan Caplan
The Cathedral and the Bazaar
E. Raymond
The Challenge of Change
Michael Fullan
The Change Handbook
Peggy Holman, Tom Devane
The Changing Face of Learning in Higher Education Institutions
The Character of Physical Law
Richard Feynman
The Charisma Machine
Morgan Ames
The Charter of Zurich
Peter Eisenman, Derrick de Kerckhove, Antonino Saggio
The Children's Machine
Seymour Papert
The Child's Conception of Number
Jean Piaget, Alina Szeminska
The child's conception of the world
Jean Piaget
The Cinderella.2 Manual
Jürgen Richter-Gebert, Ulrich Kortenkamp
The Circle
Dave Eggers
The Clash of Civilizations
Samuel P. Huntington
The Classroom of the Future
Frédéric Kaplan, Kati Mäkitalo-Siegl
The Clock of the Long Now
Steward Brand
The Closed World
Paul N. Edwards
The Cluetrain Manifesto
Rick Levine, Christopher Locke, Doc Searls, David Weinberger
The Coddling of the American Mind
Greg Lukianoff, Jonathan Haidt
The Code
Margaret O’Mara
The Code Book
Simon Singh
The Code Book
Simon Singh
The Code Breaker
Walter Isaacson
The Codebreakers
David Kahn
The cognitive psychology of school learning
E. D. Gagné
The Cognitive Style of Power Point
Edward R. Tufte
The Cold Start Problem
Andrew Chen
The Columbia Guide to Online Style
Janice Walker, Todd Taylor
The Coming of Post-Industrial Society
Daniel Bell
The Coming Wave
Mustafa Suleyman, Michael Bhaskar
The Computer and the Brain
John von Neumann
The Computer Boys Take Over
Nathan L. Ensmenger
The Computer Clubhouse
Yasmin B. Kafai, Kylie A. Peppler, Robbin N. Chapman
The Computer in the School
Robert Taylor
The Connected Family
Seymour Papert
The Construction of Social Reality
John R. Searle
The container principle
Alexander Klose
The Context of Electronic Surveillance
Christian Fuchs
The Control Revolution
Robert Beniger
The Cost-Benefit Revolution
Cass R. Sunstein
The Craft of Information Visualization
Benjamin B. Bederson, Ben Shneiderman
The Cuckoo's Egg
Clifford Stoll
The cult of information
Theodore Roszak
The Cult of Statistical Significance
Stephen Thomas Ziliak, Deirdre N. McCloskey
The Cult of the Amateur
Andrew Keen
The Cultural Logic of Computation
David Golumbia
The Culture of Connectivity
José van Dijck
The Culture of Education
Jerome S. Bruner
The Culture of Speed
John Tomlinson
The Curse of Bigness
Tim Wu
The Cyber Effect
Mary Aiken
The Dance of Change
Peter M. Senge
The Dark Net
Barlett Jamie
The Data Revolution
Rob Kitchin
The Datafication of Education
Juliane Jarke, Andreas Breiter
The Datafication of Primary and Early Years Education
Alice Bradbury, Guy Roberts-Holmes
The Datafied Society
Mirko Tobias Schäfer, Karin van Es
The Death of the Internet
Markus Jakobsson
The Definitive Guide to Online Porn
The Demise of Guys
Philip G. Zimbardo, Nikita D. Coulombe
The Democracy Project
David Graeber
The Democratization of Artificial Intelligence
Andreas Sudmann
The Design of Design
Frederick P. Brooks
The Design of Everyday Things
Donald A. Norman
The Design of Future Things
Donald A. Norman
The development of thought
Jean Piaget
The Devils's Dictionary
Ambrose Bierce
The Digital Competence Framework for Citizens
With eight proficiency levels and examples of use
The Digital Competence Framework for Citizens
Stephanie Carretero, Riina Vuorikari, Yves Punie
The Digital Divide
Mark Bauerlein
The Digital Economy
Don Tapscott
The Digital Person
Daniel J. Solove
The Digital Scholar
Martin Weller
The Digital Sublime
Vincent Mosco
The Digital Transformation Playbook
David L. Rogers
The Digitalisation of Science, Technology and Innovation
OECD Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
The Digitally-Agile Researcher
Natalia Kucirkova, Oliver Quinlan
The Dilbert Principle
Scott Adams
The disappearance of childhood
Neil Postman
The Distracted Mind
Adam Gazzaley, Larry D. Rosen
The Diversity Bonus
Scott E. Page
The Dream Machine
M. Mitchell Waldrop
The Dream of Reality
Lynn Segal
The Economics of the Digital Society
Luc Soete, Bas ter Weel
The Effect of Roles on Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning
Jan-Willem Strijbos
The Effect of Roles on Computer-Supported Collarborative Learning
Jan-Willem Strijbos
The Effects of Wiki-and Blog-technologies on the Students’ Performance when Learning the Preterite and Imperfect Aspects in Spanish
Daniel Alex Castaneda
The Ego Tunnel
Thomas Metzinger
The Electronic Privacy Papers
David Banisar, Bruce Schneier
The Elements of User Experience
Jesse James Garrett
The Embodied Mind
Francisco J. Varela, Evan Thompson, Eleanor Rosch
The Emotion Machine
Marvin Minsky
The Emotional Load
The Empathic Civilization
Jeremy Rifkin
The Empathy Diaries
Sherry Turkle
The Emperor’s New Mind
Roger Penrose
The End of College
Kevin Carey
The End of Economic Man
Peter Drucker
The End of Education
Neil Postman
The End of Forgetting
Kate Eichhorn
The End of Reality
Jonathan Taplin
The End of Work
Jeremy Rifkin
The Engine of Complexity
John E. Mayfield
The Enigma of Reason
Hugo Mercier, Dan Sperber
The Entrepreneur's Book
Neil Francis
The Essential Guide to Effect Sizes
Paul D. Ellis
The ethical business book
Sarah Duncan
The Ethics of Influence
Cass R. Sunstein
The Every
Dave Eggers
The Facebook Effect
The Faces of Realism
The False Promises of the Digital Revolution
C.A Bowers
The Feeling of Life Itself
Christof Koch
The Female Brain
Louann Brizendine
The Feynman Lectures on Physics
Richard Feynman
The Fifth Discipline
Peter M. Senge
The Fifth Discipline Fieldbook
Peter M. Senge, Art Kleiner, Bryan Smith, Charlotte Roberts, Richard Ross
The Filter Bubble
Eli Pariser
The Flickering Mind
Todd Oppenheimer
The flight of the creative class
Richard Florida
The Four
Scott Galloway
The Fourth Education Revolution
Anthony Seldon, Oladimeji Abidoye
The Fourth Education Revolution Reconsidered
Anthony Seldon, Oladimeji Abidoye, Timothy Metcalf
The Future
Nick Montfort
The Future
Al Gore
The future does not compute
Stephen L. Talbott
The Future of Drone Use
Bart Custers
The Future of Ideas
Lawrence Lessig
The Future of Industrial Man
Peter Drucker
The Future of Jobs
World Economic Forum (WEF)
The Future of Learning Institutions in a Digital Age
Cathy N. Davidson, David Theo Goldberg
The Future of Looking Back
Richard Banks
The Future of Reputation
Daniel J. Solove
The Future of the Curriculum
Ben Williamson
The Future of the Internet
Susannah Fox, Janna Quitney Anderson, Lee Rainie
The Future of the Internet
Jonathan L. Zittrain
The Future of the Internet II
Janna Quitney Anderson, Lee Rainie
The Future of the Internet III
Janna Quitney Anderson, Lee Rainie
The Future of the Internet IV
Janna Quitney Anderson, Lee Rainie
The Future of the Professions
Richard Susskind, Daniel Susskind
The Future of Thinking
Cathy N. Davidson, David Theo Goldberg
The Future of Work
Thomas W. Malone
The Future Will Not Be Taught
Devin Carberry
The Game Believes in You
Greg Toppo
The Gamification of Learning and Instruction
Karl M. Kapp
The Gamification of Learning and Instruction Fieldbook
Karl M. Kapp
The Gamification Revolution
Gabe Zichermann, Joselin Linder
The Geek Atlas
John Graham-Cumming
The Geek Gap
Bill Pfeging, Minda Zetlin
The Geography of Thought
Richard E. Nisbett
The Ghost Map
The Glass Cage
Nicholas G. Carr
The Global Internet Economy
Bruce Kogut
The Global Village
Marshall McLuhan, Bruce R Powers
The Global War for Internet Governance
Laura DeNardis
The Good Life
The Google-Story
David A. Vise
The Googlization of Everything
Siva Vaidhyanathan
The Great Divide
Joseph Stiglitz
The Great Experiment
Yascha Mounk
The Great Influenza
John M. Barry
The Great Mental Models
Shane Parrish, Rhiannon Beaubien
The Great Narrative
Klaus Schwab, Thierry Malleret
The Gutenberg Elegies
Sven Birkerts
The Gutenberg Galaxy
Marshall McLuhan
The Handbook of Human-Machine Interaction
Guy A. Boy
The Heart of the Enterprise
Stafford Beer
The Hidden Power of Social Networks
Rob Cross, Andrew Parker
The Hidden Role of Software in Educational Research
Tom Liam Lynch
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
Douglas Adams
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy : Live in Concert
Douglas Adams
The Honest Truth About Dishonesty
Dan Ariely
The Horizon Report
Laurence F. Johnson, Rachel S. Smith
The Horizon Report 2004
Laurence F. Johnson
The Horizon Report 2005
Laurence F. Johnson, Rachel S. Smith
The Horizon Report 2006
Laurence F. Johnson, Rachel S. Smith
The Horizon Report 2007
Laurence F. Johnson, Alan Levine, Rachel S. Smith
The Horizon Report 2008
Laurence F. Johnson, Alan Levine, Rachel S. Smith
The Horizon Report 2009
Laurence F. Johnson, Alan Levine, Rachel S. Smith
The Horizon Report 2010
Laurence F. Johnson, Alan Levine, Rachel S. Smith, Sonja Stone
The Horizon Report 2010: Museum Edition
Laurence F. Johnson, H. Witchey, Rachel S. Smith, Alan Levine, K. Haywood
The Horizon Report 2011
Laurence F. Johnson, Rachel S. Smith, H. Willis, Alan Levine, K. Haywood
The Horizon Report 2011 K-12 Edition
Laurence F. Johnson, S. Adams, K. Haywood
The Horizon Report 2012
Laurence F. Johnson, S. Adams, M. Cummins
The Horizon Report 2012 K-12 Edition
Laurence F. Johnson, S. Adams, M. Cummins
The Horizon Report 2017
The Horizon Report 2018
S. Adams Becker, Malcolm Brown, Eden Dahlstrom, Annie Davis, Kristi DePaul, Veronica Diaz, Jeffery Pomerantz
The Horizon Report 2019
Bryan Alexander, Kevin Ashford-Rowe, Noreen Barajas-Murphy, Gregory Dobbin, Jessica Knott, Mark McCormack, Jeffery Pomerantz, Ryan Seilhamer, Nicole Weber
The Human Side of Enterprise
Douglas McGregor
The Human Use of Human Beings
Norbert Wiener
The Humane Interface
Jef Raskin
The Hundred Languages of Children
Carolyn Edwards, Leila Gandini, George Forman
The ICT Impact Report
Anja Balanskat, Roger Blamire, Stella Kefala
The Images of Time
Robin Le Poidevin
The impact code
Simon Tyler
The Impact of a One-to-One Laptop Computer Program on the Literacy Achievement of Eighth-grade Students With Differing Measured Cognitive Skill Levels
Eric G. Weber
The Impact of Maine’s One-to-One Laptop Program on Middle School Teachers and Students
David L. Silvernail, Dawn M. M. Lane
The Impact of Tablet PCs and Pen-based Technology on Education
Dave A. Berque, Jane Prey, Robert H. Reed
The Impact of Tablet PCs and Pen-based Technology on Education 2006
Dave A. Berque, Jane Prey, Robert H. Reed
The Impact of Tablet PCs and Pen-based Technology on Education 2007
Dave A. Berque, Jane Prey, Robert H. Reed
The Impulse Society
Paul Roberts
The Inevitable
Kevin Kelly
The Infinite Game
Simon Sinek
The Information
James Gleick
The Information Bomb
Paul Virilio
The Information Diet
Clay Johnson
The Inmates are Running the Asylum
Alan Cooper
The Inner History of Devices
Sherry Turkle
The Innovation Delusion
Lee Vinsel, Andrew L. Russell
The Innovator
Walter Isaacson
The Innovators
Walter Isaacson
The Innovator's Cookbook
Steven Johnson
The Innovator's Dilemma
Clayton Christensen
The Innovators Mindset
George Couros
The Innovator's Mindset
George Couros
The Innovator's Way
Peter Denning, Robert Dunham
The Instructional Use of Learning Objects
David A. Wiley
The Intelligent Work Book
Kevin Duncan
The Intentional Stance
Daniel C. Dennett
The Interactive Whiteboard Revolution
Christopher Betcher, Mal Lee
The Interactive Whiteboard Revolution
Anja Balanskat, Roger Blamire, Stella Kefala
The Interactive Whiteboards, Pedagogy and Pupil Performance Evaluation
Gemma Moss, Carey Jewitt, Ros Levaãiç, Vicky Armstrong, Alejandra Cardini, Frances Castle
The Internet Con
Cory Doctorow
The Internet Galaxy
Manuel Castells
The Internet in Everything
Laura DeNardis
The Internet Is Not the Answer
Andrew Keen
The Internet of Things
Samuel Greengard
The Invented Reality
Paul Watzlawick
The Inverted Classroom Model
Eva Großkurth, Jürgen Handke
The Invisible Computer
Donald A. Norman
The Invisible Doctrine
George Monbiot, Peter Hutchison
The Invisible Future
Peter Denning
The Island of the Colorblind and Cycad Island
Oliver Sacks
The Jobless Future: Second Edition
Stanley Aronowitz, William DiFazio
The Journal of the Learning Sciences 6(4)
The keep it simple book
Simon Tyler
The Knowledge Revolution
The Knowledge-Creating Company
Ikujiro Nonaka, Hirotaka Takeuchi
The Language Hoax
John H. McWhorter
The Language of Cyberspace
Andrew van de Moere
The Language of Graphics
Jörg von Engelhardt
The Language of New Media
Lev Manovich
The Language of Thought
Jerry Fodor
The Laptop College
The Laws of Simplicity
John Maeda
The Legacy of a Scientist
David Lipset
The Lexus and the Olive Tree
Thomas Friedman
The Lifestreams Software Architecture
Eric Freeman
The Limits to Growth
William Behrens, Donella Meadows, Dennis Meadows, Jørgen Randers
The Little Blue Book
G. Lakoff, Elisabeth Wehling
The Lonely Century
Noreena Hertz
The Long Tail
Chris Anderson
The Lost Art of Reading
David L. Ulin
The Lucifer Effect
Philip G. Zimbardo
The Machinima Reader
Henry Lowood, Michael Nitsche
The Macy-Conferences 1946-1953
Claus Pias
The Major Transitions in Evolution
John Maynard Smith, Eörs Szathmáry
The Maker Movement Manifesto
Mark Hatch
The Makerspace Workbench
Adam Kemp
The Male Brain
Louann Brizendine
The Man Who Lied to His Laptop
C. Nass
The man who mistook his wife for a hat
Oliver Sacks
The ManyScripts Pedagogical Handbook
Pierre Dillenbourg, Fabrice Hong, Taiga Brahm
The Marshmallow Test
Walter Mischel
The Master Algorithm
Pedro Domingos
The Master Switch
Tim Wu
The Math Myth
Andrew Hacker
The Math(s) Fix
Conrad Wolfram
The Mathematica Book
Stephen Wolfram
The Matrix
Andy Wachowski, Larry Wachowski
The Matrix an Philosophy
William Irwin
The Matrix and Philosophy
William Irwin
The Matrix Reloaded
Larry Wachowski, Andy Wachowski
The Meaning of Tingo
Adam Jacot de Boinod
The mechanism of mind
Edward de Bono
The Media Equation
Bruce Reeves, C. Nass
The Media Familiy
Victoria J. Rideout, Elizabeth Hamel
The Medium is the Massage
Marshall McLuhan, Quentin Fiore
The Medium of the Video Game
Mark J.P. Wolf
The Meme Machine
Susan Blackmore
The Mensch is the Message
The Mental Load
The Mesh
Lisa Gansky
The Metaverse
Matthew Ball
The Microsoft-Story
Dan Good
The Mind of a Mnemonist
A. R. Lurija
The Mind within the Net
Manfred Spitzer
The Mind-Body Problem
Jonathan Westphal
The mindfulness book
Martyn Newmann
The minds I
Douglas Hofstadter, Daniel C. Dennett
The Mobile Campus Matures
The Mobile Connection
Richard Ling
The Model Thinker
Scott E. Page
The Modern Algebra of Information Retrieval
Sándor Dominich
The Monsters of Education Technology
Audrey Watters
The more you see, the more you know
Anton Exner
The Most Human Human
Brian Christian
The Multiplayer Classroom
Lee Sheldon
The Multitasking Mind
Dario D. Salvucci, Niels A. Taatgen
The 'My Mobile' Handbook
Katja Friedrich
The mystery of consciousness
John R. Searle
The Myth Of Artificial Intelligence
Erik J. Larson
The Myth of the First Three Years
John T. Bruer
The Myth of the Paperless Office
Richard Harper, Abigail Sellen
The Mythical Man-Month
Frederick P. Brooks
The Myths of Innovation
Scott Berkun
The Naked Corporation
Don Tapscott, Anthony D. Williams
The Naked Future
Patrick Tucker
The Naked Presenter
Garr Reynolds
The Narcissism Epidemic
Jean M. Twenge, W. Keith Campbell
The Nature of Engineering
G. F. C. Rogers
The Nature of Learning
Hanna Dumont, David Istance, Francisco Benavides
The nature of problem solving
OECD Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, Benő Csapó, Joachim Funke
The Nature of Technology
Michael P. Clough, Joanne K. Olson, Dale S. Niederhauser
The Net
Lutz Dammbeck
The Net Delusion
Evgeny Morozov
The Network Society
Manuel Castells
The Network State
Balaji Srinivasan
The Neuropsychology of Memory
A. R. Lurija
The Never Ending Quest
Clare W. Graves
The New Digital Age
Eric Schmidt, Jared Cohen
The New Digital Storytelling
Bryan Alexander
The New Division of Labor
Frank Levy, Richard Murnane
The New ICT Ecosystem
Fransman Martin
The New Media Reader
Noah Wardrip-Fruin, Nick Montfort
The New Science of the Mind
Mark Rowlands
The New Society
Peter Drucker
The New Turing Omnibus
A. K. Dewdney
The Next Digital Decade
Berin Szoka, Adam Marcus
The no significant difference phenomenon
T. Russell
The Nurnberg Funnel
John M. Carroll
The Oberon System
Martin Reiser
The OECD Handbook for Innovative Learning Environments
OECD Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
The Official ScratchJr Book
Marina Umaschi Bers, Mitchel Resnick
The OLPC XO, Intel Classmate PC and Asus Eee PC user study
Constance Sibanda
The Onlife Manifesto
Luciano Floridi
The Oregon Experiment
Christopher Alexander
The Organization of Behavior
Donald Hebb
The Organization of the Organization
The Overflowing Brain
Torkel Klingberg
The Oxford Dictionary of Philosophy
Simon Blackburn
The Paradoxical Brain
Narinder Kapur
The participatory web in the context of academic research
Cristina Costa
The Pasteurization of France
Bruno Latour
The Pattern On the Stone
Daniel Hillis
The People vs. Democracy
Yascha Mounk
The Perfect Store
Adam Cohen
The Persuaders
Anand Giridharadas
The Phenomenology of Perception
Maurice Merleau-Ponty
The Philosophy of Information
Luciano Floridi
The Philosophy of Software
David M. Berry
The Physics of Information Technology
Neil Gershenfeld
The Physics of Information Technology
Neil Gershenfeld
The Platform Delusion
Jonathan A. Knee.
The Platform Society
José van Dijck, Thomas Poell, Martijn de Waal
The PLE Conference
Ricardo Torres, Graham Attwell, Ilona Buchem, Cristina Costa, Rafael Martín, Tobias Nelkner, Maria Perifanou, Andrea Pozzali
The PLE Conference 2012
Luís Francisco Pedro, Carlos Santos, Sara Almeida
The PLE Conference 2013
Ilona Buchem, Graham Attwell, Gemma Tur
The Pleasure of Finding Things Out
Richard Feynman
The Polarization of Job Opportunities in the U.S. Labor Market
David Autor
The Politics of Bitcoin
David Golumbia
The Politics of Education and Technology
The Postmodern Condition
Jean-François Lyotard
The Power of Identity
Manuel Castells
The Power of Persuasion
Robert Levine
The Power of Pull
John Hagel III, J. S. Brown, Lang Davison
The Power of the Internet for Learning
The Practice of Management
Peter Drucker
The Predictable Failure of Educational Reform
Seymour B. Sarason
The Presenting Book
Nicole Soames
The Principles of Gestalt Psychology
Kurt Koffka
The Printing Press as an Agent of Change
Elizabeth Eisenstein
The Process of Education
Jerome S. Bruner
The Promise of Ubiquitous Computing in Schools
Janette R. Hill, Thomas C. Reeves
The Psychology of Computer Programming
Gerald Weinberg
The Psychology of Digital Media at Work
Daantje Derks, Arnold Bakker
The Psychology of Everyday Things
Donald A. Norman
The Psychology of Happiness
Samuel S. Franklin
The Psychology of Meaningful Verbal Learning
D.P. Ausubel
The Psychology of Rumor
Gordon Allport, Leo Postman
The Psychology of Survey Response
Roger Tourangeau, Lance J. Rips, Kenneth Rasinski
The psychology of written composition
Carl Bereiter, Marlene Scardamalia
The Quantified Self
Deborah Lupton
The Race between Education and Technology
Claudia Goldin
The Reactive Engine
Alan Kay
The Rediscovery of the Mind
John R. Searle
The Reflective Practitioner
Donald A. Schön
The relational model for database management
E. F. Codd
The Relevance of Education
Jerome S. Bruner
The Religion of Technology
David F. Noble
The Restaurant at the End of the Universe
Douglas Adams
The Revenge of the Real
Benjamin H. Bratton
The Rhetoric of Reaction
Albert Hirschman
The Rise of Systems Theory
Robert Lilienfeld
The rise of the creative class and how it’s transforming work, leisure, community and everyday life
Richard Florida
The Rise of the Network Society,
Manuel Castells
The Road to Reality
Roger Penrose
The Role of Technology in CSCL
Heinz Ulrich Hoppe, Hiroaki Ogata, A. Soller
The SAGE Handbook of Organization Studies
Stewart R Clegg, Cynthia Hardy, Tom Lawrence, Walter R Nord
The School of Niklaus Wirth
Lázló Böszörményi, Jürg Gutknecht, Gustav Pomberger
The Science of Boredom
Sandi Mann
The Science of Computing
Matti Tedre
The second coming of Steve Jobs
Alan Deutschman
The Second Machine Age
Erik Brynjolfsson, Andrew McAfee
The Second Self
Sherry Turkle
The Secret Life of Data
Aram Sinnreich, Jesse Gilbert
The Seductive Computer
Derek Partridge
The Selfish Gene
Richard Dawkins
The Semantic Sphere
Pierre Lévy
The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People
Stephen R. Covey
The Shallows
Nicholas G. Carr
The Signal and the Noise
Nate Silver
The Singularity Is Near
Ray Kurzweil
The Singularity is nearer
Ray Kurzweil
The Sirens' Call
Chris Hayes
The Skill Code
Matt Beane
The Skin Of Culture
Derrick de Kerckhove
The Small World
Manfred Kochen
The Smart Marketing Book
Dan White
The Smart Strategy Book
Kevin Duncan
The Snowden Files
Luke Harding
The Social Life of Information
J. S. Brown
The Social Semantic Web
John Breslin, Alexandre Passant, Stefan Decker
The Society of Mind
Marvin Minsky
The Society of Text
Edward Barrett
The soul of a New Machine
Tracy Kidder
The Sources of Innovation
E. von Hippel
The Stack
Benjamin H. Bratton
The Story of Sex
Philippe Brenot, Laetitia Coryn
The Story of Stuff
Annie Leonard
The Strategic Management of E-Learning Support
Franziska Zellweger Moser
The structure of scientific revolutions
Thomas S. Kuhn
The Study of Instinct
Niko Tinbergen
The Sublte Art of Not Giving a F*ck
Mark Manson
The supplemental proceedings of the conference on Integrating technology into computer science education
Lillian N. Cassel, Mats Daniels
The Systemic Dimension of Globalization
Piotr Pachura
The Systems Thinking Playbook
Linda Booth Sweeney, Dennis Meadows
The Tacit Dimension
Michael Polanyi
The Tactics of Change
Richard Fisch, Lynn Segal, John H. Weakland
The Technological Singularity
Murray Shanahan
The technology of teaching
Burrhus F. Skinner
The Technology Toolbelt for Teaching
Susan Manning, Kevin Johnson
The Technology Trap
Carl Benedikt Frey
The Testing and Learning Revolution
Edmund W. Gordon, Kavitha Rajagopalan
The Theory of Educational Technology
Rupert Wegerif, L. Major
The Theory of Fundamental Processes
Richard Feynman
The Theory of Learning in Games
Drew Fudenberg, David K. Levine
The theory of parsing, translation, and compiling
Alfred V. Aho, Jeffrey D. Ullman
The Thin Client/Server Concept - a detailed Profile of Function
Kay Heite
The Third Industrial Revolution
Jeremy Rifkin
The Third Wave
Steve Case
The Third Wave
Alvin Toffler
The Timeless Way of Building
Christopher Alexander
The Tinderbox Way
Mark Bernstein
The Tipping Point
Malcolm Gladwell
The Tower and The Cloud
Richard N. Katz
The Transparent Society
David Brin
The Traveling Salesman Problem
Eugene L. Lawler, J. K. Lenstra, A. H. G. Rinnooy Kan, D. B. Shmoys
The Tree of Knowledge
Humberto R. Maturana, Francisco J. Varela
The Trouble with Computers
Thomas K. Landauer
The Truthful Art
Alberto Cairo
The Turing Omnibus
A. K. Dewdney
The turning point
Fritjof Capra
The Tyranny of Merit
Michael J. Sandel
The Understanding of the Brain
John C. Eccles
The Unified Modeling Language User Guide
Grady Booch, I. Jacobson, J. Rumbaugh
The Unified Software Development Process
Grady Booch, I. Jacobson, J. Rumbaugh
The Unintended Consequences of Artificial Intelligence and Education
Wayne Holmes
The Universal Machine
Ian Watson
The University in Ruins
B. Readings
The UNIX CD Bookshelf
The Unschooled Mind
Howard Gardner
The Upside of Irrationality
Dan Ariely
The use and effects of embedded support devices in independent learning
Rob L. Martens
The use of computer and video games for learning
Alice Mitchell, Carol Savill-Smith
The use of computers in education worldwide
W. J. Pelgrum, Tjeerd Plomp
The Use of Lateral Thinking
Edward de Bono
The use of palmtop computers for learning
P. Kent, Carol Savill-Smith
The Utopia of Rules
David Graeber
The Victorian Internet
Thomas Standage
The Virtual Community
Howard Rheingold
The Visual Display of Quantitative Information
Edward R. Tufte
The War on Learning
Elizabeth Losh
The Watershed Project Management Guide
Thomas H. Davenport
The Wealth of Networks
Yochai Benkler
The Web of Life
Fritjof Capra
The Wholeness of Life
Jiddu Krishnamurti
The Wiki Way
Bo Leuf, Ward Cunningham
The Wisdom of Crowds
James Surowiecki
The Working Brain
A. R. Lurija
The World According to Star Wars
Cass R. Sunstein
The World Is Flat
Thomas Friedman
The World Is Open
Curtis J. Bonk
The Zero Marginal Cost Society
Jeremy Rifkin
Theaterpädagogische Methoden im Informatikunterricht
Christian Renggli
Theatrale Methoden in anderen Fächern
Thema Medienevolution
Theoretical Computer Science
Juraj Hromkovic
Theoretical Foundations of Learning Environments
David H. Jonassen, Susan M. Land
Theoretische Informatik
Juraj Hromkovic
Theorie der Gesellschaft
Jürgen Habermas, Niklas Luhmann
Theorie der Halbbildung
Theodor W. Adorno
Theorie der Schule
Helmut Fend
Theorie der Unbildung
Konrad Paul Liessmann
Theorie der wirtschaftlichen Entwicklung
Theorie des kommunikativen Handelns
Jürgen Habermas
Theorie und Therapie der Neurosen
Viktor Frankl
Theorie versus Praxis?
Yuka Maya Nakamura, Christine Böckelmann, Daniel Tröhler
Theorie, die nicht sterben wollte, Die
Sharon Bertsch McGrayne
Theorien des Curriculums
Karl Frey
Theorien des digitalen Kapitalismus
Tanja Carstensen, Simon Schaupp, Sebastian Sevignani
Theorien und Methoden der modernen Erziehung
Jean Piaget
Theories of the Information Society
Frank Webster
Theory and Practice of Online Learning
Terry Anderson
Theory of Computation as a Vehicle for Teaching Fundamental Concepts of Computer Science
Raimond Reichert
Theory of Educational Technology, The
Rupert Wegerif, L. Major
Theory of Fundamental Processes, The
Richard Feynman
Theory of Games and Economic Behaviour
Oscar Morgenstern, John von Neumann
Theory of Learning in Games, The
Drew Fudenberg, David K. Levine
Theory of Mind
Martin J. Doherty
theory of parsing, translation, and compiling, The
Alfred V. Aho, Jeffrey D. Ullman
Theory of Self-Reproducing Automata
John von Neumann
Theory of Teaching Thinking
Laura Kerslake, Rupert Wegerif
Theory U
Therapie der Zweierbeziehung
Jürg Willi
There Is No Planet B
Mike Berners-Lee
Thesen zur Theorie der generativen Grammatik
Noam Chomsky
Thin Client/Server Concept - a detailed Profile of Function, The
Kay Heite
Randall Munroe
Things That Make Us Smart
Donald A. Norman
Think Better
Tim Hurson
Think Like a Programmer
V. Anton Spraul
Edward de Bono
Thinking and Learning with ICT
Lyn Dawes, Rupert Wegerif
Thinking as Computation
Hector J. Levesque
Thinking for a Living
Thomas H. Davenport
Thinking Forth
Leo Brodie
Thinking in bets
Annie Duke
Thinking in Complexity
Klaus Mainzer
Thinking in Systems
Donella Meadows, Diana Wright
Thinking Machines
Luke Dormehl
Thinking with Data
Max Shron
Thinking with Diagrams
Sybille Krämer, Christina Ljungberg
Thinking, Fast and Slow
Daniel Kahneman
Third International Conference on Concept Mapping
Alberto J. Cañas, Priit Reiska, Mauri Åhlberg, Joseph D. Novak
Third Wave, The
Steve Case
Third Wave, The
Alvin Toffler
This Is Not Normal
Cass R. Sunstein
This Time Is Different
Carmen M. Reinhart, Kenneth S. Rogoff
Thought and Language
Lew Semjonowitsch Vygotsky
Thought as a System
David Bohm
Three worlds of CSCL
Paul A. Kirschner
Throwing Rocks at the Google Bus
Douglas Rushkoff
Dieter E. Zimmer
Jarka Arnold, Tobias Kohn, Aegidius Plüss
Time for socialism
Thomas Piketty
Time Wars
Jeremy Rifkin
Timeless Way of Building, The
Christopher Alexander
TIMSS 2011
Wilfried Bos, Heike Wendt, Olaf Köller, Christoph Selter
TIMSS 2015
Heike Wendt, Wilfried Bos, Christoph Selter, Olaf Köller, Knut Schwippert, Daniel Kasper
Tinderbox Way, The
Mark Bernstein
Curt Gabrielson
Tinkering Towards Utopia
David Tyack, Larry Cuban
Tipping Point, Der
Malcolm Gladwell
Tipps für die Hardwarebeschaffung
Bildungsdirektion des Kantons Zürich, Peter Bucher, Urs Ingold
Tipps und Tricks für Medienprojekte im Unterricht
Oliver Vorndran
To have or to be?
Erich Fromm
To Save Everything, Click Here
Evgeny Morozov
Tod des Kapitalismus, Der
Robert Kurz
Roberto Simanowski
Tödliche Konflikte
Fritz B. Simon
Tomorrow's Learning: Involving Everyone. Learning with and about Technologies and Computing
Arthur Tatnall, Mary Webb
Too Big to Know
David Weinberger
Too Much Information
Cass R. Sunstein
Too much to know
Ann M. Blair
Too Simple to Fail
R. Barker Bausell
Too Smart
Jathan Sadowski
Tools for Thought
Howard Rheingold
Top 100 Global Thought-Leader
Top Incomes
Anthony B. Atkinson, Thomas Piketty
Topic Maps
Thomas Mück, Richard Widhalm
Topik des Lehrplandenkens I
Rudolf Künzli
Gunter Dueck
Torte, Die
Franz Hohler
Total berechenbar
Christoph Dröser
Total Cost of Ownership
Gartner Group
Total Digital
Total Digital
Nicholas Negroponte
Total Quality Management in Schulen
Maria Haindl
Total Recall
Gordon Bell, Jim Gemmell
Total unter Kontrolle
Norbert F. Pötzl
Total vernetzt
Friedemann Mattern
Toward a New Literacy of Cooperation in Business
Alex Soojung-Kim Pang, Howard Rheingold, Andrea Saveri, Kathi Vian
Toward a theory of cultural transparency
Etienne Wenger
Towards a theory of instruction
Jerome S. Bruner
Towards Digital Enlightenment
Dirk Helbing
Towards Responsible Development of Generative AI for Education
Google LearnLM-Team
Tower and The Cloud, The
Richard N. Katz
Toys to Tools
Liz Kolb
Toys, Games, and Media
Jeffrey Goldstein, David Buckingham, Giles Brougère
Tracing the Dynabook
John W. Maxwell
Tractatus logico-philosophicus
Ludwig Wittgenstein
Tractatus logico-suicidalis
Hermann Burger
Trafficking Data
Aynne Kokas
Trainingsprogramm zur Lernzielanalyse
Hilbert Meyer
Transactional Analysis in Psychotherapy
Eric Berne
Transaktionsanalyse in der Psychotherapie, Die
Eric Berne
Transformational Teaching in the Information Age
Thomas R. Rosebrough, Ralph G. Leverett
Transformationsanspruch in Forschung und Bildung
Jennifer Blank, Claudia Bergmüller, Sonja Sälzle
Transformative Approaches to New Technologies and Student Diversity in Futures Oriented Classrooms
Leonie Rowan, Chris Bigum
Transforming American Education: Learning Powered by Technology
Transforming Primary Mathematics
Mike Askew
Transparent Society, The
David Brin
Byung-Chul Han
Transparenz-Revolution, Die
Traum, Schlaf und Tod
Francisco J. Varela, Dalai Lama
Traumdeutung, Die
Sigmund Freud
Stefan Klein
Traveling Salesman Problem, The
Eugene L. Lawler, J. K. Lenstra, A. H. G. Rinnooy Kan, D. B. Shmoys
Trees and Hierarchies in SQL for Smarties
Joe Celko
Treibhäuser der Zukunft
Reinhard Kahl
Trend Report: Open Educational Resources 2012
Ria Jacobi, Nicolai van der Woert
Trends 2017
Trends Shaping Education 2022
OECD Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Tretmühlen des Glücks, Die
Mathias Binswanger
Triadische Karriereberatung
Kornelia Rappe-Giesecke
Uwe Flick
Trick Mirror
Jia Tolentino
Trick mit dem Klick, Der
Thomas Feibel
Steffen Mau, Thomas Lux, Linus Westheuser
TRIZ for Engineers
Karen Gadd
Trolling in a nutshell
Trouble with Computers, The
Thomas K. Landauer
True Enough
Farhad Manjoo
Trump and a Post-Truth World
Ken Wilber
Trust in IT
Arnold Picot, Udo Hertz, Thomas Götz
Trust, Privacy and Security in Digital Business
Simone Fischer-Hübner, Costas Lambrinoudakis, Gabriele Kotsis, A Min Tjoa, Ismail Khalil
Truth and Method
Hans-Georg Gadamer
Truthful Art, The
Alberto Cairo
Tun des Einen ist das Tun des Anderen, Das
Helm Stierlin
Turing Omnibus, The
A. K. Dewdney
Turtle geometry
Harold Abelson, Andrea diSessa
Turtles, Termites, and Traffic Jams
Mitchel Resnick
Twitter: Eine wahre Geschichte von Geld, Macht, Freundschaft und Verrat
Nick Bilton
Two-Person Game Theory
Anatol Rapoport
David Crystal
Typisch Mensch
Richard Bents, Reiner Blank
Typographie professionell
Rudolf Paulus Gorbach
Hannah Witte
C. G. Jung
Tyranny of Merit, The
Michael J. Sandel
Üben und Wiederholen
Über den nervösen Charakter
Alfred Adler
Über den Umgang mit Menschen
Monique R. Siegel
Über den Ungehorsam
Erich Fromm
Über die Biologie des Ursachendenkens
Rupert Riedl
Über die Entstehung der Arten durch natürliche Zuchtwahl
Charles Darwin
Über die geistige Entwicklung des Kindes
Hans Aebli
Über die Grundlage der Moral
Arthur Schopenhauer
Über die Psychologie des Unbewussten
C. G. Jung
Über die vierfache Wurzel des Satzes vom zureichenden Grund
Arthur Schopenhauer
Über Geld spricht man nicht
Jürg Spielmann
Über Gewissheit
Ludwig Wittgenstein
Über Grenzen des Begreifens
Ernst von Glasersfeld
Über Spiegel und andere Phänomene
Umberto Eco
Über tierisches und menschliches Verhalten
Konrad Lorenz
Über Tyrannei
Timothy Snyder
Über Verantwortung
Hans Jonas
Über-Blicke, Ein-Blicke
Hans Berner
Überblicksstudie zum Thema Digitalisierung in der Lehrerbildung
Lutz Goertz, Berit Baeßler, MMB Institut für Medien- und Kompetenzforschung
Überfachliche Kompetenzen
Urs Grob, Katharina Maag Merki
Überfachliche Kompetenzen
AfH Arbeitsstelle für Hochschuldidaktik
Überfachliche Kompetenzen junger Erwachsener am Übergang zwischen Schule und Beruf
Christine Bieri Buschor, Esther Forrer
Malcolm Gladwell
Überfluss und Überdruss in unserer Gesellschaft
Erich Fromm
Übergang ins Studium II, Der
Philipp Notter, Claudia Arnold
Übergang ins Studium, Der
Philipp Notter, Claudia Arnold
Gabriele Bellenberg, Katrin Höhmann, Edeltraud Röbe
Überleben im 21. Jahrhundert
Alvin Toffler, Heidi Toffler
Überleben im digitalen Zeitalter
Artur P. Schmidt
Überlebensprogramm, Das
Frederic Vester
Überlegungen zu einer standardisierten und wartungsarmen IT-Struktur für hessische Schulen
Günther Käberich, Herbert Kirchner, Klaus Kuhley, Volker Rüddigkeit, Friedhelm Steigerwald
übersättigte Selbst, Das
Kenneth Gergen
Überwachen und Strafen
Michel Foucault
Überwachtes Netz
Markus Beckedahl, Andre Meister
Überwachung total
Peter Schaar
Überwindung von Schranken durch E-Learning
Peter Baumgartner, Gabi Reinmann
Überzeugungen von Lehrpersonen zu digitalen Medien
Daniela Knüsel