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The Emotional Load

And Other Invisible Stuff
Emma ,
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The Emotional LoadAfter the success of The Mental Load, Emma continues in her new book to tangle with issues pertinent to women's experiences, from consent to the "power of love," from the care and attentiveness that women place on others' wellbeing and social cohesion, and how it constitutes another burden on women, to contraception, to the true nature of gallantry, from the culture of rape to diets, from safety in public spaces to retirement, along with social issues such as police violence, women's rights, and green capitalism. And, once more, she hits the mark.
Von Klappentext im Buch The Emotional Load (2020)

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The Emotional Load E - - 0 1609809564 Swissbib Worldcat Bestellen bei Amazon.de Buy it now!

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