Reich und ArmUnequal Societies and What We Can Do About Them
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Wachsende Ungleichheit ist kein Schicksal, sondern Folge politischer Entscheidungen, diese Überzeugung vertritt Joseph Stiglitz vehement. Deswegen fordert er eine Politik, die den Wohlstand endlich wieder gerechter verteilt. In seinem neuen Buch zeigt er uns, jenen 99 Prozent der Bevölkerung, denen die zunehmende Spaltung der Gesellschaft in Reich und Arm schadet, welche Risiken die wachsende Ungleichheit birgt und was wir gegen sie tun können. »Reich und Arm« versammelt die einflussreichsten Texte von Joseph Stiglitz aus den letzten Jahren, erstmals sind seine kämpferischen Einwürfe nun auf Deutsch zu lesen. Wer über die wachsende Ungleichheit in unserer Gesellschaft mitdiskutieren will, wird an »Reich und Arm« nicht vorbeikommen.
Von Klappentext im Buch Reich und Arm (2015) In The Great Divide, Joseph E. Stiglitz expands on the diagnosis he offered in his best-selling book The Price of Inequality and suggests ways to counter America’s growing problem. With his signature blend of clarity and passion, Stiglitz argues that inequality is a choice―the cumulative result of unjust policies and misguided priorities.
Gathering his writings for popular outlets including Vanity Fair and the New York Times, Stiglitz exposes in full America's inequality: ist dimensions, ist causes, and ist consequences for the nation and for the world. From Reagan-era to the Great Recession and ist long aftermath, Stiglitz delves into the irresponsible policies―deregulation, tax cuts, and tax breaks for the 1 percent―that are leaving many Americans farther and farther beyond and turning the American dream into an ever more unachievable myth. With formidable yet accessible economic insight, he urges us to embrace real solutions: increasing taxes on corporations and the wealthy; offering more help to the children of the poor; investing in education, science, and infrastructure; helping out homeowners instead of banks; and, most importantly, doing more to restore the economy to full employment. Stiglitz also draws lessons from Scandinavia, Singapore, and Japan, and he argues against the tide of unnecessary, destructive austerity that is sweeping across Europe.
Ultimately, Stiglitz believes our choice is not between growth and fairness; with the right policies, we can choose both. His complaint is not so much about capitalism as such, but how twenty-first-century capitalism has been perverted. His is a call to confront America's economic inequality as the political and moral issue that it is. If we reinvest in people and pursue the other policies that he describes, America can live up to the shared dream of a more prosperous, more equal society.
Von Klappentext im Buch Reich und Arm (2015) Gathering his writings for popular outlets including Vanity Fair and the New York Times, Stiglitz exposes in full America's inequality: ist dimensions, ist causes, and ist consequences for the nation and for the world. From Reagan-era to the Great Recession and ist long aftermath, Stiglitz delves into the irresponsible policies―deregulation, tax cuts, and tax breaks for the 1 percent―that are leaving many Americans farther and farther beyond and turning the American dream into an ever more unachievable myth. With formidable yet accessible economic insight, he urges us to embrace real solutions: increasing taxes on corporations and the wealthy; offering more help to the children of the poor; investing in education, science, and infrastructure; helping out homeowners instead of banks; and, most importantly, doing more to restore the economy to full employment. Stiglitz also draws lessons from Scandinavia, Singapore, and Japan, and he argues against the tide of unnecessary, destructive austerity that is sweeping across Europe.
Ultimately, Stiglitz believes our choice is not between growth and fairness; with the right policies, we can choose both. His complaint is not so much about capitalism as such, but how twenty-first-century capitalism has been perverted. His is a call to confront America's economic inequality as the political and moral issue that it is. If we reinvest in people and pursue the other policies that he describes, America can live up to the shared dream of a more prosperous, more equal society.
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2 Erwähnungen
- Weissbuch Arbeiten 4.0 (Bundesministerium für Arbeit und Soziales) (2017)
- Keystroke-Kapitalismus - Ungleichheit auf Knopfdruck (Aaron Sahr) (2017)
Co-zitierte Bücher
Volltext dieses Dokuments
Titel | Format | Bez. | Aufl. | Jahr | ISBN | ||||||
Reich und Arm | D | - | - | 0 | 3827500680 | ||||||
The Great Divide | E | - | - | 0 | 0393248577 |
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