Transforming Primary Mathematics |
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What is good mathematics teaching? What is mathematics teaching good for? Who is mathematics teaching for?
Under-pinned by findings from the largest research programme into primary mathematics funded in recent years, Transforming Primary Mathematics offers a clear, practical approach to implementing fundamental change in curriculum, classroom environment and teaching styles. It offers an inspiring, sometimes controversial, and often unconventional look at the subject of mathematics, by:
Von Klappentext im Buch Transforming Primary Mathematics (2011) Under-pinned by findings from the largest research programme into primary mathematics funded in recent years, Transforming Primary Mathematics offers a clear, practical approach to implementing fundamental change in curriculum, classroom environment and teaching styles. It offers an inspiring, sometimes controversial, and often unconventional look at the subject of mathematics, by:
- Endorsing the use of a ‘new mathematics’ – one based on problem solving, modelling and inquiry, not on abstract rules, memorising, and regurgitation
- Arguing that there is more to maths teaching than ‘death by a thousand worksheets’
- Challenging norms, such as the practice of sorting children into sets based on their perceived mathematical ability
- Advocating an environment where teachers are encouraged to take risks
- Looking at how best to prepare learners for an unknown future
- Encouraging reflection on teachers’ own beliefs and values about mathematics.
- Transforming Primary Mathematics is for all primary school teachers who want to make mathematics welcoming, engaging, inclusive and successful.
Dieses Buch erwähnt ...
Begriffe KB IB clear | Curriculum / Lehrplancurriculum , Kinderchildren , LehrerInteacher , Mathematikmathematics , Schuleschool , USA , Zone of Proximal Development |
Dieses Buch erwähnt vermutlich nicht ...
Nicht erwähnte Begriffe | Bildung, Digitalisierung, Eltern, Lehrplan 21, Lernen, Primarschule (1-6) / Grundschule (1-4), Schweiz, Unterricht |
Volltext dieses Dokuments
Titel | Format | Bez. | Aufl. | Jahr | ISBN | ||||||
Transforming Primary Mathematics | D | - | - | 0 | 0415607019 | ||||||
Transforming Primary Mathematics | E | - | - | 0 | 0415607027 |
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