The Accidental BillionairesThe Founding of Facebook: A Tale of Sex, Money, Genius and Betrayal
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Best friends Eduardo Saverin and Mark Zuckerberg had spent many lonely nights looking for a way to stand out among Harvard University´s elite, comptetitive, and accomplished  student body. Then, in 2003, Zuckerberg hacked into Harvard´s computers, crashed the campus network, almost got himself expelled, and was inspired to create Facebook, the social networking site that has since revolutionized communication around the world.
With Saverin´s funding their tiny start-up went from dorm room to Silicon Valley. But conflicting ideas about Facebook´s future transformed the friends into enemies. Soon, the undergraduate exuberance that marked their collaboration turned into out-and-out warfare as it fell prey to the adult world of venture capitalists, big money, lawyers.
Von Klappentext im Buch The Accidental Billionaires (2009) With Saverin´s funding their tiny start-up went from dorm room to Silicon Valley. But conflicting ideas about Facebook´s future transformed the friends into enemies. Soon, the undergraduate exuberance that marked their collaboration turned into out-and-out warfare as it fell prey to the adult world of venture capitalists, big money, lawyers.
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- Digital Exposure - Postmodern Postcapitalism (Raphael Sassower) (2013)
- Das digitale Debakel - Warum das Internet gescheitert ist - und wie wir es retten können (Andrew Keen) (2015)
- 2. Das Geld
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