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The Tyranny of Merit

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The Tyranny of MeritThese are dangerous times for democracy. We live in an age of winners and losers, where the odds are stacked in favor of the already fortunate. Stalled social mobility and entrenched inequality give the lie to the American credo that "you can make it if you try". The consequence is a brew of anger and frustration that has fueled populist protest and extreme polarization, and led to deep distrust of both government and our fellow citizens--leaving us morally unprepared to face the profound challenges of our time.

World-renowned philosopher Michael J. Sandel argues that to overcome the crises that are upending our world, we must rethink the attitudes toward success and failure that have accompanied globalization and rising inequality. Sandel shows the hubris a meritocracy generates among the winners and the harsh judgement it imposes on those left behind, and traces the dire consequences across a wide swath of American life. He offers an alternative way of thinking about success--more attentive to the role of luck in human affairs, more conducive to an ethic of humility and solidarity, and more affirming of the dignity of work. The Tyranny of Merit points us toward a hopeful vision of a new politics of the common good.
Von Klappentext im Buch The Tyranny of Merit (2020)

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Bildungeducation (Bildung) , Bildungspolitikeducation politics , Chancengerechtigkeit , Demokratiedemocracy , Elternparents , Erfolg , Gesellschaftsociety , Globalisierungglobalization , gritgrit , Hochschulehigher education institution , Kapitalismus , Kinderchildren , Meritokratie , Moral , Nachhilfe-Unterricht , Politikpolitics , Schuleschool , survival of the fittestsurvival of the fittest , Universitätuniversity , Unterricht , Vertrauentrust , Wirtschafteconomy

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Titel   Format Bez. Aufl. Jahr ISBN          
The Tyranny of Merit D - - 0 0241407605 Swissbib Worldcat Bestellen bei Amazon.de
The Tyranny of Merit E - - 0 0141991186 Swissbib Worldcat Bestellen bei Amazon.de Buy it now!

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