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Before It's Too Late
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Think!The world is full of problems and conflicts. So why can we not solve them? According to Edward de Bono, current thinking cannot solve world problems because current thinking is itself the problem. And this is getting worse: we are so accustomed to readily available information online that we search immediately for the answers rather than thinking about them. Our minds function like trying to drive a car using only one wheel. There's nothing wrong with that one wheel—conventional thinking—but we could all get a lot further if we used all four. De Bono examines why we think the way we do from a historical perspective and uses some of his famous thinking techniques combined with new ideas to show us how to change the way we think. If we strengthen our ability and raise our thinking level, other areas of our life—both personal and business success—will improve. De Bono is the master of the original big "concept" book and his enticement to us to use our minds as constructively as possible should appeal to a whole new generation of fans.
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Beat hat dieses Buch während seiner Zeit am Institut für Medien und Schule (IMS) ins Biblionetz aufgenommen. Er hat dieses Buch einmalig erfasst und bisher nicht mehr bearbeitet. Beat besitzt weder ein physisches noch ein digitales Exemplar. Aufgrund der wenigen Einträge im Biblionetz scheint er es nicht wirklich gelesen zu haben. Es gibt bisher auch nur wenige Objekte im Biblionetz, die dieses Werk zitieren.

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