Technological SlaveryThe Collected Writings of Theodore J. Kaczynski, a.k.a. "The Unabomber"
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Theodore J. Kaczynski has been convicted for illegally transporting, mailing, and using bombs, resulting in the deaths of three people. He is now serving a life sentence in the supermax prison in Florence, Colorado.
The ideas and views expressed by Kaczynski before and after his capture raise crucial issues concerning the evolution and future of our society. For the first time, the reader will have access to an uncensored personal account of his anti-technology philosophy, which goes far beyond Unabomber pop culture mythology.
Feral House does not support or justify Kaczynski's crimes, nor does the author receive royalties or compensation for this book. It is this publisher´s mission, as well as a foundation of the First Amendment, to allow the reader the ability to discern the value of any document.
David Skrbina, who wrote the introduction, teaches philosophy at the University of Michigan, Dearborn.
Von Klappentext im Buch Technological Slavery (2010) The ideas and views expressed by Kaczynski before and after his capture raise crucial issues concerning the evolution and future of our society. For the first time, the reader will have access to an uncensored personal account of his anti-technology philosophy, which goes far beyond Unabomber pop culture mythology.
Feral House does not support or justify Kaczynski's crimes, nor does the author receive royalties or compensation for this book. It is this publisher´s mission, as well as a foundation of the First Amendment, to allow the reader the ability to discern the value of any document.
David Skrbina, who wrote the introduction, teaches philosophy at the University of Michigan, Dearborn.
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Begriffe KB IB clear | Gesellschaftsociety , Industrielle Revolutionindustrial revolution , Technologietechnology , Technologisierung des Alltags , Terrorismusterrorism |
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