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The Innovator's Cookbook

Essentials for Inventing What Is Next
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The Innovator's CookbookFrom bestselling author and Internet pioneer Steven Johnson, an essential book for anyone interested in innovation: the key texts on the topic from a wide range of fields as well as interviews with successful, real-world innovators, prefaced with an original essay from Johnson that draws upon his own experiences as an entrepreneur and author.
In The Innovator's Cookbook, Johnson compiles the best and most influential foundational texts and essays from field leaders including Stewart Brand, Clayton Christensen, Richard Florida, Teresa Amabile, Peter Drucker, Amar Bhide, and many more. New conversations on innovation from Ray Ozzie (former chief software architect at Microsoft), Beth Noveck, Jon Schnur, Katie Salen, Tom Kelley, and Brian Eno are included.
Innovation is today’s buzzword for a reason. The need to push forward, find new paths and new ideas in an ever-evolving world, is a vital part of business, of education, of politics, of our daily lives. Building on the success of Johnson's Where Good Ideas Come From -- one of the most acclaimed business books of 2010 -- The Innovator's Cookbook makes a major new contribution to this vital conversation.
Von Klappentext im Buch The Innovator's Cookbook (2011)

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Arbeitwork , Innovationinnovation , Internetinternet , Kreativitätcreativity , Managementmanagement , Microsoft , Softwaresoftware

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