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The Oxford Dictionary of Philosophy

Simon Blackburn , local 
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The Oxford Dictionary of PhilosophyAll the terms one would expect to find in a comprehensive dictionary of philosophy can be found in this expertly researched reference, plus many terms and concepts not ususally found in such reference works. Capsule biographies of nearly 500 individuals, from the pre-Socratics through such major figures as Aquinas, Lady Anne Finch, Nietzsche, and Einstein, are included.
Von Klappentext im Buch The Oxford Dictionary of Philosophy (1996)
The Oxford Dictionary of PhilosophyAll the terms one would expect to find in a comprehensive dictionary of philosophy can be found in this expertly researched reference, plus many terms and concepts not ususally found in such reference works. Capsule biographies of nearly 500 individuals, from the pre-Socratics through such major figures as Aquinas, Lady Anne Finch, Nietzsche, and Einstein, are included.
Von Klappentext im Buch The Oxford Dictionary of Philosophy (1996)

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Philosophiephilosophy , Trolley-Problem

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The Oxford Dictionary of Philosophy e - - 0 0192831348 Swissbib Worldcat Bestellen bei Amazon.de Buy it now!

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