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The Big Book of Computing Pedagogy

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The Big Book of Computing PedagogyThe Big Book of Computing Pedagogy: Hello World’s first-ever special edition focuses on approaches to teaching computing in the classroom, and includes some of our favourite pedagogically themed articles from previous Hello World issues, as well as a couple of never-seen-before features. This special issue aims to be your companion to learning about tried-and-tested approaches to teaching computing. It bridges the gap between research and practice, giving you accessible chunks of research, followed by stories from trusty educators who have tried out various approaches in their classroom or educational space.
Von Klappentext im Buch The Big Book of Computing Pedagogy (2021)
The Big Book of Computing PedagogyAfter nearly five years of Hello World, we’re delighted to welcome you to our first-ever special edition, The Big Book of Computing Pedagogy! This special edition focuses on approaches to teaching computing in the classroom, and includes some of our favourite pedagogically themed articles from previous issues of Hello World, as well as a couple of neverseen- before pieces. It is structured around twelve pedagogical principles, originally developed by the Raspberry Pi Foundation for the National Centre for Computing Education in England. These principles, which are introduced on page five, are based on up-to-date research about the best ways of approaching the teaching and learning of computing.
Von Klappentext im Buch The Big Book of Computing Pedagogy (2021)

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