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notional machine


Studying the Novice ProgrammerA notional machine is the idealized model of the computer implied by the constructs of the programming language.
Von Benedict du Boulay, Tim O'Shea, John Monk im Buch Studying the Novice Programmer im Text The black box inside the glass box (1981)
Studying the Novice ProgrammerThe notional machine is an idealized, conceptual computer whose properties are implied by the constructs in the programming language employed. That is, the properties of the notional machine are language, rather than hardware, dependent.
Von Benedict du Boulay, Tim O'Shea, John Monk im Buch Studying the Novice Programmer im Text The black box inside the glass box (1981)
Tobias KohnDennis KommThe notional machine is a model of the machine that conceptually executes the program code. In principle, it answers the question: what does a machine need in order to understand, follow and execute the program code? As such it differs from the actual implementation on any level, and is therefore not bound to the physical computer, or a virtual machine.
Von Tobias Kohn, Dennis Komm im Konferenz-Band Informatics in Schools: Fundamentals of Computer Science and Software Engineering (2018) im Text Teaching Programming and Algorithmic Complexity with Tangible Machines
Computer Science EducationA notional machine is not a physical computer but an abstraction of computer software and hardware; it is the set of capabilities that a particular programming language or environment affords to the programmer. Understanding a notional machine enables a programmer to answer questions such as: What can this programming system do for me? What are the things it can’t or won’t do? What is the division of labour between myself and the computer system (i.e. between the human instructor and the mechanistic instructee)? What changes in the system does each of my instructions bring about as my program is run? How do I reason about what my program does?
Von Juha Sorva im Buch Computer Science Education (2018) im Text Misconceptions and the Beginner Programmer


Tobias KohnDennis KommThe notional machine is primarily determined through the programming language, libraries and frameworks used. An excellent treatment of the notional machine can be found in Sorva [23].
Von Tobias Kohn, Dennis Komm im Konferenz-Band Informatics in Schools: Fundamentals of Computer Science and Software Engineering (2018) im Text Teaching Programming and Algorithmic Complexity with Tangible Machines
Studying the Novice ProgrammerFor a strategy based on a notional machine to be effective, the notional machine must conform to two important principles. First, the notional machine employed should be conceptually simple, and second, methods should be provided for the novice to observe certain of its workings in action.
Von Benedict du Boulay, Tim O'Shea, John Monk im Buch Studying the Novice Programmer im Text The black box inside the glass box (1981)
Tobias KohnDennis KommGetting a good understanding of the notional machine is crucial for programming. When we regard programming as communication between man and the machine, with the programmer being the sender of the message (the program code), then the notional machine is the receiver of the message. It determines the effect of a given program code, and answers accordingly to the programmer. Of course, successful communication can only take place with a working model and understanding of the second party involved, i.e., the notional machine.
Von Tobias Kohn, Dennis Komm im Konferenz-Band Informatics in Schools: Fundamentals of Computer Science and Software Engineering (2018) im Text Teaching Programming and Algorithmic Complexity with Tangible Machines

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John Monk John
Tim O'Shea Tim
Benedict du Boulay Benedict
du Boulay
Jorma Sajaniemi Jorma
John D. Ferguson John D.
Linxiao Ma Linxiao
Marc Roper Marc
Murray Wood Murray
Anthony Robins Anthony
Raymond Lister Raymond
Jacqueline L. Whalley Jacqueline L.
Janet Rountree Janet
Nathan Rountree Nathan
Marja Kuittinen Marja
Dennis Komm Dennis
Errol Thompson Errol
Mordechai Ben-Ari Mordechai
Claudio Mirolo Claudio
Vashti Galpin Vashti
Albrecht Ehlert Albrecht
Tina Götschi Tina
Tobias Kohn Tobias
Mike Lopez Mike
Cruz Izu Cruz
Ulrich Hauser Ulrich
John T. Stasko John T.

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Didaktik der Informatik 2019S4: Was weiss man zum Programmieren?22.08.2019
Didaktik der Informatik 2020S4: Was weiss man zum Programmieren?22.08.2019
Didaktik der Informatik 2021S4: Was weiss man zum Programmieren?22.08.2019


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