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ITiCSE 2019

Proceedings of the 2019 ACM Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education, Aberdeen, Scotland, UK, July 15-17, 2019
Bruce Scharlau, Roger McDermott, Arnold Pears, Mihaela Sabin ,

Teil der ITICSE-Konferenzen

iconKapitel  Unter den anklickbaren Kapiteln finden Sie Informationen über einzelne Teile des gewählten Werks.

  • Programme Integrating Courses Fighting to Get Engineers to Reflect on Non-technical Topics (Emma Riese, Olle Bälter, Björn Hedin, Viggo Kann) (2019) local web 
  • A Reflective Writing Framework for Computing Education (Huda Alrashidi, Mike Joy, Thomas Daniel Ullmann) (2019) local web 
  • Effect of Native Language on Student Learning and Classroom Interaction in an Operating Systems Course (Adalbert Gerald Soosai Raj, Eda Zhang, Saswati Mukherjee, Jim Williams, , Jignesh M. Patel) (2019) local web 
  • Digital Storytelling and Group Work - Integrating the Narrative Approach into a Higher Education Computer Science Course (, Marianna Vivitsou) (2019) local web 
  • How Prior Programming Experience Affects Students' Pair Programming Experiences and Outcomes (Nicholas A. Bowman, Lindsay Jarratt, K. C. Culver, Alberto Maria Segre) (2019) local web 
  • From Studying to Learning Computer Science - A study of the first-year experience of computer science education at university (Madeleine Lorås) (2019) local web 
  • A Framework for Decomposition in Computational Thinking (Peter J. Rich, Garrett Egan, Jordan Ellsworth) (2019) local web 
  • Interdisciplinary Computer Science Pre-service TeacherPreparation - Panel (Francesco Maiorana, Gretchen Richards, Chery Lucarelli, Miles Berry, ) (2019) local web 
  • Laughter over Dread - Early Collaborative Problem Solving through an Extended Induction using Robots (Mark Zarb, Michael Scott) (2019) local web 
  • Does Studying CS Automatically Foster a Growth Mindset? (Michael Lodi) (2019) local web 
  • Teaching Self-Balancing Trees Using a Beauty Contest (Samah Senbel) (2019) local web 
  • Resources for Researching and Teaching Computing Education in Primary and Secondary Schools - What Exists and What is Still Needed (, Miles Berry, , ) (2019) local web 
  • How Can Children Express Their Intentions Through Coding? - Analysis of Viscuit Programs in Kindergarten (Takeshi Watanabe, Yuriko Nakayama, Yasunori Harada, Yasushi Kuno) (2019) local web 
  • Improving Functional Programming Understanding through Student-Created Instructional Videos (Pedro Guillermo Feijóo García, Christina Gardner-McCune) (2019) local web 
  • Investigating Novice Programmers' Interaction with Programming Environments (Ioannis Karvelas) (2019) local web 
  • Designing for a Connected World (Kate Stone) (2019) local web 
  • Teaching Integer Security Using Simple Visualizations (James W. Walker, Man Wang, Steven Carr, Jean Mayo, ) (2019) local web 
  • Computing Ipsative Assessment - Improving the Student Experience in Higher Education Using Personalised Assessment and Feedback (Ryan Crosby, Marie Devlin, Lindsay Marshall) (2019) local web 
  • Understanding CS Undergraduate Students' Professional Identity through the lens of their Professional Development (Amanpreet Kapoor, Christina Gardner-McCune) (2019) local web 
  • Utilising Game Design to Create Engaging Education - A framework for Gameful Learning (David Williams) (2019) local web 
  • Novice Rationales for Sketching and Tracing, and How They Try to Avoid It (Kathryn Cunningham, Shannon Ke, , ) (2019) local web 
  • Unplugged Activities to Introduce Parallel Computing in Introductory Programming Classes - an Experience Report (Sheikh K. Ghafoor, David W. Brown, Mike Rogers, Thomas M. Hines) (2019) local web 
  • Eye Tracking to Evaluate Comprehension of Computational Thinking (Abdurrahman Arslanyilmaz, Kendra Corpier) (2019) local web 
  • Motivating High School Girls to Study Computer Science (Mirela Gutica) (2019) local web 
  • Findings from a Multi-year Study of CT in K-2 Students in Formal and Informal Settings (Tony Lowe, Sean Brophy, Monica Cardella) (2019) local web 
  • Identifying and Validating Java Misconceptions Toward a CS1 Concept Inventory (Ricardo Caceffo, Pablo Frank-Bolton, Renan Souza, Rodolfo Azevedo) (2019) local web 
  • Applying Case-Based Learning for a Postgraduate Software Architecture Course (Eng Lieh Ouh, Yunghans Irawan) (2019) local web 
  • Learning through Construction's Influence on IT Students' Identity Formation (Justyna Szynkiewicz) (2019) local web 
  • Evaluating Instructors' Classification of Programming Exercises Using the Revised Bloom's Taxonomy (Susana Masapanta-Carrión, ) (2019) local web 
  • Infusing Data Science Across Disciplines (Debzani Deb, Russell M. Smith, Muztaba Fuad) (2019) local web 
  • Measuring Instruction Comprehension by Mining Memory Traces for Early Formative Feedback in Java Courses (Frank Höppner) (2019) local web 
  • Quantifying Activity and Collaboration Levels in Programming Assignments (James F. Power, John Waldron) (2019) local web 
  • Pass Rates in STEM Disciplines Including Computing (, , Vangel V. Ajanovski, Eric Fouh, Chris Gonsalvez, , Jack Parkinson, Matthew Poole, Neena Thota) (2019) local web 
  • Teaching AVR Assembly by Building an Arduino Arcade Machine (Michael Black, Joseph Matta) (2019) local web 
  • Bridging the Digital Skills Gap - Are computing degree apprenticeships the answer? (Ella Taylor-Smith, Sally Smith, Khristin Fabian, Tessa Berg, Debbie Meharg, Alison Varey) (2019) local web 
  • From Data To Insights in CS1 (Ananda Gunawardena) (2019) local web 
  • Idempotent Factorizations - A New Addition to the Cryptography Classroom (Barry Fagin) (2019) local web 
  • Exploring the Correlation Between Teacher Pedagogical Content Knowledge and Content Knowledge in Computer Science Classrooms (, Taneisha Lee, Dana Wanzer, Brian Magerko, Doug Edwards, Sabrina Grossman, Emily Bryans, Jason Freeman) (2019) local web 
  • Applying Gamification to Motivate Students to Write High-Quality Code in Programming Assignments (Remin Kasahara, Kazunori Sakamoto, Hironori Washizaki, Yoshiaki Fukazawa) (2019) local web 
  • Pedagogical Content for Professors of Introductory Programming Courses (Yorah Bosse, David F. Redmiles, Marco Aurélio Gerosa) (2019) local web 
  • Student Motivation and Engagement in STEM Courses - Exploring the Potential Impact of Gamification (, Darina Dicheva, Christo Dichev, Breonte Guy, Keith Irwin) (2019) local web 
  • Pattern-Oriented Instruction and its Influence on Meaningful Learning of Algorithmic Patterns and Acquiring Fundamental Skills in Computer Science (Liat Nakar) (2019) local web 
  • Understanding How Work Habits influence Student Performance (Seth Copen Goldstein, Hongyi Zhang, Majd Sakr, Haokang An, Cameron Dashti) (2019) local web 
  • If Memory Serves - A Game to Supplement the Instruction of Concepts Related to Pointers (, Ian Pollock) (2019) local web 
  • Insights from using Supplemental Instruction (SI) in Data Structures Course to Increase Retention (Aparna Mahadev) (2019) local web 
  • A Survey of Introductory Programming Courses in Ireland () (2019) local web 
  • AlgoBOWL - A Competition-Based Group Project for Algorithms Courses (Dinesh P. Mehta, Jack Rosenthal) (2019) local web 
  • Use, Modify, Create - Comparing Computational Thinking Lesson Progressions for STEM Classes (Nicholas Lytle, , Danielle Boulden, Yihuan Dong, Jennifer Houchins, Alexandra Milliken, Amy Isvik, Dolly Bounajim, , ) (2019) local web 
  • A Conceptual Framework for Identifying Emotional Factors Leading to Student Disengagement in VLEs (Lubna Alharbi, Floriana Grasso, Phil Jimmieson) (2019) local web 
  • Impact of HFOSS on Education on Instructors (Lori Postner, Darci Burdge, , Stoney Jackson, ) (2019) local web 
  • How Teachers Would Help Students to Improve Their Code (Hieke Keuning, Bastiaan Heeren, Johan Jeuring) (2019) local web 
  • Teaching Logic with Iltis - an Interactive, Web-Based System (Gaetano Geck, Artur Ljulin, Jonas Haldimann, Johannes May, Jonas Schmidt, Marko Schmellenkamp, Daniel Sonnabend, Felix Tschirbs, Fabian Vehlken, Thomas Zeume) (2019) local web 
  • Shaping Curricular Guidelines for Associate-Degree Cybersecurity Programs (Melissa Stange, Cara Tang, Christian Servin, , Markus Geissler) (2019) local web 
  • Are There Differences in Learning Gains When Programming a Tangible Object or a Simulation? (Grégoire Fessard, Patrick Wang 0002, Ilaria Renna) (2019) local web 
  • Data Science Education - Global Perspectives and Convergence (Rajendra K. Raj, Allen Parrish, , Carol J. Romanowski, Sherif Aly Ahmed, Casey C. Bennett, Karen C. Davis, , Teresa Susana Mendes Pereira, Lovisa Sundin) (2019) local web 
  • A Periodic Table of Computing Education Learning Theories (Claudia Szabo, Nickolas Falkner, , Heather Bort, Cornelia Connolly, Kathryn Cunningham, Peter Donaldson, , James Robinson, ) (2019) local web 
  • Computing Opportunities for Students of Color (Gloria Townsend, Khadija Stewart) (2019) local web 
  • Making Computer Science Education Mandatory - Exploring a Demographic Shift in Switzerland (, Anna Lamprou, Serge Petralito, ) (2019) local web 
  • An Exploration of Novice Programmers' Comprehension of Conditionals in Imperative and Functional Programming (, Cruz Izu) (2019) local web 
  • A Large-Scale Experimental Study of Gender and Pair Composition in Pair Programming (Lindsay Jarratt, Nicholas A. Bowman, K. C. Culver, Alberto Maria Segre) (2019) local web 
  • Evaluating the Effectiveness of Explicit Instruction in Reducing Program Reasoning Fallacies in Elementary Level Students (Ashish Aggarwal, Christina Gardner-McCune, ) (2019) local web 
  • Final Year Students' Approaches to Implementing Complex Distributed Systems (Claudia Szabo, Michael Scott Pointon) (2019) local web 
  • Behaviors of Higher and Lower Performing Students in CS1 (Soohyun Nam Liao, Sander Valstar, Kevin Thai, , , William G. Griswold, ) (2019) local web 
  • Using Social Annotations to Augment the Learning Space and Learner Experience (Shaveen Singh, Bernd Meyer 0001) (2019) local web 
  • Gamification and Collaboration to Evaluate and Improve the Security Mindset of Developers (Léon McGregor) (2019) local web 
  • Lessons from Experts - Software Design Dialogues () (2019) local web 
  • Unexpected Tokens - A Review of Programming Error Messages and Design Guidelines for the Future (, , Raymond Pettit, Durell Bouchard, Dennis J. Bouvier, Brian Harrington 0001, Amir Kamil, Amey Karkare, Chris McDonald, Peter-Michael Osera, Janice L. Pearce, James Prather) (2019) local web 
  • Toward Developing a Cloud Computing Model Curriculum (D. Cenk Erdil, Laurie White, Derek Foster, Joshua Adams, Amadeo Jose Arguelles Cruz, Brian Hainey, Harvey Hyman, Gareth Lewis, Sajid Nazir, Manh Van Nguyen, Majd Sakr, Lee Stott) (2019) local web 
  • Integrating Real-World Clients in a Project Management Module (Mark Zarb, Tiffany Young, William Ballew) (2019) local web 
  • Computational Thinking At Primary School - Didactical and Psychological Aspects (Marialaura Moschella) (2019) local web 
  • Non-restricted Access to Model Solutions - A Good Idea? (Henrik Nygren, , ) (2019) local web 
  • A Proposal for Recognizing Skills in Data Science Using Open Badges (Ernestina Menasalvas, Ana M. Moreno, Nik Swoboda) (2019) local web 
  • Syntax-based Improvements to Plagiarism Detectors and their Evaluations (Lawton Nichols, Kyle Dewey, Mehmet Emre, Sitao Chen, Ben Hardekopf) (2019) local web 
  • Devising Work-based Learning Curricula with Apprentice Research Software Engineers (Joseph Maguire, , Jack Parkinson, Matthew Barr, Derek Somerville) (2019) local web 
  • Exploring Differences in Minority Students' Attitudes towards Computing after a One-Day Coding Workshop (Michael J. Lee) (2019) local web 
  • Effective Computer Science Teacher Professional Development - Beauty and Joy of Computing 2018 (Alexandra Milliken, Christa Cody, , ) (2019) local web 
  • The Relationship Between Students' Engagement and the Development of Transactive Memory Systems in MUVE - An Experience Report (Louis Nisiotis, Styliani Kleanthous) (2019) local web 
  • Identifying Predictors for Code Highlighting Skills - A Regressional Analysis of Knowledge, Syntax Abilities and Highlighting Skills (Matthias Kramer, Mike Barkmin, ) (2019) local web 
  • A Framework for Improving the Sharing of Teaching Practices among Computer Science Instructors (Nouf Almujally, Mike Joy) (2019) local web 
  • Visual Portrayals of Data and Results at ITiCSE (, , Sally Hamouda, , , ) (2019) local web 
  • An International Benchmark Study of K-12 Computer Science Education in Schools (, , Rebecca Vivian, Sarah Barksdale, Leonard Busuttil, Elizabeth Cole, Christine Liebe, Francesco Maiorana, , Keith Quille) (2019) local web 
  • Connecting Majors/Non-Majors Courses Via Tabular Data (Ali Erkan, Adam Lee) (2019) local web 
  • Using Action Research to Distill Research-Based Segments of Pedagogical Content Knowledge of K-12 Computer Science Teachers (Ofra Brandes, ) (2019) local web 
  • Exploring the Potential of Social Annotations for Predictive and Descriptive Analytics (Shaveen Singh) (2019) local web 
  • Instructional Framework for CS1 Question Activities (Rita Garcia, , Rebecca Vivian) (2019) local web 
  • Design and Pilot Testing of Subgoal Labeled Worked Examples for Five Core Concepts in CS1 (Lauren E. Margulieux, , ) (2019) local web 
  • The Impact of Self-Theories to Academic Achievement and Soft Skills in Undergraduate CS Studies - First Findings (Mikko-Ville Apiola, Mikko-Jussi Laakso) (2019) local web 
  • Towards a Common Instrument for Measuring Prior Programming Knowledge (Rodrigo Silva Duran, Jan-Mikael Rybicki, , Sanna Suoranta) (2019) local web 
  • Supporting Abstraction Skills Using Augmented Reality? (Rebecca Reuter, Marco Knietzsch, Florian Hauser, Jürgen Mottok) (2019) local web 
  • Explaining Novice Programmer's Struggles, in Two Parts - Revisiting the ITiCSE 2004 working group's study using dual process theory (Tony Lowe) (2019) local web 
  • RepoBee - Developing Tool Support for Courses using Git/GitHub (Simon Larsen, Richard Glassey) (2019) local web 
  • A Multi-Level Study of Undergraduate Computer Science Reasoning about Concurrency (Aubrey Lawson, Eileen T. Kraemer, S. Megan Che, Cazembe Kennedy) (2019) local web 
  • Identity and Belonging for Graduate Apprenticeships in Computing - The experience of first cohort degree apprentices in Scotland (Ella Taylor-Smith, Sally Smith, Colin F. Smith) (2019) local web 
  • Impact of Part-Time CS Engineering Internships on Workload (Juan José Olarte Larrea, César Domínguez, Arturo Jaime Elizondo, Francisco José García Izquierdo) (2019) local web 
  • The Effectiveness of Creating Localized Content for Middle School Computing Curriculum (Huda Gedawy, Saquib Razak, Hanan Alshikhabobakr) (2019) local web 
  • Developing Course Projects in a Hack Day - An Experience Report (Kiev Gama) (2019) local web 
  • The Impact of Adding Textual Explanations to Next-step Hints in a Novice Programming Environment (Samiha Marwan, Nicholas Lytle, Joseph Jay Williams, ) (2019) local web 
  • Teaching Electronics and Programming in Norwegian Schools Using the air - bit Sensor Kit (Bjørn Fjukstad, Nina Angelvik, Morten Grønnesby, Maria Wulff Hauglann, Hedinn Gunhildrud, Fredrik Høisæther Rasch, Julianne Iversen, Margaret Dalseng, Lars Ailo Bongo) (2019) local web 
  • Challenges of Delivering a Graduate Apprenticeship (Tiffany Young, Mark Zarb) (2019) local web 
  • «I Don't Know Too Much About It» - On the Security Mindsets of Future Software Creators (Mohammad Tahaei) (2019) local web 
  • Copying Can Be Good - How Instructors Use Imitation in Teaching Programming (, , , , , ) (2019) local web 
  • Adapting the IT2017 Curricula for Two Year Transfer Programs - Determining Appropriate Competencies for the First Two Years of a Baccalaureate IT Program (Markus Geissler, , Christian Servin, Cara Tang, Melissa Stange) (2019) local web 
  • Program Comprehension - Identifying Learning Trajectories for Novice Programmers (Cruz Izu, , Ashish Aggarwal, , Rodrigo Duran, Mirela Gutica, Birte Heinemann, Eileen Kraemer, Violetta Lonati, , Renske Weeda) (2019) local web 
  • COOL - Cooperative Open Learning for Beginning Programmers (, Iris Groher, Johannes Sametinger) (2019) local web 
  • Students' Misconceptions of Optimization Algorithms () (2019) local web 
  • Paper or Online? - A Comparison of Exam Grading Techniques (Yingjun Cao, , Soohyun Nam Liao, Rick Ord) (2019) local web 
  • The Use of Gamification to Support the Process of Teaching Scrum (Luiz Ricardo Begosso, Luis Henrique Buzzo Franco, Douglas Sanches da Cunha, Luiz Carlos Begosso) (2019) local web 
  • Helping Students Solve Parsons Puzzles Better () (2019) local web 
  • A Grounded Theory of Computing Professional Identity Formation (Amanpreet Kapoor) (2019) local web 
  • A Gamification Pathway for Computer Science Student Success (Patricia Morreale, Nohelia Diplan, Dustin York) (2019) local web 
  • Qualitative Observations of Student Reasoning - Coding in the Wild (Cazembe Kennedy, Eileen T. Kraemer) (2019) local web 
  • OurKidsCode - A National Programme to get Families Involved in CS Education (Nina Bresnihan, Glenn Strong, Lorraine Fisher, Richard Millwood, Áine Lynch) (2019) local web 
  • Instructional Pseudocode Guide to Teach Problem-Solving (Svetlana Peltsverger, Sourav Debnath) (2019) local web 
  • Direct Manipulation versus Text-based Programming - An experiment report (Michel Adam, Moncef Daoud, Patrice Frison) (2019) local web 
  • More Effective Contextualization of CS Education Research - A Pair-Programming Example (Briana Bettin, Linda Ott, Leo Ureel) (2019) local web 
  • Automatic Evaluation of the Quality of Solutions for an Open Programming Task (Stephan Euler) (2019) local web 
  • Development of a Checklist Tool for Teaching Problem-Solving Skills (Hillary Dawkins, Grant Douglas, Kevin Glover-Netherton, David Hudec, Sean Lunt, Dalton Polhill, Mostafa Rashed, Matthew Sampson, Alliyya Mohammed, James Mosley, Rhys Young, Judi McCuaig) (2019) local web 
  • A Systems Change Approach to CS Education - Creating Rubrics for School System Implementation (, Lauren Wright) (2019) local web 
  • Securing the Human - Broadening Diversity in Cybersecurity (Mohammad Azhar, Sajal Bhatia, Greg Gagne, Chadi Kari, Joseph Maguire, Xenia Mountrouidou, Liviana Tudor, David Vosen, Timothy T. Yuen) (2019) local web 
  • Experience Report - Thinkathon - Countering an "I Got It Working" Mentality with Pencil-and-Paper Exercises (, Matthew Barr, Mireilla Bikanga Ada, Peter Donaldson, Steve Draper, Jack Parkinson, Jeremy Singer, Lovisa Sundin) (2019) local web 
  • In-Depth Feedback on Programming Assignments Using Pattern Recognition and Real-Time Hints (Amir Rubinstein, Noam Parzanchevski, Yossi Tamarov) (2019) local web 
  • New Entrants' Expectations of the First Year Computer Science Experience in the Context of a New National High School Curriculum (Jyoti Bhardwaj) (2019) local web 
  • Using Automated Prompts for Student Reflection on Computer Security Concepts (Hui Chen, Agnieszka Ciborowska, Kostadin Damevski) (2019) local web 
  • A Prototype MATLAB Code Critiquer (Marissa Walther, Leo C. Ureel II, Charles Wallace) (2019) local web 
  • 1.5 Degrees of Separation - Computer Science Education in the Age of the Anthropocene (Ian Pollock, Bedour Alshaigy, Andrew Bradley, Birgit R. Krogstie, Viraj Kumar, Linda Ott, Anne-Kathrin Peters, Charles Riedesel, Charles Wallace) (2019) local web 
  • Towards an Ability to Direct College Students to an Appropriately Paced Introductory Computer Science Course (James E. Heliotis, Leo C. Ureel II, Mireilla Bikanga Ada, Mohsen Dorodchi, Victoria Eisele, Megan E. Lutz, Ethel Tshukudu) (2019) local web 
  • Text-based Programming in Elementary School - A Comparative Study of Programming Abilities in Children with and without Block-based Experience (Marcos J. Gomez, Marco Moresi, Luciana Benotti) (2019) local web 
  • Auto-Generating Visual Exercises for Learning Program Semantics (Rebecca Smith, Terry Tang, Joe Warren, Scott Rixner) (2019) local web 
  • The Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich Challenge as an Approach to Improve Students Abilities in Test Case Writing (Kiev Gama, Andrew Diniz, Ricardo Almeida, Hendi Coelho) (2019) local web 
  • Perspectives on the Student Transition into CS1 (Angela A. Siegel, Mark Zarb, Richard Glassey, Janet Hughes) (2019) local web 
  • Below C Level - A Student-Centered x86-64 Simulator (Caitlin Fanning, Saturnino Garcia) (2019) local web 
  • Infusing Computing - Analyzing Teacher Programming Products in K-12 Computational Thinking Professional Development (Yihuan Dong, , Nicholas Lytle, Amy Isvik, , Robin Jocius, Jennifer Albert, Deepti Joshi, Richard Robinson, Ashley Andrews) (2019) local web 
  • We Need to Talk!! - A Chatroom Application Using a Student-Designed Protocol (Greg Gagne) (2019) local web 
  • Making CS Learning Visible - Case Studies on How Visibility of Student Work Supports a Community of Learners in CS Classrooms (Amber Solomon, Vanessa Oguamanam, , Betsy DiSalvo) (2019) local web 
  • Designing Engaging Learning Experiences (Raghav V. Sampangi, Angela A. Siegel) (2019) local web 
  • csedresearch.org - Resources for Primary and SecondaryComputer Science Education Research (, ) (2019) local web 

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T. Andrew Binkowski , Michal Armoni , Lecia Barker , Ashok R. Basawapatna , Tim Bell , Mordechai Ben-Ari , Sylvia Beyer , Karen Brennan , Heather E. Bullock , Gail Chapman , Nick Cheng , Jacob Cohen , Paul Denny , Beat Döbeli Honegger , Caitlin Duncan , Evelyn Eastmond , Stacey Ecott , Barbara J. Ericson , Julian Fernald , Allan Fisher , James D. Foley , Diana Franklin , Kathy Garvin-Doxas , Joanna Goode , Mark Guzdial , Patricia Haden , Wendy Hall , Susan M. Haller , Idit Harel , Brian Harrington , Kelly Hay , Juha Helminen , Michael Hielscher , Leanne M. Hirshfield , Anna-Karin Högfeldt , Petri Ihantola , Michele H. Jackson , Yasmin B. Kafai , Viggo Kann , Ville Karavirta , Ami J. Ko , Kyu Han Koh , Anna Lamprou , Raymond Lister , Mike Lopez , Andrew Luxton-Reilly , Lauri Malmi , John Maloney , Jane Margolis , Charlie McDowell , Orni Meerbaum-Salant , Amon Millner , Andrés Monroy-Hernández , Cheryl Moran , Briana B. Morrison , Greg L. Nelson , Hilarie Nickerson , Seymour Papert , Dale Parsons , Reena Pau , Julie Perrault , Kris Powers , Alexander Repenning , Mitchel Resnick , Kathryn M. Rich , Kathryn Rich , Jochen Rick , Phil Robbins , Eric S. Roberts , E. M Rogers , Eric Rosenbaum , Natalie Rusk , Kristina Rynes , Jay Silver , Brian Silverman , Beth Simon , The Royal Society , Elliot Soloway , Carla Strickland , David Weintrop , Etienne Wenger , Linda L. Werner , Jacqueline L. Whalley , Su White , Uri Wilensky , Benjamin Xie

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augmented realityaugmented reality , blockbasierte Programmierumgebungenvisual programming language , code smells , cognitive load theory (CLT) , computational thinkingcomputational thinking , Content KnowledgeContent Knowledge , data literacy , design thinking , Dr. Scratch , Fehlvorstellungen / misconceptions , Fehlvorstellungen beim Programmieren , GamificationGamification , GenderGender , hackathon , Informatikcomputer science , Informatik im Kindergartencomputer science in kindergarten , Informatik in der Primarschule , Informatiklehrveranstaltung auf Hochschulebene , Informatik-Unterricht (Fachinformatik)Computer Science Education , Informatikunterricht in der Schule , Java , Klimawandel , konstruktivistische Überzeugung , LehrerInteacher , LehrerInnen-Bildungteacher training , micro:bit , MINTscience, technology, engineering, mathematics , Motivationmotivation , notional machine , pair programming , Parsons ProblemeParsons Problems , Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK)Pedagogical Content Knowledge , Pedagogical KnowledgePedagogical Knowledge , Phishing , Process Oriented Guided Inquiry Learning (POGIL) , Programmierenprogramming , Programmierkonzepteprogramming concepts , Programmiersprachenprogramming languages , rainfall problem , Ransomware , SchweizSwitzerland , ScratchJr , Software EngineeringSoftware Engineering , SOLO-Taxonomie , storytellingstorytelling , teacher beliefsteacher beliefs , textbasierte Programmiersprachen , transmissive Überzeugung , Visualisierungvisualization
Jahr  Umschlag Titel Abrufe IBOBKBLB
1962 local  Diffusion of Innovations (E. M Rogers) 1, 1, 9, 4, 11, 8, 9, 7, 7, 21, 7, 8 77 11 8 1247
1988 Statistical Power Analysis for the Behavioral Sciences (Jacob Cohen) 8, 4, 9, 6, 7, 6, 4, 4, 4, 4, 3, 12 50 4 12 633
1990 Constructionism (Idit Harel, Seymour Papert) 2, 2, 10, 1, 10, 5, 4, 2, 6, 11, 7, 7 129 47 7 1611
1999 local  Communities of practice (Etienne Wenger) 4, 3, 6, 3, 10, 8, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 9 120 24 9 1333
2002  local web  Unlocking the Clubhouse (Jane Margolis, Allan Fisher) 3, 10, 7, 2, 8, 5, 7, 4, 7, 11, 7, 8 54 30 8 599
2002 SIGCSE 2002 (Judith L. Gersting, Henry MacKay Walker, Scott Grissom) 3, 4, 7, 2, 6, 1, 3, 4, 4, 8, 4, 7 10 286 7 350
2003 SIGCSE 2003 (Scott Grissom, Deborah Knox, Daniel T. Joyce, Wanda Dann) 2, 1, 4, 2, 7, 5, 3, 4, 5, 9, 1, 6 13 225 6 400
2005 SIGCSE 2005 (Wanda Dann, Thomas L. Naps, Paul T. Tymann, Doug Baldwin) 11, 1, 1, 10, 2, 10, 6, 2, 4, 4, 11, 4 13 323 4 440
2007 ITiCSE 2007 (Janet Hughes, D. Ramanee Peiris, Paul T. Tymann) 1, 4, 11, 3, 9, 4, 4, 2, 8, 8, 7, 3 57 264 3 1096
2007 SIGCSE 2007 (Ingrid Russell, Susan M. Haller, J. D. Dougherty, Susan H. Rodger) 32 343 0 0
2008 ICER 2008 (Michael E. Caspersen, Raymond Lister, Mike Clancy) 2, 2, 9, 2, 4, 11, 4, 6, 4, 9, 10, 9 56 52 9 538
2010 ITiCSE 2010 (Reyyan Ayfer, John Impagliazzo, Cary Laxer) 1, 3, 7, 2, 7, 6, 4, 3, 5, 11, 4, 9 27 249 9 1944
2011 ITiCSE 2011 (Guido Rößling, Thomas L. Naps, Christian Spannagel) 5, 4, 9, 1, 8, 12, 9, 8, 6, 13, 4, 17 64 324 17 3011
2012 local web  Shut down or restart? (The Royal Society) 17, 2, 9, 2, 7, 7, 3, 3, 6, 7, 5, 4 26 25 4 797
2012 ICER 2012 (Alison Clear, Kate Sanders, Beth Simon) 1, 4, 8, 3, 6, 9, 5, 2, 6, 11, 4, 5 33 99 5 573
2013 Computer Science Education 3/201311, 4, 7, 1, 4, 4, 4, 1, 6, 6, 3, 7 26 42 7 589
2013 ICER 2013 (Beth Simon, Alison Clear, Quintin I. Cutts) 2, 2, 7, 3, 5, 13, 8, 2, 7, 9, 9, 7 55 133 7 608
2014 SIGCSE 2014 (J. D. Dougherty, Kris Nagel, Adrienne Decker, Kurt Eiselt) 2, 3, 17, 2, 10, 9, 6, 7, 8, 9, 3, 10 55 591 10 615
2015 Proceedings of the Workshop in Primary and Secondary Computing Education, WiPSCE 2015, London, United Kingdom, November 9-11, 2015 (Judith Gal-Ezer, Sue Sentance, Jan Vahrenhold) 1, 4, 11, 2, 8, 13, 6, 3, 8, 13, 4, 10 57 253 10 654
2015 ICER 2015 (Brian Dorn, Judy Sheard, Quintin I. Cutts) 2, 3, 12, 4, 7, 10, 11, 6, 7, 16, 5, 12 57 225 12 695
2016 SIGCSE 2016 (Carl Alphonce, Jodi Tims, Michael E. Caspersen, Stephen H. Edwards) 1, 5, 8, 2, 7, 9, 4, 3, 4, 13, 5, 5 18 367 5 499
2017 SIGCSE 2017 (Michael E. Caspersen, Stephen H. Edwards, Tiffany Barnes, Daniel D. Garcia) 4, 4, 13, 1, 9, 12, 5, 6, 9, 9, 8, 5 41 714 5 640
2017 ICER 2017 (Josh Tenenberg, Donald Chinn, Judy Sheard, Lauri Malmi) 4, 3, 10, 2, 8, 10, 3, 2, 12, 6, 16, 5 42 207 5 631
2017 local  Informatische Bildung zum Verstehen und Gestalten der digitalen Welt (Ira Diethelm) 1, 4, 21, 3, 17, 14, 11, 9, 7, 11, 9, 7 115 652 7 984
2018 ICER 2018 (Lauri Malmi, Ari Korhonen, Robert McCartney, Andrew Petersen) 1, 3, 10, 2, 7, 11, 4, 3, 8, 11, 6, 6 50 230 6 638
Jahr  Umschlag Titel Abrufe IBOBKBLB
1986 local web  Learning to program = learning to construct mechanisms and explanations (Elliot Soloway) 3, 1, 8, 3, 7, 8, 4, 4, 3, 6, 6, 5 15 9 5 410
1990 local web  Situating Constructionism (Seymour Papert, Idit Harel) 3, 2, 9, 3, 4, 6, 4, 6, 2, 13, 4, 15 58 11 15 1001
1996 local web  An Exploration in the Space of Mathematics Educations (Seymour Papert) 1, 2, 7, 2, 7, 5, 4, 2, 5, 10, 3, 3 9 27 3 374
2002 local web  Defensive climate in the computer science classroom (Lecia Barker, Kathy Garvin-Doxas, Michele H. Jackson) 1 4 0 0
2002 local web  The effects of pair-programming on performance in an introductory programming course (Charlie McDowell, Linda L. Werner, Heather E. Bullock, Julian Fernald) 1, 3, 3, 2, 1, 2, 1, 4, 4, 10, 5, 7 5 5 7 218
2003 local web  Gender differences in computer science students (Sylvia Beyer, Kristina Rynes, Julie Perrault, Kelly Hay, Susan M. Haller) 4 4 0 0
2005 local web  What can computer science learn from a fine arts approach to teaching? (Lecia Barker, Kathy Garvin-Doxas, Eric S. Roberts) 2 4 0 0
2006 local web  Parson's Programming Puzzles (Dale Parsons, Patricia Haden) 5, 1, 3, 3, 3, 4, 3, 1, 4, 8, 4, 3 18 7 3 331
2007 Women in computing (Reena Pau, Wendy Hall, Su White) 13 2 0 0
2007 local web  Through the looking glass (Kris Powers, Stacey Ecott, Leanne M. Hirshfield) 7 5 0 0
2008 local web  Evaluating a new exam question (Paul Denny, Andrew Luxton-Reilly, Beth Simon) 2, 3, 5, 3, 2, 10, 2, 2, 4, 3, 3, 8 14 9 8 382
2008 local web  Relationships between reading, tracing and writing skills in introductory programming (Mike Lopez, Jacqueline L. Whalley, Phil Robbins, Raymond Lister) 1, 1, 4, 3, 1, 4, 2, 5, 5, 7, 5, 3 17 3 3 336
2009 local web  Scratch: Programming for All (Mitchel Resnick, John Maloney, Andrés Monroy-Hernández, Natalie Rusk, Evelyn Eastmond, Karen Brennan, Amon Millner, Eric Rosenbaum, Jay Silver, Brian Silverman, Yasmin B. Kafai) 1, 6, 12, 4, 3, 9, 6, 6, 6, 7, 5, 8 88 28 8 1076
2010 Open source widget for parson's puzzles (Petri Ihantola, Ville Karavirta) 1 3 0 0
2011 local  Habits of programming in scratch (Orni Meerbaum-Salant, Michal Armoni, Mordechai Ben-Ari) 2, 5, 11, 5, 2, 11, 4, 1, 4, 8, 3, 3 30 10 3 761
2012 The School Curriculum (The Royal Society) 3 8 0 0
2012 local web  How do students solve parsons programming problems? (Juha Helminen, Petri Ihantola, Ville Karavirta, Lauri Malmi) 5, 2, 1, 7, 3, 2, 7, 5, 4, 7, 6, 1 9 12 1 347
2013 local web  Learning computer science concepts with Scratch (Orni Meerbaum-Salant, Michal Armoni, Mordechai Ben-Ari) 3, 3, 9, 3, 2, 4, 4, 2, 1, 7, 1, 9 24 35 9 624
2013 local web  The zones of proximal flow (Ashok R. Basawapatna, Alexander Repenning, Kyu Han Koh, Hilarie Nickerson) 2, 1, 7, 3, 4, 9, 1, 4, 4, 7, 4, 11 7 18 11 403
2014 Exploring computer science (Gail Chapman, Joanna Goode) 16 3 0 0
2015 local web  Analysis of Interactive Features Designed to Enhance Learning in an Ebook (Barbara J. Ericson, Mark Guzdial, Briana B. Morrison) 3, 4, 2, 2, 2, 2, 4, 3, 6, 5, 4, 6 6 4 6 301
2015 local web  Using Commutative Assessments to Compare Conceptual Understanding in Blocks-based and Text-based Programs (David Weintrop, Uri Wilensky) 1, 4, 8, 3, 5, 8, 1, 4, 2, 13, 3, 7 16 25 7 472
2015 local web  A Pilot Computer Science and Programming Course for Primary School Students (Caitlin Duncan, Tim Bell) 1, 2, 5, 2, 2, 7, 5, 4, 14, 20, 15, 11 9 19 11 457
2016 local web  Effects of a Program Integrating Course for Students of Computer Science and Engineering (Viggo Kann, Anna-Karin Högfeldt) 1 4 0 0
2017 local web  Vom Lehrplan zur Lehrerinnenbildung (Beat Döbeli Honegger, Michael Hielscher) 3, 3, 14, 2, 8, 6, 5, 1, 7, 9, 4, 7 29 33 7 835
2017 local web  K-8 Learning Trajectories Derived from Research Literature (Kathryn M. Rich, Carla Strickland, T. Andrew Binkowski, Cheryl Moran, Diana Franklin) 5, 1, 9, 3, 3, 4, 3, 3, 5, 8, 3, 4 11 8 4 257
2017 local web  Comprehension First (Greg L. Nelson, Benjamin Xie, Andrew J. Ko) 2 8 0 0
2017 local web  A Literature Review through the Lens of Computer Science Learning Goals Theorized and Explored in Research (Kathryn Rich, Carla Strickland, Diana Franklin) 3 4 0 0
2017 local web  The Code Mangler (Nick Cheng, Brian Harrington) 2 4 0 0
2018 local web  Scale or Fail (Alexander Repenning) 5, 1, 8, 3, 5, 5, 1, 3, 3, 4, 5, 7 3 34 7 404
2018 local web  Teaching How to Teach Computational Thinking (Anna Lamprou, Alexander Repenning) 4, 3, 8, 3, 3, 8, 14, 9, 10, 13, 11, 13 6 27 13 508
2018 local web  Evaluating the Efficiency and Effectiveness of Adaptive Parsons Problems (Barbara J. Ericson, James D. Foley, Jochen Rick) 4 5 0 0

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icon24 Erwähnungen  Dies ist eine nach Erscheinungsjahr geordnete Liste aller im Biblionetz vorhandenen Werke, die das ausgewählte Thema behandeln.

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Auf dem WWW Using Automated Prompts for Student Reflection on Computer Security Concepts: Fulltext at the ACM Digital Library (lokal: PDF, 1600 kByte; WWW: Link OK 2021-03-21)
Auf dem WWW Instructional Framework for CS1 Question Activities: Fulltext at the ACM Digital Library (lokal: PDF, 1008 kByte; WWW: Link OK 2021-03-21)
Auf dem WWW A Systems Change Approach to CS Education: Fulltext at the ACM Digital Library (lokal: PDF, 1048 kByte; WWW: Link OK 2021-03-21)
Auf dem WWW Text-based Programming in Elementary School: Fulltext at the ACM Digital Library (lokal: PDF, 1014 kByte; WWW: Link OK )
Auf dem WWW Helping Students Solve Parsons Puzzles Better: Fulltext at the ACM Digital Library (lokal: PDF, 1225 kByte; WWW: Link OK 2021-03-21)
Auf dem WWW Exploring Differences in Minority Students' Attitudes towards Computing after a One-Day Coding Workshop: Fulltext at the ACM Digital Library (lokal: PDF, 1372 kByte; WWW: Link OK )
Auf dem WWW Applying Case-Based Learning for a Postgraduate Software Architecture Course: Fulltext at the ACM Digital Library (lokal: PDF, 1140 kByte; WWW: Link OK 2021-03-21)
Auf dem WWW Direct Manipulation versus Text-based Programming: Fulltext at the ACM Digital Library (lokal: PDF, 1019 kByte; WWW: Link OK 2021-03-21)
Auf dem WWW Paper or Online?: Fulltext at the ACM Digital Library (lokal: PDF, 1119 kByte; WWW: Link OK 2021-03-21)
Auf dem WWW Behaviors of Higher and Lower Performing Students in CS1: Fulltext at the ACM Digital Library (lokal: PDF, 1189 kByte; WWW: Link OK )
Auf dem WWW Auto-Generating Visual Exercises for Learning Program Semantics: Fulltext at the ACM Digital Library (lokal: PDF, 900 kByte; WWW: Link OK )
Auf dem WWW Visual Portrayals of Data and Results at ITiCSE: Fulltext at the ACM Digital Library (lokal: PDF, 1076 kByte; WWW: Link OK 2021-03-21)
Auf dem WWW The Relationship Between Students' Engagement and the Development of Transactive Memory Systems in MUVE: Fulltext at the ACM Digital Library (lokal: PDF, 1400 kByte; WWW: Link OK 2021-03-21)
Auf dem WWW Bridging the Digital Skills Gap: Fulltext at the ACM Digital Library (lokal: PDF, 1341 kByte; WWW: Link OK )
Auf dem WWW Identifying Predictors for Code Highlighting Skills: Fulltext at the ACM Digital Library (lokal: PDF, 1087 kByte; WWW: Link OK )
Auf dem WWW An Exploration of Novice Programmers' Comprehension of Conditionals in Imperative and Functional Programming: Fulltext at the ACM Digital Library (lokal: PDF, 3367 kByte; WWW: Link OK )
Auf dem WWW Are There Differences in Learning Gains When Programming a Tangible Object or a Simulation?: Fulltext at the ACM Digital Library (lokal: PDF, 1583 kByte; WWW: Link OK )
Auf dem WWW Evaluating Instructors' Classification of Programming Exercises Using the Revised Bloom's Taxonomy: Fulltext at the ACM Digital Library (lokal: PDF, 1516 kByte; WWW: Link OK )
Auf dem WWW Students' Misconceptions of Optimization Algorithms: Fulltext at the ACM Digital Library (lokal: PDF, 1183 kByte; WWW: Link OK 2021-03-21)
Auf dem WWW Does Studying CS Automatically Foster a Growth Mindset?: Fulltext at the ACM Digital Library (lokal: PDF, 899 kByte; WWW: Link OK 2021-03-21)
Auf dem WWW Qualitative Observations of Student Reasoning: Fulltext at the ACM Digital Library (lokal: PDF, 927 kByte; WWW: Link OK 2021-03-21)
Auf dem WWW A Survey of Introductory Programming Courses in Ireland: Fulltext at the ACM Digital Library (lokal: PDF, 992 kByte; WWW: Link OK 2021-03-21)
Auf dem WWW Identity and Belonging for Graduate Apprenticeships in Computing: Fulltext at the ACM Digital Library (lokal: PDF, 1366 kByte; WWW: Link OK 2021-03-21)
Auf dem WWW Programme Integrating Courses Fighting to Get Engineers to Reflect on Non-technical Topics: Fulltext at the ACM Digital Library (lokal: PDF, 808 kByte; WWW: Link OK 2021-03-21)
Auf dem WWW Towards a Common Instrument for Measuring Prior Programming Knowledge: Fulltext at the ACM Digital Library (lokal: PDF, 1026 kByte; WWW: Link OK 2021-03-21)
Auf dem WWW Design and Pilot Testing of Subgoal Labeled Worked Examples for Five Core Concepts in CS1: Fulltext at the ACM Digital Library (lokal: PDF, 1071 kByte; WWW: Link OK 2021-03-21)
Auf dem WWW Understanding How Work Habits influence Student Performance: Fulltext at the ACM Digital Library (lokal: PDF, 1697 kByte; WWW: Link OK 2021-03-21)
Auf dem WWW Making Computer Science Education Mandatory: Fulltext at the ACM Digital Library (lokal: PDF, 652 kByte; WWW: Link OK )
Auf dem WWW The Impact of Adding Textual Explanations to Next-step Hints in a Novice Programming Environment: Fulltext at the ACM Digital Library (lokal: PDF, 1240 kByte; WWW: Link OK 2021-03-21)
Auf dem WWW Teaching Integer Security Using Simple Visualizations: Fulltext at the ACM Digital Library (lokal: PDF, 2209 kByte; WWW: Link OK 2021-03-21)
Auf dem WWW AlgoBOWL: Fulltext at the ACM Digital Library (lokal: PDF, 1666 kByte; WWW: Link OK 2021-03-21)
Auf dem WWW Below C Level: Fulltext at the ACM Digital Library (lokal: PDF, 1105 kByte; WWW: Link OK )
Auf dem WWW A Multi-Level Study of Undergraduate Computer Science Reasoning about Concurrency: Fulltext at the ACM Digital Library (lokal: PDF, 1227 kByte; WWW: Link OK 2021-03-21)
Auf dem WWW Understanding CS Undergraduate Students' Professional Identity through the lens of their Professional Development: Fulltext at the ACM Digital Library (lokal: PDF, 859 kByte; WWW: Link OK 2021-03-21)
Auf dem WWW Impact of HFOSS on Education on Instructors: Fulltext at the ACM Digital Library (lokal: PDF, 913 kByte; WWW: Link OK )
Auf dem WWW The Impact of Self-Theories to Academic Achievement and Soft Skills in Undergraduate CS Studies: Fulltext at the ACM Digital Library (lokal: PDF, 1184 kByte; WWW: Link OK 2021-03-21)
Auf dem WWW Using Social Annotations to Augment the Learning Space and Learner Experience: Fulltext at the ACM Digital Library (lokal: PDF, 15470 kByte; WWW: Link OK )
Auf dem WWW Non-restricted Access to Model Solutions: Fulltext at the ACM Digital Library (lokal: PDF, 1123 kByte; WWW: Link OK )
Auf dem WWW Quantifying Activity and Collaboration Levels in Programming Assignments: Fulltext at the ACM Digital Library (lokal: PDF, 1014 kByte; WWW: Link OK )
Auf dem WWW New Entrants' Expectations of the First Year Computer Science Experience in the Context of a New National High School Curriculum: Fulltext at the ACM Digital Library (lokal: PDF, 1520 kByte; WWW: Link OK 2021-03-21)
Auf dem WWW Identifying and Validating Java Misconceptions Toward a CS1 Concept Inventory: Fulltext at the ACM Digital Library (lokal: PDF, 1003 kByte; WWW: Link OK )
Auf dem WWW Infusing Computing: Fulltext at the ACM Digital Library (lokal: PDF, 980 kByte; WWW: Link OK )
Auf dem WWW Using Action Research to Distill Research-Based Segments of Pedagogical Content Knowledge of K-12 Computer Science Teachers: Fulltext at the ACM Digital Library (lokal: PDF, 1231 kByte; WWW: Link OK 2021-03-21)
Auf dem WWW Final Year Students' Approaches to Implementing Complex Distributed Systems: Fulltext at the ACM Digital Library (lokal: PDF, 1196 kByte; WWW: Link OK )
Auf dem WWW Explaining Novice Programmer's Struggles, in Two Parts: Fulltext at the ACM Digital Library (lokal: PDF, 1193 kByte; WWW: Link OK 2021-03-21)
Auf dem WWW Pedagogical Content for Professors of Introductory Programming Courses: Fulltext at the ACM Digital Library (lokal: PDF, 1194 kByte; WWW: Link OK 2021-03-21)
Auf dem WWW Developing Course Projects in a Hack Day: Fulltext at the ACM Digital Library (lokal: PDF, 929 kByte; WWW: Link OK 2021-03-21)
Auf dem WWW The Effectiveness of Creating Localized Content for Middle School Computing Curriculum: Fulltext at the ACM Digital Library (lokal: PDF, 1377 kByte; WWW: Link OK 2021-03-21)
Auf dem WWW Effective Computer Science Teacher Professional Development: Fulltext at the ACM Digital Library (lokal: PDF, 945 kByte; WWW: Link OK 2021-03-21)
Auf dem WWW How Teachers Would Help Students to Improve Their Code: Fulltext at the ACM Digital Library (lokal: PDF, 975 kByte; WWW: Link OK )
Auf dem WWW How Prior Programming Experience Affects Students' Pair Programming Experiences and Outcomes: Fulltext at the ACM Digital Library (lokal: PDF, 729 kByte; WWW: Link OK 2021-03-21)
Auf dem WWW A Large-Scale Experimental Study of Gender and Pair Composition in Pair Programming: Fulltext at the ACM Digital Library (lokal: PDF, 730 kByte; WWW: Link OK )
Auf dem WWW Copying Can Be Good: Fulltext at the ACM Digital Library (lokal: PDF, 919 kByte; WWW: Link OK 2021-03-21)
Auf dem WWW RepoBee: Fulltext at the ACM Digital Library (lokal: PDF, 1062 kByte; WWW: Link OK 2021-03-21)
Auf dem WWW Experience Report: Fulltext at the ACM Digital Library (lokal: PDF, 899 kByte; WWW: Link OK 2021-03-21)
Auf dem WWW Use, Modify, Create: Fulltext at the ACM Digital Library (lokal: PDF, 1055 kByte; WWW: Link OK 2021-03-21)
Auf dem WWW Effect of Native Language on Student Learning and Classroom Interaction in an Operating Systems Course: Fulltext at the ACM Digital Library (lokal: PDF, 924 kByte; WWW: Link OK 2021-03-21)
Auf dem WWW Novice Rationales for Sketching and Tracing, and How They Try to Avoid It: Fulltext at the ACM Digital Library (lokal: PDF, 1340 kByte; WWW: Link OK 2021-03-21)
Auf dem WWW Syntax-based Improvements to Plagiarism Detectors and their Evaluations: Fulltext at the ACM Digital Library (lokal: PDF, 1737 kByte; WWW: Link OK )
Auf dem WWW More Effective Contextualization of CS Education Research: Fulltext at the ACM Digital Library (lokal: PDF, 857 kByte; WWW: Link OK 2021-03-21)
Auf dem WWW Making CS Learning Visible: Fulltext at the ACM Digital Library (lokal: PDF, 924 kByte; WWW: Link OK )
Auf dem WWW A Framework for Decomposition in Computational Thinking: Fulltext at the ACM Digital Library (lokal: PDF, 892 kByte; WWW: Link OK 2021-03-21)
Auf dem WWW Designing for a Connected World: Fulltext at the ACM Digital Library (lokal: PDF, 3711 kByte; WWW: Link OK 2021-03-21)
Auf dem WWW Teaching Electronics and Programming in Norwegian Schools Using the air: Fulltext at the ACM Digital Library (lokal: PDF, 2410 kByte; WWW: Link OK 2021-03-21)
Auf dem WWW Digital Storytelling and Group Work: Fulltext at the ACM Digital Library (lokal: PDF, 989 kByte; WWW: Link OK 2021-03-21)
Auf dem WWW Measuring Instruction Comprehension by Mining Memory Traces for Early Formative Feedback in Java Courses: Fulltext at the ACM Digital Library (lokal: PDF, 1077 kByte; WWW: Link OK )
Auf dem WWW 1.5 Degrees of Separation: Fulltext at the ACM Digital Library (lokal: PDF, 747 kByte; WWW: Link OK 2021-03-21)
Auf dem WWW Program Comprehension: Fulltext at the ACM Digital Library (lokal: PDF, 756 kByte; WWW: Link OK 2021-03-21)
Auf dem WWW Pass Rates in STEM Disciplines Including Computing: Fulltext at the ACM Digital Library (lokal: PDF, 752 kByte; WWW: Link OK )
Auf dem WWW Data Science Education: Fulltext at the ACM Digital Library (lokal: PDF, 754 kByte; WWW: Link OK )
Auf dem WWW A Periodic Table of Computing Education Learning Theories: Fulltext at the ACM Digital Library (lokal: PDF, 737 kByte; WWW: Link OK )
Auf dem WWW An International Benchmark Study of K-12 Computer Science Education in Schools: Fulltext at the ACM Digital Library (lokal: PDF, 804 kByte; WWW: Link OK 2021-03-21)
Auf dem WWW Toward Developing a Cloud Computing Model Curriculum: Fulltext at the ACM Digital Library (lokal: PDF, 745 kByte; WWW: Link OK )
Auf dem WWW Securing the Human: Fulltext at the ACM Digital Library (lokal: PDF, 764 kByte; WWW: Link OK 2021-03-21)
Auf dem WWW Towards an Ability to Direct College Students to an Appropriately Paced Introductory Computer Science Course: Fulltext at the ACM Digital Library (lokal: PDF, 768 kByte; WWW: Link OK 2021-03-21)
Auf dem WWW Unexpected Tokens: Fulltext at the ACM Digital Library (lokal: PDF, 765 kByte; WWW: Link OK )
Auf dem WWW Perspectives on the Student Transition into CS1: Fulltext at the ACM Digital Library (lokal: PDF, 824 kByte; WWW: Link OK )
Auf dem WWW Resources for Researching and Teaching Computing Education in Primary and Secondary Schools: Fulltext at the ACM Digital Library (lokal: PDF, 745 kByte; WWW: Link OK 2021-03-21)
Auf dem WWW Interdisciplinary Computer Science Pre-service TeacherPreparation: Fulltext at the ACM Digital Library (lokal: PDF, 1492 kByte; WWW: Link OK 2021-03-21)
Auf dem WWW Teaching Self-Balancing Trees Using a Beauty Contest: Fulltext at the ACM Digital Library (lokal: PDF, 957 kByte; WWW: Link OK 2021-03-21)
Auf dem WWW csedresearch.org: Fulltext at the ACM Digital Library (lokal: PDF, 1664 kByte; WWW: Link OK )
Auf dem WWW Automatic Evaluation of the Quality of Solutions for an Open Programming Task: Fulltext at the ACM Digital Library (lokal: PDF, 919 kByte; WWW: Link OK 2021-03-21)
Auf dem WWW Exploring the Potential of Social Annotations for Predictive and Descriptive Analytics: Fulltext at the ACM Digital Library (lokal: PDF, 1410 kByte; WWW: Link OK 2021-03-21)
Auf dem WWW Laughter over Dread: Fulltext at the ACM Digital Library (lokal: PDF, 2723 kByte; WWW: Link OK 2021-03-21)
Auf dem WWW Teaching AVR Assembly by Building an Arduino Arcade Machine: Fulltext at the ACM Digital Library (lokal: PDF, 809 kByte; WWW: Link OK )
Auf dem WWW If Memory Serves: Fulltext at the ACM Digital Library (lokal: PDF, 1628 kByte; WWW: Link OK 2021-03-21)
Auf dem WWW Connecting Majors/Non-Majors Courses Via Tabular Data: Fulltext at the ACM Digital Library (lokal: PDF, 871 kByte; WWW: Link OK 2021-03-21)
Auf dem WWW In-Depth Feedback on Programming Assignments Using Pattern Recognition and Real-Time Hints: Fulltext at the ACM Digital Library (lokal: PDF, 1077 kByte; WWW: Link OK 2021-03-21)
Auf dem WWW Insights from using Supplemental Instruction (SI) in Data Structures Course to Increase Retention: Fulltext at the ACM Digital Library (lokal: PDF, 954 kByte; WWW: Link OK 2021-03-21)
Auf dem WWW Impact of Part-Time CS Engineering Internships on Workload: Fulltext at the ACM Digital Library (lokal: PDF, 487 kByte; WWW: Link OK 2021-03-21)
Auf dem WWW Eye Tracking to Evaluate Comprehension of Computational Thinking: Fulltext at the ACM Digital Library (lokal: PDF, 814 kByte; WWW: Link OK 2021-03-21)
Auf dem WWW Exploring the Correlation Between Teacher Pedagogical Content Knowledge and Content Knowledge in Computer Science Classrooms: Fulltext at the ACM Digital Library (lokal: PDF, 485 kByte; WWW: Link OK )
Auf dem WWW Idempotent Factorizations: Fulltext at the ACM Digital Library (lokal: PDF, 857 kByte; WWW: Link OK 2021-03-21)
Auf dem WWW How Can Children Express Their Intentions Through Coding?: Fulltext at the ACM Digital Library (lokal: PDF, 1778 kByte; WWW: Link OK 2021-03-21)
Auf dem WWW Integrating Real-World Clients in a Project Management Module: Fulltext at the ACM Digital Library (lokal: PDF, 734 kByte; WWW: Link OK )
Auf dem WWW Development of a Checklist Tool for Teaching Problem-Solving Skills: Fulltext at the ACM Digital Library (lokal: PDF, 729 kByte; WWW: Link OK 2021-03-21)
Auf dem WWW A Proposal for Recognizing Skills in Data Science Using Open Badges: Fulltext at the ACM Digital Library (lokal: PDF, 727 kByte; WWW: Link OK )
Auf dem WWW Supporting Abstraction Skills Using Augmented Reality?: Fulltext at the ACM Digital Library (lokal: PDF, 729 kByte; WWW: Link OK 2021-03-21)
Auf dem WWW Designing Engaging Learning Experiences: Fulltext at the ACM Digital Library (lokal: PDF, 894 kByte; WWW: Link OK )
Auf dem WWW Computing Opportunities for Students of Color: Fulltext at the ACM Digital Library (lokal: PDF, 885 kByte; WWW: Link OK )
Auf dem WWW Computing Ipsative Assessment. Improving the Student Experience in Higher Education Using Personalised Assessment and Feedback: Fulltext at the ACM Digital Library (lokal: PDF, 725 kByte; WWW: Link OK 2021-03-21)
Auf dem WWW Challenges of Delivering a Graduate Apprenticeship: Fulltext at the ACM Digital Library (lokal: PDF, 726 kByte; WWW: Link OK 2021-03-21)
Auf dem WWW Shaping Curricular Guidelines for Associate-Degree Cybersecurity Programs: Fulltext at the ACM Digital Library (lokal: PDF, 662 kByte; WWW: Link OK )
Auf dem WWW COOL: Fulltext at the ACM Digital Library (lokal: PDF, 731 kByte; WWW: Link OK 2021-03-21)
Auf dem WWW A Conceptual Framework for Identifying Emotional Factors Leading to Student Disengagement in VLEs: Fulltext at the ACM Digital Library (lokal: PDF, 928 kByte; WWW: Link OK 2021-03-21)
Auf dem WWW Teaching Logic with Iltis: Fulltext at the ACM Digital Library (lokal: PDF, 775 kByte; WWW: Link OK )
Auf dem WWW Unplugged Activities to Introduce Parallel Computing in Introductory Programming Classes: Fulltext at the ACM Digital Library (lokal: PDF, 726 kByte; WWW: Link OK 2021-03-21)
Auf dem WWW OurKidsCode: Fulltext at the ACM Digital Library (lokal: PDF, 769 kByte; WWW: Link OK 2021-03-21)
Auf dem WWW We Need to Talk!! - A Chatroom Application Using a Student-Designed Protocol: Fulltext at the ACM Digital Library (lokal: PDF, 728 kByte; WWW: Link OK )
Auf dem WWW Devising Work-based Learning Curricula with Apprentice Research Software Engineers: Fulltext at the ACM Digital Library (lokal: PDF, 747 kByte; WWW: Link OK )
Auf dem WWW A Gamification Pathway for Computer Science Student Success: Fulltext at the ACM Digital Library (lokal: PDF, 819 kByte; WWW: Link OK 2021-03-21)
Auf dem WWW Student Motivation and Engagement in STEM Courses: Fulltext at the ACM Digital Library (lokal: PDF, 725 kByte; WWW: Link OK 2021-03-21)
Auf dem WWW Infusing Data Science Across Disciplines: Fulltext at the ACM Digital Library (lokal: PDF, 817 kByte; WWW: Link OK )
Auf dem WWW A Reflective Writing Framework for Computing Education: Fulltext at the ACM Digital Library (lokal: PDF, 728 kByte; WWW: Link OK 2021-03-21)
Auf dem WWW Instructional Pseudocode Guide to Teach Problem-Solving: Fulltext at the ACM Digital Library (lokal: PDF, 839 kByte; WWW: Link OK 2021-03-21)
Auf dem WWW The Use of Gamification to Support the Process of Teaching Scrum: Fulltext at the ACM Digital Library (lokal: PDF, 662 kByte; WWW: Link OK 2021-03-21)
Auf dem WWW Adapting the IT2017 Curricula for Two Year Transfer Programs: Fulltext at the ACM Digital Library (lokal: PDF, 719 kByte; WWW: Link OK 2021-03-21)
Auf dem WWW Findings from a Multi-year Study of CT in K-2 Students in Formal and Informal Settings: Fulltext at the ACM Digital Library (lokal: PDF, 708 kByte; WWW: Link OK 2021-03-21)
Auf dem WWW From Data To Insights in CS1: Fulltext at the ACM Digital Library (lokal: PDF, 704 kByte; WWW: Link OK )
Auf dem WWW Improving Functional Programming Understanding through Student-Created Instructional Videos: Fulltext at the ACM Digital Library (lokal: PDF, 860 kByte; WWW: Link OK 2021-03-21)
Auf dem WWW Evaluating the Effectiveness of Explicit Instruction in Reducing Program Reasoning Fallacies in Elementary Level Students: Fulltext at the ACM Digital Library (lokal: PDF, 641 kByte; WWW: Link OK )
Auf dem WWW Motivating High School Girls to Study Computer Science: Fulltext at the ACM Digital Library (lokal: PDF, 729 kByte; WWW: Link OK 2021-03-21)
Auf dem WWW A Framework for Improving the Sharing of Teaching Practices among Computer Science Instructors: Fulltext at the ACM Digital Library (lokal: PDF, 866 kByte; WWW: Link OK 2021-03-21)
Auf dem WWW A Prototype MATLAB Code Critiquer: Fulltext at the ACM Digital Library (lokal: PDF, 728 kByte; WWW: Link OK 2021-03-21)
Auf dem WWW "I Don't Know Too Much About It": Fulltext at the ACM Digital Library (lokal: PDF, 759 kByte; WWW: Link OK 2021-03-21)
Auf dem WWW Gamification and Collaboration to Evaluate and Improve the Security Mindset of Developers: Fulltext at the ACM Digital Library (lokal: PDF, 777 kByte; WWW: Link OK )
Auf dem WWW Utilising Game Design to Create Engaging Education: Fulltext at the ACM Digital Library (lokal: PDF, 914 kByte; WWW: Link OK 2021-03-21)
Auf dem WWW From Studying to Learning Computer Science: Fulltext at the ACM Digital Library (lokal: PDF, 799 kByte; WWW: Link OK 2021-03-21)
Auf dem WWW Investigating Novice Programmers' Interaction with Programming Environments: Fulltext at the ACM Digital Library (lokal: PDF, 771 kByte; WWW: Link OK 2021-03-21)
Auf dem WWW Learning through Construction's Influence on IT Students' Identity Formation: Fulltext at the ACM Digital Library (lokal: PDF, 803 kByte; WWW: Link OK )
Auf dem WWW Computational Thinking At Primary School: Fulltext at the ACM Digital Library (lokal: PDF, 753 kByte; WWW: Link OK )
Auf dem WWW Pattern-Oriented Instruction and its Influence on Meaningful Learning of Algorithmic Patterns and Acquiring Fundamental Skills in Computer Science: Fulltext at the ACM Digital Library (lokal: PDF, 726 kByte; WWW: Link OK 2021-03-21)
Auf dem WWW Lessons from Experts: Fulltext at the ACM Digital Library (lokal: PDF, 1550 kByte; WWW: Link OK )
Auf dem WWW Applying Gamification to Motivate Students to Write High-Quality Code in Programming Assignments: Fulltext at the ACM Digital Library (lokal: PDF, 626 kByte; WWW: Link tot Link unterbrochen? Letzte Überprüfung: 2021-03-21 Letzte erfolgreiche Überprüfung: 2019-08-18)
Auf dem WWW The Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich Challenge as an Approach to Improve Students Abilities in Test Case Writing: Fulltext at the ACM Digital Library (lokal: PDF, 732 kByte; WWW: Link tot Link unterbrochen? Letzte Überprüfung: 2021-03-21 Letzte erfolgreiche Überprüfung: 2019-08-18)
Auf dem WWW A Grounded Theory of Computing Professional Identity Formation: Fulltext at the ACM Digital Library (lokal: PDF, 771 kByte; WWW: Link tot Link unterbrochen? Letzte Überprüfung: 2021-03-21 Letzte erfolgreiche Überprüfung: 2019-08-18)

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Proceedings of the 2019 ACM Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education, Aberdeen, Scotland, UK, July 15-17, 2019 D - - 1 2019 9781450363013 Swissbib Worldcat Bestellen bei Amazon.de

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