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Bücher von Marian Petre
14 Texte von Marian Petre
Jahr | Volltext | Abrufe | Text | Texttyp |
1996 | Distance education over the Internet (Pete Thomas, Linda Carswell, Marian Petre, Barbara Poniatowska, Blaine A. Price, Judy Emms) erschienen in ITiCSE 1996 | Konferenz-Paper | ||
1996 | Evaluation - turning technology from toy to tool: report of the working group on evaluation (Vicki L. Almstrum, Nell B. Dale, Anders Berglund, Mary J. Granger, Joyce Currie Little, Diane M. Miller, Marian Petre, Paul Schragger, Frederick N. Springsteel) erschienen in ITiCSE 1996 | Konferenz-Paper | ||
1997 | Changing computer science curricula (panel) - planning for the future (Barbara Boucher Owens, Shirley Booth, Marian Petre, Anders Berglund) erschienen in ITiCSE 1997 | Konferenz-Paper | ||
1997 | Programming practical work and problem sessions via the Internet (Marian Petre, Blaine A. Price) erschienen in The supplemental proceedings of the conference on Integrating technology into computer science education | Konferenz-Paper | ||
1997 | Teaching programming through paperless assignments - an empirical evaluation of instructor feedback (Blaine A. Price, Marian Petre) erschienen in ITiCSE 1997 | Konferenz-Paper | ||
1997 | Harnessing technology for effective inter/intra-institutional collaboration (panel) (Marian Petre, Douglas Siviter) erschienen in ITiCSE 1997 | Konferenz-Paper | ||
1997 | Harnessing technology for effective inter- and intra-institutional collaboration (report of the ITiCSE 1997 working group on supporting inter- and int (Douglas Siviter, Marian Petre, Bruce J. Klein) erschienen in The supplemental proceedings of the conference on Integrating technology into computer science education | Konferenz-Paper | ||
1999 | Reflections on International Projects in Undergraduate CS Education (Mats Daniels, Anders Berglund, Marian Petre) erschienen in Computer Science Education 3/1999 (Seite 256 - 267) | Journal-Artikel | ||
2005 | Editorial (Marian Petre, Thomas R. G. Green) erschienen in Computer Science Education 1/2005 (Seite 3 - 5) | Journal-Artikel | ||
2005 | Challenges to computer science education research (Vicki L. Almstrum, Orit Hazzan, Mark Guzdial, Marian Petre) erschienen in SIGCSE 2005 (Seite 191 - 192) | Konferenz-Paper | ||
2005 | 8, 2, 1, 3, 5, 2, 7, 7, 2, 1, 2, 2 | Multi-institutional, multi-national studies in CSEd Research - some design considerations and trade-offs (Sally Fincher, Raymond Lister, Tony Clear, Anthony V. Robins, Josh D. Tenenberg, Marian Petre) erschienen in ICER 2005 (Seite 111 - 121) | Konferenz-Paper | |
2011 | 1, 2, 1, 3, 4, 7, 7, 2, 1, 2, 4, 2 | The «prototype walkthrough» - a studio-based learning activity for human-computer interaction courses (Christopher D. Hundhausen, Dana Fairbrother, Marian Petre) erschienen in ICER 2011 (Seite 117 - 124) | Konferenz-Paper | |
2012 | Starting with Ubicomp - using the senseboard to introduce computing (Mike Richards, Marian Petre, Arosha K. Bandara) erschienen in SIGCSE 2012 (Seite 583 - 588) | Konferenz-Paper | ||
2019 | Lessons from Experts - Software Design Dialogues (Marian Petre) erschienen in ITiCSE 2019 | Konferenz-Paper |
Bemerkungen von Marian Petre
Von Marian Petre gibt es im Biblionetz Bemerkungen zu:
Texte KB IB clear | Lessons from Experts, Multi-institutional, multi-national studies in CSEd Research, Reflections on International Projects in Undergraduate CS Education, Starting with Ubicomp, Teaching programming through paperless assignments, The «prototype walkthrough» |
Vicki L. Almstrum, Arosha K. Bandara, Anders Berglund, Shirley Booth, Linda Carswell, Tony Clear, Joyce Currie Little, Nell B. Dale, Mats Daniels, Judy Emms, Dana Fairbrother, Sally Fincher, Mary J. Granger, Thomas R. G. Green, Mark Guzdial, Orit Hazzan, Christopher D. Hundhausen, Bruce J. Klein, Raymond Lister, Diane M. Miller, Barbara Boucher Owens, Barbara Poniatowska, Blaine A. Price, Mike Richards, Anthony V. Robins, Paul Schragger, Douglas Siviter, Frederick N. Springsteel, Josh D. Tenenberg, Pete Thomas,
Begriffswolke von Marian Petre
16 Erwähnungen
- Didaktik der Informatik (Sigrid E. Schubert, Andreas Schwill) (2004)
- Fachdidaktische Diskussion von Informatiksystemen und der Kompetenzentwicklung im Informatikunterricht (Peer Stechert) (2009)
- To Block or not to Block, That is the Question - Students’ Perceptions of Blocks-based Programming (David Weintrop, Uri Wilensky) (2015)
- Proceedings of the Workshop in Primary and Secondary Computing Education, WiPSCE 2015, London, United Kingdom, November 9-11, 2015 (Judith Gal-Ezer, Sue Sentance, Jan Vahrenhold) (2015)
- ISSEP 2015 - Informatics in Schools. Curricula, Competences, and Competitions (Andrej Brodnik, Jan Vahrenhold) (2015)
- 8. Programming in Scratch Using Inquiry-Based Approach (Jiří Vaníček)
- Entwicklung und Validierung eines Instruments zur Messung des Wissens über Fehlvorstellungen in der Informatik (Laura Ohrndorf) (2016)
- Empowering learners with tools in CS education - Physical computing in secondary schools (Mareen Grillenberger, Ralf Romeike) (2018)
- From Embedded Systems to Physical Computing - Challenges of the Digital World in Secondary Computer Science Education (Mareen Przybylla) (2018)
- The Cambridge Handbook of Computing Education Research (Sally Fincher, Anthony V. Robins) (2019)
- ICER 2020 - International Computing Education Research Conference, Virtual Event, New Zealand, August 10-12, 2020 (Anthony V. Robins, Adon Moskal, Amy J. Ko, Renée McCauley) (2020)
- Computing Education Research Landscape through an Analysis of Keywords (Zacharoula K. Papamitsiou, Michail N. Giannakos, Simon, Andrew Luxton-Reilly) (2020)
- Computational Thinking in Education - A Pedagogical Perspective (Aman Yadav, Ulf Dalvad Berthelsen) (2021)
- Past, Present and Future of Computing Education Research (Mikko Apiola, Sonsoles López-Pernas, Mohammed Saqr) (2023)
- The Evolution of Computing Education Research: A Meta-Analytic Perspective (Lauri Malmi, Jane Sinclair, Judy Sheard, Simon, Päivi Kinnunen)
- The Venues that Shaped Computing Education Research - Dissemination Under the Lens
- The Evolving Themes of Computing Education Research - Trends, Topic Models, and Emerging Research (Mikko Apiola, Mohammed Saqr, Sonsoles López-Pernas)
- ITiCSE Working Groups as an Engine for Community-Building (Robert McCartney, Kate Sanders)
Challenges to computer science education research: Fulltext at the ACM Digital Library (: , 147 kByte; : 2020-11-28) | |
Multi-institutional, multi-national studies in CSEd Research: Fulltext at the ACM Digital Library (: , 297 kByte; : 2020-11-28) | |
The "prototype walkthrough": Fulltext at the ACM Digital Library (: , 537 kByte; : 2020-11-28) | |
Reflections on International Projects in Undergraduate CS Education: Artikel als Volltext (: , 58 kByte; : 2020-11-28) | |
Editorial: Artikel als Volltext (: , 44 kByte; : 2020-11-28) | |
Distance education over the Internet: Fulltext at the ACM Digital Library (: , 352 kByte; : ) | |
Evaluation: Fulltext at the ACM Digital Library (: , 1672 kByte; : ) | |
Harnessing technology for effective inter- and intra-institutional collaboration (report of the ITiCSE 1997 working group on supporting inter- and int: Fulltext at the ACM Digital Library (: , 142 kByte; : ) | |
Programming practical work and problem sessions via the Internet: Fulltext at the ACM Digital Library (: , 490 kByte; : ) | |
Teaching programming through paperless assignments: Fulltext at the ACM Digital Library (: , 555 kByte; : ) | |
Changing computer science curricula (panel): Fulltext at the ACM Digital Library (: , 166 kByte; : ) | |
Harnessing technology for effective inter/intra-institutional collaboration (panel): Fulltext at the ACM Digital Library (: , 158 kByte; : ) | |
Lessons from Experts: Fulltext at the ACM Digital Library (: , 1550 kByte; : ) | |
Starting with Ubicomp: Fulltext at the ACM Digital Library (: , 627 kByte; : Link unterbrochen? Letzte Überprüfung: 2020-11-28 Letzte erfolgreiche Überprüfung: 2020-10-28) |