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High-school students' mastery of basic flow-control constructs through the lens of reversibility

Claudio Mirolo, Cruz Izu, Emanuele Scapin
Zu finden in: WiPSCE '20, 2020
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WiPSCE '20

High-school students specialising in computing fields need to develop the abstraction skills required to understand and create programs. Novices' difficulties at high-school level, ranging from mastery of the "notional machine" to recognition of a program's purpose, have not been investigated as extensively as at tertiary level.

This work explores high-school students' code comprehension by asking to reason about reversing conditional and iteration constructs. A sample of 205 K11--13 students from different institutions were asked to engage in a set of "reversibility tasklets". For each code fragment, they need to identify if its computation is reversible and either provide the code to reverse or an example of a value that cannot be reversed. For 4 such items, after extracting the recurrent patterns in students' answers, we have carried out an analysis within the framework of the SOLO taxonomy. Overall, 74% of answers correctly identified if the code was reversible but only 42% could provide the full explanation/code. The rate of relational answers varies from 51% down to 21%, the poorest performance arising for a small array-processing loop (and although 65% of the subjects had correctly identified the loop as reversible).

The instruction level did not have a strong impact on performance, indicating such tasks are suitable for K11, when the basic flow-control constructs are usually introduced. In particular, the reversibility concept could be a useful pedagogical instrument both to assess and to help develop students' program comprehension.

Von Claudio Mirolo, Cruz Izu, Emanuele Scapin im Konferenz-Band WiPSCE '20 im Text High-school students' mastery of basic flow-control constructs through the lens of reversibility (2020)

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Ashish Aggarwal , Michal Armoni , Mordechai Ben-Ari , Pauli Byckling , Dino Capovilla , Angela Carbone , Yuliya Cherenkova , Quintin I. Cutts , Rodrigo Duran , Sally Fincher , Vashti Galpin , Tina Götschi , Mirela Gutica , Birte Heinemann , Peter Hubwieser , Cruz Izu , Eileen Kraemer , Raymond Lister , Violetta Lonati , Mike Lopez , Orni Meerbaum-Salant , Claudio Mirolo , Andrew Petersen , Phil Robbins , Anthony V. Robins , Jorma Sajaniemi , Ian D. Sanders , Carsten Schulte , Philipp Shah , Judy Sheard , Beth Simon , Errol Thompson , Renske Weeda , Amali Weerasinghe , Jacqueline L. Whalley , Daniel Zingaro

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notional machine , Schuleschool , SOLO-Taxonomie
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