Computer Science Education 3/2013
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- Students' ways of experiencing visual program simulation (Seite 207 - 238) (Juha Sorva, Jan Lönnberg, Lauri Malmi) (2013)
- Learning computer science concepts with Scratch (Seite 239 - 264) (Orni Meerbaum-Salant, Michal Armoni, Mordechai Ben-Ari) (2013)
- Elaborating on threshold concepts (Seite 265 - 289) (Janet Rountree, Anthony Robins, Nathan Rountree) (2013)
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Nicht erwähnte Begriffe | Bildung, Criterion of Sense, Criterion of Time, Horizontal Criterion, Informatik-Unterricht (Fachinformatik), Informatikunterricht in der Schule, LehrerIn, Programmiersprachen, Schule, Taxonomie von Bloom (affektiver Bereich), Taxonomie von Bloom (psychomotorischer Bereich), Universität, Vertical Criterion |
Zitationsgraph (Beta-Test mit vis.js)
26 Erwähnungen
- Visual Program Simulation in Introductory Programming Education (Juha Sorva) (2012)
- WiPSCE 2014 - Proceedings of the 9th Workshop in Primary and Secondary Computing Education, Berlin, Germany, November 5-7, 2014 (Carsten Schulte, Michael E. Caspersen, Judith Gal-Ezer) (2014)
- Should your 8-year-old learn coding? (Caitlin Duncan, Tim Bell, Steve Tanimoto) (2014)
- Scratch vs. Karel - impact on learning outcomes and motivation (Alexander Ruf, Andreas Mühling, Peter Hubwieser) (2014)
- Minding the gap between blocks-based and text-based programming (David Weintrop) (2015)
- Proceedings of the Workshop in Primary and Secondary Computing Education, WiPSCE 2015, London, United Kingdom, November 9-11, 2015 (Judith Gal-Ezer, Sue Sentance, Jan Vahrenhold) (2015)
- Teaching Computer Science to 5-7 year-olds - An initial study with Scratch, Cubelets and unplugged computing (Benjamin Wohl, Barry Porter, Sarah Clinch) (2015)
- ISSEP 2015 - Informatics in Schools. Curricula, Competences, and Competitions (Andrej Brodnik, Jan Vahrenhold) (2015)
- 3. Robotics Activities-Is the Investment Worthwhile? (Ronit Ben-Bassat Levy, Mordechai Ben-Ari) (2015)
- Modality matters - Understanding the Effects of Programming Language Representation in High School Computer Science Classrooms (David Weintrop) (2016)
- Entwicklung und Validierung eines Instruments zur Messung des Wissens über Fehlvorstellungen in der Informatik (Laura Ohrndorf) (2016)
- Emerging Research, Practice, and Policy on Computational Thinking (Peter J. Rich, Charles B. Hodges) (2017)
- 19. Exploring Strengths and Weaknesses in Middle School Students´ Computational Thinking in Scratch (Kevin Lawanto, Kevin Close, Clarence Ames, Sarah Brasiel)
- Tomorrow's Learning: Involving Everyone. Learning with and about Technologies and Computing - 11th IFIP TC 3 World Conference on Computers in Education, WCCE 2017, Dublin, Ireland, July 3-6, 2017 (Arthur Tatnall, Mary Webb) (2017)
- 57. Defining Procedures in Early Computing Education (Ivan Kalas, Laura Benton)
- Development and Evaluation of Concepts and Tools to Reinforce Gender Equality by Engaging Female Teenagers in Coding (Bernadette Spieler) (2018)
- Concepts before coding - non-programming interactives to advance learning of introductory programming concepts in middle school (Shuchi Grover, Nicholas Jackiw, Patrik Lundh) (2019)
- ICER 2019 - Proceedings of the 2019 ACM Conference on International Computing Education Research, ICER 2019, Toronto, ON, Canada, August 12-14, 2019 (Robert McCartney, Andrew Petersen, Anthony V. Robins, Adon Moskal) (2019)
- Computing Education Theories - What Are They and How Are They Used? (Lauri Malmi, Judy Sheard, Päivi Kinnunen, Simon, Jane Sinclair) (2019)
- ITiCSE 2019 - Proceedings of the 2019 ACM Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education, Aberdeen, Scotland, UK, July 15-17, 2019 (Bruce Scharlau, Roger McDermott, Arnold Pears, Mihaela Sabin) (2019)
- Text-based Programming in Elementary School - A Comparative Study of Programming Abilities in Children with and without Block-based Experience (Marcos J. Gomez, Marco Moresi, Luciana Benotti) (2019)
- Proceedings of the 14th Workshop in Primary and Secondary Computing Education, WiPSCE 2019, Glasgow, Scotland, UK, October 23-25, 2019 (2019)
- Discriminating Programming Strategies in Scratch - Making the Difference between Novice and Experienced Programmers (Max Kesselbacher, Andreas Bollin) (2019)
- Improving Scratch Programming with CRC-Card Design (Sebastian Keller, Maren Krafft, Gordon Fraser, Neil Walkinshaw, Korbinian Otto, Barbara Sabitzer) (2019)
- ICER 2020 - International Computing Education Research Conference, Virtual Event, New Zealand, August 10-12, 2020 (Anthony V. Robins, Adon Moskal, Amy J. Ko, Renée McCauley) (2020)
- WiPSCE '20 - Workshop in Primary and Secondary Computing Education, Virtual Event, Germany, October 28-30, 2020 (Torsten Brinda, Michal Armoni) (2020)
- High-school students' mastery of basic flow-control constructs through the lens of reversibility (Claudio Mirolo, Cruz Izu, Emanuele Scapin) (2020)
- Re-use of programming patterns or problem solving? - representation of scratch programs by TGraphs to support static code analysis (Mike Talbot, Katharina Geldreich, Julia Sommer, Peter Hubwieser) (2020)
- Informatics in Schools: Engaging Learners in Computational Thinking - 13th International Conference, ISSEP 2020, Tallinn, Estonia, November 16-18, 2020 Proceedings (Külli Kori, Mart Laanpere) (2020)
- Factors Influencing Lower Secondary School Pupils’ Success in Programming Projects in Scratch (Miroslava Černochová, Hasan Selcuk, Ondřej Černý)
- Programmierkompetenzen von Lehrpersonen des Zyklus 3 - Aktueller Stand der Aus- und Weiterbildung von Lehrpersonen des Zyklus 3 bezüglich persönlicher Programmierkompetenzen (Adrian Degonda) (2021)
- Teaching Coding in K-12 Schools - Research and Application (Therese Keane, Andrew Fluck) (2023)
- Developing Computational Fluency via Multimedia Stories (Rosa Bottino, Augusto Chioccariello, Laura Freina)
- Coding Across the Curriculum - Challenges for Non-specialist Teachers (Karen Woo, Garry Falloon)
- Programmieren in der Grundschule - Eine Design-Based-Research-Studie (Katharina Geldreich) (2023)
- Past, Present and Future of Computing Education Research (Mikko Apiola, Sonsoles López-Pernas, Mohammed Saqr) (2023)
- Computing Education Research in Baltic Countries (Valentina Dagienė, Mart Laanpere, Juris Borzovs)
Volltext dieses Dokuments
Students' ways of experiencing visual program simulation: Artikel als Volltext (: , 697 kByte; : 2020-11-28) | |
Learning computer science concepts with Scratch: Artikel als Volltext (: , 247 kByte; : 2020-11-28) | |
Elaborating on threshold concepts: Artikel als Volltext (: , 494 kByte; : 2020-11-28) |
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