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The Demise of Guys

Why Boys Are Struggling and What We Can Do About It
Philip G. Zimbardo, Nikita D. Coulombe local 
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The Demise of GuysIn their new TED Book, Dr. Philip G. Zimbardo— leader of the famous 1971 Stanford Prison Experiment—and co-author Nikita Duncan suggest that just might be the case.
Based on survey responses from 20,000 men, numerous individual interviews and dozens of studies, Zimbardo and Duncan propose that the excessive use of videogames and online porn is creating a generation of shy and risk-adverse guys—who are unable (and unwilling) to navigate the complexities and risks inherent to real-life relationships, school and employment.
Taking a critical look at the problem which is tearing at families and societies everywhere, Zimbardo and Duncan suggest that our guys are suffering from a new form of “arousal addiction,” and introduce a bold new plan for getting them back on track.
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attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)attention deficit hyperactivity disorder , Bedürfnispyramide , Computerspielecomputer game , Familiefamily , instant gratification , Internetinternet , Östrogen , Pornographiepornography , Sexualitätsexuality , Stanford Prison ExperimentStanford Prison Experiment , Sucht , Vaterfather , World of Warcraft

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