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Technology, Science Teaching, and Literacy

A Century of Growth
Kenneth P. King ,
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Technology, Science Teaching, and LiteracyThis book profiles the instructional use of technology in the science classroom from 1900 to the present day. Drawn from a variety of sources -- from teacher accounts of classroom practice, and contemporary research accounts of the best teaching practices with technology -- it examines patterns of implementation with respect to the classroom use of technology. The organizing principle of scientific literacy is examined in terms of the changes it incurred over the course of the twentieth century, and how the use of technology provided a means of achieving the goals of scientific literacy in the classroom.
Von Klappentext im Buch Technology, Science Teaching, and Literacy (2001)

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Lernenlearning , Technologietechnology , Wissenschaftscience

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Titel   Format Bez. Aufl. Jahr ISBN          
Technology, Science Teaching, and Literacy D - - 1 2001 0306465507 Swissbib Worldcat Bestellen bei Amazon.de Bei Google Books anschauen

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