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Thinking in Complexity

The Computational Dynamics of Matter, Mind, and Mankind
Klaus Mainzer , local 
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Thinking in ComplexityThe theory of nonlinear, complex systems has become by now a proven problem-solving approach in the natural sciences. It is also recognized that many, if not most, of our social, ecological, economical and political problems are essentially of a global, complex and nonlinear nature. And it is now further accepted than any holistic perspective of the human mind and brain can hardly be achieved by any other approach. In this wide-ranging, scholarly but very concise treatment, Klaus Mainzer (physicist, computer scientist and philosopher) discusses, in essentially nontechnical language, the common framework behind these ideas and challenges. Emphasis is given to the evolution of new structures in natural and cultural systems, and we are lead to see clearly how the new integrative approach can give insights not available from traditional reductionistic methods. The fifth edition enlarges and revises almost all sections and include an entirely new chapter on the complexity of economic systems.
Von Klappentext im Buch Thinking in Complexity (2007)

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Computercomputer , Denkenthinking , Evolutionevolution , Gehirnbrain , Komplexitätcomplexity , Naturnature , Problemproblem , Sprachelanguage , Systemsystem , Theorietheory


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Thinking in Complexity e - - 0 3540722270 Swissbib Worldcat Bestellen bei Amazon.de Buy it now!

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