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Trump and a Post-Truth World

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Trump and a Post-Truth WorldA provocative and balanced examination of our current social and political situation through the lens of Integral Theory--by a cutting-edge philosopher of our times.The socio-political climate of America is overwhelmingly divisive, and the response to the recent presidential election has been extreme, visceral, and extremely vocal on all sides. With so much hostility, antagonism, cynicism, and discord, how can we mend the ruptures in our society?
Leading-edge philosopher Ken Wilber examines current events through the lens of Integral Theory to show what led to these fractures, both in America and around the world--as well as what is needed for humanity to move forward.
In his provocative analysis, he explains that the election of Donald Trump is an evolutionary self-correction that has been decades in the making. It is in fact a backlash against the failure of those at the leading edge of consciousness (postmodernism and pluralism) to acknowledge the lie underlying the progress they've pursued: society is not equal, it's not consistent, and it doesn't make room for everyone. But a new Integral force is emerging that can move beyond the narcissism and nihilism of political correctness to offer genuine leadership and move toward a developmental-based wisdom of greater wholeness.
Von Klappentext im Buch Trump and a Post-Truth World (2017)

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Donald Trump

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Bewusstseinconsciousness , Gesellschaftsociety , postfaktisch , Theorietheory

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