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2 Bücher von Alan Cooper
The Inmates are Running the Asylum
Why High-Tech Products Drive Us Crazy and How to Restore the Sanity
(Alan Cooper) (2002)Bemerkungen von Alan Cooper
Von Alan Cooper gibt es im Biblionetz Bemerkungen zu:
Bücher KB IB clear | About Face 3 |
Texte KB IB clear | An Obsolete Culture, Beginners, Experts, and Intermediates, Cognitive Friction, Customer Disloyality, Designing for people, Designing for Power, Goal-Directed Design, Homo Logicus, Implementation Models and Mental Models, The Dancing Bear, The Inmates are Running the Asylum, Wasting Money |
Aussagen KB IB clear | Der Benutzer hat nicht immer recht. |
Begriffe KB IB clear | computer literacycomputer literacy, HCI/MMI (Human-Computer-Interaction)Human-Computer-Interaction, Programmierenprogramming |
Alan Cooper is a pioneering software inventor, programmer, designer, and theorist.
He is credited with having produced “probably the first serious business software
for microcomputers” and is well known as the “Father of Visual Basic.” For the last
15 years his software design consulting company, Cooper, has helped many companies
invent new products and improve the behavior of their technology.At Cooper,
Alan led the development of a new methodology for creating successful software
that he calls the Goal-Directed process. Part of that effort was the invention of personas,
a practice that has been widely adopted since he first published the technique
in his second book, The Inmates are Running the Asylum, in 1998. Cooper is also a
well known writer, speaker, and enthusiast for humanizing technology.
im Buch About Face 3 (2007) Zeitleiste
Begriffswolke von Alan Cooper
Zitate von Alan Cooper
As our economy shifts more and more onto an information basis, we are inadvertently creating a divided society. The upper class is composed of those who have mastered the nuances of differentiating between "RAM" and "hard disk." The lower class consists of those who treat the difference as inconsequential. The irony is that the difference really is inconsequential to anyone except a few hardcore engineers. Yet virtually all contemporary Software forces its users to confront a file System, where your success is fully dependent on knowing the difference between RAM and disk.
von Alan Cooper im Buch The Inmates are Running the Asylum (2002) im Text Cognitive Friction auf Seite 37Zitationsgraph
9 Erwähnungen
- The Elements of User Experience - User-Centered Design for the Web (Jesse James Garrett) (2002)
- 5. The Structure Plane - Interaction Design and Information Architecture
- Information Architecture - Blueprints for the Web (Christina Wodtke) (2002)
- Emotional Design - Why we love (or hate) everyday things (Donald A. Norman) (2004)
- Bildungsportale - Potenziale und Perspektiven netzbasierter Bildungsressourcen (Birgit Gaiser, Friedrich W. Hesse, Monika Lütke-Entrup) (2007)
- 2. Qualitätssicherung beim Aufbau und Betrieb eines Bildungsportals (Birgit Gaiser, Benita Werner)
- The PLE Conference - Cornellà // Barcelona // July 8-9 2010 (Ricardo Torres, Graham Attwell, Ilona Buchem, Cristina Costa, Rafael Martín, Tobias Nelkner, Maria Perifanou, Andrea Pozzali) (2010)
- Externalization of a PLE - Conceptual Design of LeContract (Hans Põldoja, Terje Väljataga)
- The Stack - On Software and Sovereignty (Benjamin H. Bratton) (2015)
- Digitale Medien: Zusammenarbeit in der Bildung - Beiträge der GMW-Jahreskonferenz 2016 (Josef Wachtler, Martin Ebner, Ortrun Gröblinger, Michael Kopp, Erwin Bratengeyer, Hans-Peter Steinbacher, Christian Freisleben-Teutscher, Christine Kapper) (2016)
- Entwicklung redaktioneller Prozesse zur Erstellung universitärer Weiterbildungsangebote auf Grundlage einer persona-inspirierten Anforderungsanalyse (Fabian Krapp, Steffen Moser, Stefanie Bärtele, Gabriele Gröger, Hermann Schumacher)
- EdMedia 2018 (2018)
- Orientierungen in der digitalen Welt (Bardo Herzig, Tilman-Mathies Klar, Alexander Martin, Dorothee M. Meister) (2020)
- Subjektorientierte Softwareentwicklung als medienpädagogische Herausforderung (Bianca Burgfeld-Meise, Dorothee M. Meister, Björn Senft)
About Face 3: Gesamtes Buch als Volltext (: 7937 kByte) | |
About Face 3: Gesamtes Buch als Volltext (: , 6086 kByte) | |
The Inmates are Running the Asylum: Gesamtes Buch als Volltext (: , 2862 kByte) |