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mobile learning mobile learning

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mobile learning, mLearning, m-learning, mobiles Lernen


Innovative LernsystemeMobile Learning ist das Lernen über drahtlose Geräte, wie Mobiltelefone, tragbare Minicomputer (PDA) oder Laptops.
Von Annette Kuhlmann, Werner Sauter im Buch Innovative Lernsysteme (2008) im Text Kompetenzentwicklung mit Blended Learning und Web 2.0
Mike SharplesLearning that happens across locations, or that takes advantage of learning opportunities offered by portable technologies.
Von Mike Sharples im Buch Researching Mobile Learning (2009) im Text Methods for Evaluating Mobile Learning
Giasemi VavoulaMike SharplesAny sort of learning that happens when the learner is not at a fixed, predetermined location, or learning that happens when the learner takes advantage of the learning opportunities offered by mobile technologies.
Von C. O’Malley, Giasemi Vavoula, J.P. Glew, Mike Sharples, P. Lefrere, Josie Taylor im Buch Guidelines for Learning/Teaching/Tutoring in a Mobile Environment (2003) auf Seite  6
Norbert PachlerBen BachmairMobile learning - as we understand it - is not about delivering content to mobile devices but, instead, about the processes of coming to know and being able to operate successfully in, and across, new and ever changing contexts and learning spaces. And, it is about understanding and knowing how to utilise our everyday life-worlds as learning spaces. Therefore, in case it needs to be stated explicitly, for us mobile learning is not primarily about technology.
Von Norbert Pachler, Ben Bachmair, John Cook im Buch Mobile Learning (2010) im Text Charting the Conceptual Space auf Seite  6
Mike SharplesMobile Learning is a relatively new area of TEL and it has different meanings for different communities. It covers:
  • learning with portable technologies, where the focus is on the technology (which could be in a fixed location, such as a classroom);
  • learning across contexts, where the focus is on the learner, interacting with portable or fixed technology;
  • learning in a mobile society, with a focus on how society and its institutions can accommodate and support the learning of an increasingly mobile population.
Von Mike Sharples im Konferenz-Band Beyond Mobile Learning Workshop (2007)
Handbuch E-LearningMobiles Lernen ist eine selbstgesteuerte Lernform außerhalb von Klassen- zimmern oder anderen Lernräumen und ohne Begrenzung durch ein fest installiertes Interface (wie z. B. ein Desktop PC). Mobiles Lernen ist die Schnittmenge aus Lernen, Arbeiten, sich Informieren, miteinander Kommunizieren und Netzwerken und fördert dadurch die Konvergenz dieser Bereiche. Mobiles Lernen ist hochgradig selbstbestimmt und zeichnet sich durch eine Eigendynamik aus, die sich durch institutionelle und formelle Lernprozesse nicht einengen lässt. Mit mobilen Endgeräten werden die Fähigkeiten des »Homo Mobilis« erweitert und verstärkt; der Zugang zu Wissen wird demokratisiert und orts- wie zeitunabhängig möglich.
Von Daniel Stoller-Schai im Buch Handbuch E-Learning im Text Mobiles Lernen - die Lernform des Homo Mobilis (2010)
Mobile learning, or m-learning, can be any educational interaction delivered through mobile technology and accessed at a student’s convenience from any location. The software that underlies m-learning includes not only mobile applications designed specifically for learning purposes, but also those designed for other uses - such as geolocation, data access, readers, and maps - but that can be adapted for educational purposes. M-learning hardware may include mobile phones, handheld PCs, tablets, the iPad, and netbooks, as well as devices such as the iPod touch that are able to run mobile applications. Because m-learning utilizes a variety of devices, many of which are ubiquitous in the lives of students, it can foster student engagement and offer opportunities to make learning integral to daily life.
Von ELI EDUCAUSE Learning Initiative im Text 7 Things You Should Know About Mobile Apps for Learning (2010)
Mike SharplesGiasemi VavoulaA first step in postulating a theory of mobile learning is to distinguish what is special about mobile learning compared to other types of learning activity. An obvious, yet essential, difference is that it starts from the assumption that learners are continually on the move. We learn across space as we take ideas and learning resources gained in one location and apply or develop them in another. We learn across time, by revisiting knowledge that was gained earlier in a different context, and more broadly, through ideas and strategies gained in early years providing a framework for a lifetime of learning. We move from topic to topic, managing a range of personal learning projects, rather than following a single curriculum. We also move in and out of engagement with technology, for example as we enter and leave cellphone coverage.
Von Mike Sharples, Josie Taylor, Giasemi Vavoula im Konferenz-Band mLearn 2005 (2005) im Text Towards a Theory of Mobile Learning


Beat Döbeli HoneggerDer Begriff "mobile learning" wird mindestens genauso schwammig verwendet wie die unseligen Begriffe "blended learning" und "eLearning". Es herrscht keinerlei Einigkeit darüber, was denn nun mobil sein soll: Die Geräte, die Daten, die Programme oder die Lernenden und welchen Radius diese Mobilität denn umfasst: Das Schulzimmer, das Schulhaus, Schule und Elternhaus oder die gesamte Welt. Aus diesem Grund rate ich von der Verwendung des Begriffs ab. Er verwirrt mehr als er klärt.
Von Beat Döbeli Honegger, erfasst im Biblionetz am 20.05.2010
Mike SharplesGiasemi VavoulaTo summarise, we suggest that a theory of mobile learning must be tested against the following criteria:
  • Is it significantly different from current theories of classroom, workplace or lifelong learning?
  • Does it account for the mobility of learners?
  • Does it cover both formal and informal learning?
  • Does it theorise learning as a constructive and social process?
  • Does it analyse learning as a personal and situated activity mediated by technology?
Von Mike Sharples, Josie Taylor, Giasemi Vavoula im Konferenz-Band mLearn 2005 (2005) im Text Towards a Theory of Mobile Learning
Mike SharplesGiasemi VavoulaIt is the learner that is mobile, rather than the technology: Initially we had focused on the design of specific portable technologies, but a series of studies for MOBIlearn of everyday learning indicated that the interactions between learning and technology are complex and varied, with learners opportunistically appropriating whatever technology is ready to hand as they move between settings, including mobile and fixed phones, their own and other people’s computers, as well as books and notepads.
Von Mike Sharples, Josie Taylor, Giasemi Vavoula im Konferenz-Band mLearn 2005 (2005) im Text Towards a Theory of Mobile Learning

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Giasemi Vavoula Giasemi
Mike Sharples Mike
Norbert Pachler Norbert
Ben Bachmair Ben
Josie Taylor Josie
John Cook John
Agnes Kukulska-Hulme Agnes
John Traxler John
Judith Seipold Judith
Heike Ernst Heike
Peter Lonsdale Peter
Laura Naismith Laura
Elizabeth Brown Elizabeth
Angela McFarlane Angela
Christoph Pimmer Christoph
Kevin Burden Kevin
Pat Triggs Pat
Maren Risch Maren
Eric Klopfer Eric
Julia Rasche Julia
Maciej A. Kuszpa Maciej A.

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