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Tablet use in schools

a critical review of the evidence for learning outcomes
B. Haßler, L. Major, S. Hennessy
Erstpublikation in: Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, Volume 32, Issue 2, pages 139-156, April 2016
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In our study, we critically review literature that reports on the use of tablets by children in school, with a particular focus on learning outcomes. Our aim is to determine if, when and how using tablets might impact on learning outcomes: do the knowledge and skills of students increase following the use of tablets for particular purposes, and, if so, what factors contribute to successful or unsuccessful use?
Von B. Haßler, L. Major, S. Hennessy im Text Tablet use in schools (2015)
The increased popularity of tablets in general has led to uptake in education. We critically review the literature reporting use of tablets by primary and secondary school children across the curriculum, with a particular emphasis on learning outcomes. The systematic review methodology was used, and our literature search resulted in 33 relevant studies meeting the inclusion criteria. A total of 23 met the minimum quality criteria and were examined in detail (16 reporting positive learning outcomes, 5 no difference and 2 negative learning outcomes). Explanations underlying these observations were analysed, and factors contributing to successful uses of tablets are discussed. While we hypothesize how tablets can viably support children in completing a variety of learning tasks (across a range of contexts and academic subjects), the fragmented nature of the current knowledge base, and the scarcity of rigorous studies, makes it difficult to draw firm conclusions. The generalizability of evidence is limited, and detailed explanations as to how, or why, using tablets within certain activities can improve learning remain elusive. We recommend that future research moves beyond exploration towards systematic and in-depth investigations building on the existing findings documented here.
Von B. Haßler, L. Major, S. Hennessy im Text Tablet use in schools (2015)

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