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Moving mobile into the mainstream

Geoff Stead
Zu finden in: mLearn 2005, 2005
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In the short space of five years, mobile learning (mlearning) has moved from being a theory, explored by academic and technology enthusiasts, into a real and valuable contribution to learning. In the UK, thousands of mobile handsets have been bought for use as learning tools. User trials have successfully helped a wide range of hard-to-reach learners in many different contexts. The debate has moved on: the issue is not to show that mlearning works for these learners, but to understand the different learning models that best incorporate it, analyse the costs and benefits, and convince the education and corporate sectors to use mobile elements in their learning strategies. Geoff and his team at CTAD have been key players in much of the experimental work in this field and have learnt many real and relevant lessons about moving m-learning into the mainstream. Their learning resources, pedagogical approaches, support systems and devices have been used with over one thousand learners across a wide spectrum of backgrounds and learning needs. In this paper we will share some of the lessons learnt during our many user trials, as well as explain the framework we are using for current and future m-learning delivery.
Von Geoff Stead im Text Moving mobile into the mainstream
In the short space of five years, mobile learning (mlearning) has moved from being a theory, explored by academic and technology enthusiasts, into a real and valuable contribution to learning.
In the UK, thousands of mobile handsets have been bought for use as learning tools. User trials have successfully helped a wide range of hard-to-reach learners in many different contexts. The debate has moved on: the issue is not to show that mlearning works for these learners, but to understand the different learning models that best incorporate it, analyse the costs and benefits, and convince the education and corporate sectors to use mobile elements in their learning strategies.
Geoff and his team at CTAD have been key players in much of the experimental work in this field and have learnt many real and relevant lessons about moving m-learning into the mainstream. Their learning resources, pedagogical approaches, support systems and devices have been used with over one thousand learners across a wide spectrum of backgrounds and learning needs.
In this paper we will share some of the lessons learnt during our many user trials, as well as explain the framework we are using for current and future m-learning delivery.
Von Geoff Stead im Text Moving mobile into the mainstream

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Handheld / PDAHandheld , Handheld / PDA in schoolHandheld / PDA in school , mobile learningmobile learning


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Auf dem WWW Moving mobile into the mainstream: Artikel als Volltext (lokal: PDF, 326 kByte; WWW: Link tot Link unterbrochen? Letzte Überprüfung: 2020-11-28 Letzte erfolgreiche Überprüfung: 2020-02-28)

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