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Mobile Learning in K-12: Roadblocks to Adoption

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Cathleen NorrisElliot SolowayMobile learning and mobile technologies have garnered a significant amount of attention in K-12. As we define it, mobile learning is about 24/7, all-the-time, everywhere learning that is supported by mobile technologies. And, as we argue that mobile learning is increasingly a dominant form of learning, we look to better understand the roadblocks that are holding back its adoption in K-12. To that end, then, we look back in time and we look forward in time to identify the issues involved in mobile learning adoption in K-12. Rooted then in that analysis, we are optimistic that mobile learning can and will be adopted in K-12 over the next 5 years.
Von Cathleen Norris, Elliot Soloway im Buch Second Handbook of Information Technology in Primary and Secondary Education (2018) im Text Mobile Learning in K-12: Roadblocks to Adoption

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Phyllis Blumenfeld , Erik Brynjolfsson , Barry Fishman , Joseph Krajcik , Agnes Kukulska-Hulme , Ron Marx , Andrew McAfee , Geoffrey A. Moore , Cathleen Norris , Mike Sharples , Natasha Singer , Elliot Soloway , Josie Taylor , John Traxler , Giasemi Vavoula

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Chromebook , mobile learningmobile learning
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2005 local web  Evaluating Mobile Learning (John Traxler, Agnes Kukulska-Hulme) 8, 3, 4, 5, 1, 4, 1, 4, 3, 1, 2, 2 10 7 2 654
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