Mobile LearningA Handbook for Educators and Trainers
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Emphasising the issues of usability, accessibility, evaluation and effectiveness and illustrated by case studies drawn from contemporary projects from around the world, this book considers: the fundamentals of mobile technologies and devicesthe educational foundations of modern networked learning the issues that underpin mobile learning and make it accessible for all usersthe challenges of making mobile learning a substantial and sustainable component in colleges, universities and corporationsimplications and issues for the future.Mobile Learning provides useful, authoritative and comprehensive guidance for professionals in higher and further education and trainers in the business sector who want to find out about the opportunities offered by new technologies to deliver, support and enhance teaching, learning and training.
Von Klappentext im Buch Mobile Learning (2005) This book is a timely introduction to the emerging field of mobile learning, explaining the technologies involved, their applications and the multiple effects on pedagogical and social practice. Mobile devices include handheld computers, smartphones and PDAs, and this book will emphasise the issues of usability, accessibility, evaluation and effectiveness, drawing from case studies written by researchers and practitioners.
This is a cutting-edge subject in open and flexible learning, yet in spite of being the subject of a number of e-learning conferences, very little has been published on it (see competition analysis). This book will be the first to hit the market and will be picked up primarily by HE and FE readerships, but also by trainers wanting to find out about the opportunities offered by these new technologies.
Von Klappentext im Buch Mobile Learning (2005) This is a cutting-edge subject in open and flexible learning, yet in spite of being the subject of a number of e-learning conferences, very little has been published on it (see competition analysis). This book will be the first to hit the market and will be picked up primarily by HE and FE readerships, but also by trainers wanting to find out about the opportunities offered by these new technologies.
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Begriffe KB IB clear | mobile learningmobile learning |
6 Erwähnungen
- Multiplatform E-Learning Systems and Technologies - Mobile Devices for Ubiquitous ICT-Based Education (Tiong Thye Goh) (2009)
- Using Mobile and Pervasive Technologies to Engage Formal and Informal Learners in Scientific Debate (Dawn Woodgate, Danaë Stanton Fraser, Amanda Gower, Maxine Glancy, Andrew Gower, Alan Chamberlain, Teresa Dillon, David Crellin)
- Mobile Learning (Norbert Pachler, Ben Bachmair, John Cook) (2010)
- Mobile Learning in der Erwachsenenbildung - Möglichkeiten und Grenzen der Verbindung von mobilen Geräten mit didaktischen Modellen innerhalb eines Personal Learning Environment PLE (Maurice Codourey) (2011)
- Mobile Learning - Potenziale, Einsatzszenarien und Perspektiven des Lernens mit mobilen Endgeräten (Claudia de Witt, Almut Sieber) (2013)
- E-Learning zwischen Vision und Alltag - Tagungsband der GMW-Jahrestagung 2013 (Claudia Bremer, Detlef Krömker) (2013)
- ETH EduApp - Eine multifunktionale Mobilapplikation für die Hochschullehre an der ETH Zürich (Thomas Korner, Benno Volk, Marinka Valkering-Sijsling, Andreas Reinhardt)
- Lernräume gestalten - Bildungskontexte vielfältig denken - Tagungsband der GMW-Jahrestagung 2014 (Klaus Rummler) (2014)
- Besser, schlechter, ändert nichts? - Tabletnutzung an der Hochschule (Maren Lübcke, Flavio Di Giusto, Claude Müller Werder, Daniela Lozza)
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