Identifying the Potential of Mobile Phone Cameras in the Science Teaching and LearningA Case Study Undertaken in Sri Lanka
T.M.S.S.K. Ekanayake, Jocelyn Wishart
Zu finden in: Mobile Learning 2010 (Seite 11), 2010
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A case study of the use of mobile phone cameras in science teaching and learning which was carried out in Sri Lanka is
presented. The students’ and teachers’ views on the new approach made possible, by using the camera function of mobile
phones, are discussed under teacher’s pedagogy, students’ participation and the use of technology. It was pointed out that
the use of the camera fosters students’ active participation while helping students to understand the concepts in a more
interesting and effective way. However, this demanded some additional pedagogical practices from planning the lesson to
reflecting on its implementation and evaluation. Finally, further possibilities of using the camera function of mobile
phones for science teaching and learning in Sri Lanka are discussed.
Von T.M.S.S.K. Ekanayake, Jocelyn Wishart im Konferenz-Band Mobile Learning 2010 (2010) im Text Identifying the Potential of Mobile Phone Cameras in the Science Teaching and Learning Dieses Konferenz-Paper erwähnt ...
Personen KB IB clear | L. Shulman | ||||||||||||||||||
Begriffe KB IB clear | mobile learningmobile learning | ||||||||||||||||||
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