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Designing mLearning

Tapping into the Mobile Revolution for Organizational Performance
Clark N. Quinn , local 
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Designing mLearningMobile is a powerful new tool for supporting organizational performance, including a wide-variety of learning opportunities including innovation, collaboration, research, and design. Mobile generates new products, services, and helps solve problems. Whether providing needed tools, augmenting learning, or connecting individuals, mobile devices are empowering individuals and organizations.

Designing mLearning is a hands-on resource that presents step-by-step guidance for designing, delivering, and deploying mobile solutions, covering both the background model and pragmatic considerations for successfully navigating mobile projects. The book takes an integrated approach to mobile learning regardless of the device used. Written by Dr. Clark Quinn, a noted leader in the mLearning revolution, Designing mLearning debunks commonly held myths about mLearning, defines the myriad opportunities for mobile, contains real-world, illustrative examples, includes implementation concerns, and places mobile learning in an overall strategic plan.

Designing mLearning is written for instructional designers, developers, media experts, managers, and anyone with responsibility for supporting performance in organizations. While the focus is on the design of solutions, the book addresses the critical organizational issues to assist the larger agenda of mobilizing the organization.

The information outlined in this groundbreaking guide can be applied across the mobile device spectrum and provides a systematic and integrated suite of conceptual frameworks to guide designers to pragmatic and effective solutions.
Von Klappentext im Buch Designing mLearning (2011)

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Innovationinnovation , microbloggingmicroblogging , mobile learningmobile learning

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Designing mLearning e - - 0 0470604484 Swissbib Worldcat Bestellen bei Amazon.de Buy it now!

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