Using iphone as my «Personal Mobile Language Learning Environment»an exploration and classification of language learning possibilities
Maria Perifanou
Zu finden in: The PLE Conference, 2010
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Social media evolution has taken the world by storm. Our traditional approach to teaching and learning has been fundamentally changed especially these last years with the arrival of mobile technologies and “M-learning”. The new “open educational environment” in which learning occurs has no space and time limits and has become increasingly tailor made for the learners. “Microlearning”, “functional networking”, “direct access to databases”, “time-sharing optimization” are the basic elements of the education theory shaped by mobile communications. This new “democratic” tool of the formation of the learning has opened naturally new horizons to Language Learning. One of the major challenges for both foreign and second language learning is thinking about how technology can mediate or create connections between the teaching’s formal and more informal Personal Learning Environments (PLEs). Today, MALL (Mobile Assisted Language Learning) is moving into the field of multimedia and more social constructivist activities combined with the new developments of the internet. Language is all about communication, and there is nothing more motivating than being able to use one’s newly acquired language skills in an authentic environment. Increasing contact with the target language appears to be one of the most critical factors for successful Language Learning. As suggested by a recent review (Milton, 2006) learning a language is different from any other subject in the curriculum as it combines explicit learning of vocabulary and language rules with unconscious skills development in the fluent application of both these things. This can only happen when language learners are exposed in authentic language use for many hours every week and this is something that mobile technologies can easily support.
This paper will first try to explore the countless possibilities that iphones can offer to language learners and then will continue with a classification of them in applications that are dedicated to Language Learning and others that even though are not created for that purpose can be used in Language Learning. The paper will conclude with the proposal of some practical personal Language Learning scenarios and reflections about the benefits and implications of using iphone for creating a Personal Language Learning Environment.
Von Maria Perifanou im Konferenz-Band The PLE Conference (2010) im Text Using iphone as my «Personal Mobile Language Learning Environment» This paper will first try to explore the countless possibilities that iphones can offer to language learners and then will continue with a classification of them in applications that are dedicated to Language Learning and others that even though are not created for that purpose can be used in Language Learning. The paper will conclude with the proposal of some practical personal Language Learning scenarios and reflections about the benefits and implications of using iphone for creating a Personal Language Learning Environment.
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Nicht erwähnte Begriffe | Mobiltelefone in der Schule, Projektschule Goldau, Schule |
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