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Mobile technologies: transforming the future of learning

Geoff Stead
Zu finden in: Emerging Technologies for Learning, 2006 local 
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Emerging Technologies for LearningMobile technology is all around us. As devices become cheaper and more interconnected, we are changing the way we use them and integrating them into our personal cocoon of communication, collaboration, entertainment and media creation. The future is more mobile, more connected and more personalised. New generations of learners will expect this as the norm. They will be connected with many different devices, and demand equality, inclusion and always-on access wherever they are.
Von Geoff Stead in der Broschüre Emerging Technologies for Learning (2006) im Text Mobile technologies: transforming the future of learning

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Wie geht die Schule mit privaten Informatikmitteln um?

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Digital ImmigrantsDigital Immigrants , Digital NativesDigital Natives , DynabookDynabook , GPS , Handheld / PDAHandheld , Handheld / PDA in schoolHandheld / PDA in school , Lernenlearning , mobile learningmobile learning , PodcastPodcast , Podcasts in educationPodcasts in education , RFID , Schuleschool , Wireless Computing an Schulen , WLAN / Wireless LANWireless LAN

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The final lesson is a softer one. We found that the best way to understand how to fit mobile learning into your teaching is to try it out yourself. There is a bit of technical understanding that tutors need to have before starting, but most of the learning for tutors and students can take place on the job.
von Geoff Stead  in der Broschüre Emerging Technologies for Learning (2006) im Text Mobile technologies: transforming the future of learning
The importance of ownership: Mobile devices are not the same as library books. The more you use them, the harder it becomes to give them back and the more they become part of your life resources. Learners who invest the time in learning to use them develop a strong sense of ownership and learning autonomy.
von Geoff Stead  in der Broschüre Emerging Technologies for Learning (2006) im Text Mobile technologies: transforming the future of learning

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