Personen mit Vil
Name |
Ist AutorIn von |
wird erwähnt in |
Ricardo Vilalta |
Tablet PC video based hybrid coursework in computer science (2007) | |
Elena Vilar |
A mobile learning tool to deliver online questionnaires (2010) (erschienen in ITiCSE 2010) | |
William Vilberg |
Learning to program and learning to think: what's the connection? (1986) | Siehe Learning to program and learning to think: what's the connection? (1986) |
Rosana Brandão Vilela |
Using Concept Maps for Collaborative Curriculum Development (2005) | Siehe Using Concept Maps for Collaborative Curriculum Development (2005) |
Pierre Vilers |
An Experiment of Cooperative Learning with Hypercard (1992) (erschienen in ICCAL '92) | |
Steven W. Villachica |
Cousins but Not Twins (2014) | Siehe Cousins but Not Twins (2014) |
Jørgen Villadsen |
SyntaxTrain (2011) (erschienen in ITiCSE 2011) | |
Jorge Villalobos |
Developing programming skills by using interactive learning objects (2009) (erschienen in ITiCSE 2009) | |
Pablo Villalobos |
Will we run out of data? (2022) | Siehe Will we run out of data? (2022) |
Ray Villalobos |
Intelligence and security informatics (2014) (erschienen in SIGCSE 2014) | |
Nicolas Villar |
.NET gadgeteer (2013) (erschienen in SIGCSE 2013) | |
Monica E. Villarreal |
Humans-with-Media and the Reorganization of Mathematical Thinking (2005) | Siehe Humans-with-Media and the Reorganization of Mathematical Thinking (2005) |
Eloy D. Villasclaras-Fernández |
Linking CSCL Script Design Patterns (2011) (erschienen in Investigations of E-Learning Patterns) COLLAGE Diagrams of learning flow patterns’ solutions as visual representations of refinable IMS Learning Design templates (2007) (erschienen in Handbook of Visual Languages for Instructional Design) | |
Sergio Villazon |
Evaluating a Scalable Program for Undergraduate CS Research (2019) (erschienen in ICER 2019) | |
Stéphane Villeneuve |
Quelles compétences technopédagogiques pour les futurs enseignants du Québec ? (2007) (erschienen in Formation des enseignants et intégration des TIC) | |
Marleen Villeroy |
Sharing as a Means for Reflection (2016) (erschienen in Proceedings of the 11th Workshop in Primary and Secondary Computing Education (WiPSCE 2016)) | |
Michele Villinksi |
From «Chalk and Talk» to Animate and Collaborate (2006) | Siehe From «Chalk and Talk» to Animate and Collaborate (2006) |
Tamar Vilner |
The professor on your PC (2009) (erschienen in ITiCSE 2009) Software Design Course for Leading CS In-Service Teachers (2010) (erschienen in Teaching Fundamental Concepts of Informatics) Integrating greenfoot into CS1 (2011) (erschienen in ITiCSE 2011) Using greenfoot in teaching inheritance in CS1 (2011) (erschienen in ITiCSE 2011) Teaching Algorithm Efficiency at CS1 Level (2004) (erschienen in Computer Science Education 3/2004) Fundamental concepts of CS1 (2007) (erschienen in ITiCSE 2007) Integrating video components in CS1 (2012) (erschienen in SIGCSE 2012) Once she makes it, she's there! (2008) (erschienen in Computer Science Education 1/2008) | |
Margarita Vinagre |
The Role of Error Correction in Online Exchanges (2008) (erschienen in Handbook of Research on Computer-Enhanced Language Acquisition and Learning) | |
James Vincent |
Beyond Measure (2022) How much electricity does AI consume? (2024) | |
Jane Vincent |
A SMS History (2005) Emotional Attachment to Mobile Phones (2005) 11 16 Mobile (2004) Are People Affected by Their Attachment to Their Mobile Phone? (2005) (erschienen in A Sense of Place) Emotionale Bindungen im Zeichen des Mobiltelefons (2006) | |
Tony Vincent |
Handhelds for Teachers & Administrators (2003) | Siehe Handhelds for Teachers & Administrators (2003) |
Andrea De Vincenti |
Technologische Lenkungsversuche (2015) | Siehe Technologische Lenkungsversuche (2015) |
Stéphan Vincent-Lancrin |
Sparking Innovation in STEM Education with Technology and Collaboration (2013) | Siehe Sparking Innovation in STEM Education with Technology and Collaboration (2013) |
Lina Vinikiene | ||
Lina Vinikienė |
Students´ Success in the Bebras Challenge in Lithuania (2016) Introducing Programming Concepts Through the Bebras Tasks in the Primary Education (2023) | |
Christina Vinke |
Innovation braucht Resourceful Humans Aufbruch in eine neue Arbeitskultur durch Virtual Engineering (2015) | Siehe Innovation braucht Resourceful Humans Aufbruch in eine neue Arbeitskultur durch Virtual Engineering (2015) |
Mikko Vinni |
From Global Games to Re-contextualized Games (2012) | Siehe From Global Games to Re-contextualized Games (2012) |
Lee Vinsel |
The Innovation Delusion (2020) | Siehe The Innovation Delusion (2020) |
Norman G. Vinson |
Are Wikis Usable? (2005) | Siehe Are Wikis Usable? (2005) |
Sherryl Vint |
Science Fiction (2021) | |
Oriol Vinyals |
Competition-level code generation with AlphaCode (2022) | Siehe Competition-level code generation with AlphaCode (2022) |
Paul Virilio | Siehe Paul Virilio | Siehe Paul Virilio |
Rafael del Vado Vírseda |
An innovative teaching tool based on semantic tableaux for verification and debugging of programs (2011) (erschienen in ITiCSE 2011) | |
Patrick Virtue |
SIGCSE Filk Circle (2018) (erschienen in SIGCSE 2018) | |
David A. Vise |
Die Google-Story (2006) | Siehe Die Google-Story (2006) |
Uzi Vishkin |
Is teaching parallel algorithmic thinking to high school students possible? (2010) (erschienen in SIGCSE 2010) | |
W. Visser | ||
Revathi Viswanathan |
Using Mobile Technology and Podcasts to Teach Soft Skills (2008) (erschienen in Handbook of Research on Web 2.0 and Second Language Learning) | |
Miguel Vitória |
Java2Sequence (2011) (erschienen in ITiCSE 2011) | |
Jordi Vitrià |
ViLi (Vision LISP) (1996) (erschienen in ITiCSE 1996) | |
Silke Vitt |
Lüüd liehrn tohoop schrieven (2005) | Siehe Lüüd liehrn tohoop schrieven (2005) |
Liberty Vittert |
30-Second Data Science (2020) | Siehe 30-Second Data Science (2020) |
Thomas Vitzthum |
Das Trugbild (2015) | Siehe Das Trugbild (2015) |
Rebecca Vivian |
Analysing computer science students' teamwork role adoption in an online self-organised teamwork activity (2013) (erschienen in Koli Calling 2013) Scaffolding the Design Process using Parsons Problems (2018) (erschienen in Koli Calling 2018) Broadening Participation in Computer Science (2017) (erschienen in SIGCSE 2017) Collaborative learning and anxiety (2013) (erschienen in SIGCSE 2013) Reflecting on Three Offerings of a Community-Centric MOOC for K-6 Computer Science Teachers (2017) (erschienen in SIGCSE 2017) Increasing the effectiveness of automated assessment by increasing marking granularity and feedback units (2014) (erschienen in SIGCSE 2014) Identifying Teachers' Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge for Computer Science in the Primary Years (2019) (erschienen in ICER 2019) An International Benchmark Study of K-12 Computer Science Education in Schools (2019) (erschienen in ITiCSE 2019) Instructional Framework for CS1 Question Activities (2019) (erschienen in ITiCSE 2019) |
Marianna Vivitsou |
Digital Storytelling and Group Work (2019) | Siehe Digital Storytelling and Group Work (2019) |
R. Vivó |
Mobile learning vs. traditional classroom lessons | Siehe Mobile learning vs. traditional classroom lessons |
Aurora Vizcaíno |
Toward a definition of the competences for global requirements elicitation (2008) (erschienen in ITiCSE 2008) | |
Gergana Vladova |
Unter dem Zeichen Künstlicher Intelligenz (2023) | Siehe Unter dem Zeichen Künstlicher Intelligenz (2023) |
Gernot Vlaj |
Die Entstehung des ersten offenen Biologieschulbuchs (2014) Lehrunterlagen als E-Books (2013) | |
Panayiotis Vlamos |
Identifying the predictors of educational webcasts' adoption (2011) (erschienen in ITiCSE 2011) Programming in secondary education (2011) (erschienen in ITiCSE 2011) | |
Eduardo A. Vlieg |
Scratch by Example (2016) | Siehe Scratch by Example (2016) |
John Vlissides |
Design Patterns (1995) Design Patterns (2002) (erschienen in Software Pioneers) |
Andre Vltchek |
On Western Terrorism (2013) | |
Denise Voci |
Media Social Responsibility an der Schnittstelle von Media Accountability und Corporate Social Responsibility (2019) | |
Miriam Vock |
Leistung macht Schule (2021) | |
Heike Vocke |
Software-Engineering in der beruflichen Ausbildung (2005) (erschienen in Unterrichtskonzepte für informatische Bildung) | |
Berthold Vöcking |
Algorithms Unplugged (2010) | |
Shahper Vodanovich |
Wikis to support collaborative web spaces to promote youth well-being (2009) (erschienen in WikiSym 2009) | |
Paul Voelker |
A Game-Driven Approach to Teaching Bit Manipulation (Abstract Only) (2017) (erschienen in SIGCSE 2017) |
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