Handbook of Research on Computer-Enhanced Language Acquisition and Learning |
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Language learning is one of the most rapidly changing disciplines. Along with changing perspectives in learning in the field of Second Language Acquisition, information communication technology (ICT) has also created many learning paths to assist the process of learning a second language (L2). In such an ever-evolving environment, teachers, researchers, and professionals in a diverse number of disciplines need access to the most current information about research on the field of computerenhanced language acquisition and learning.
The Handbook of Research on Computer-Enhanced Language Acquisition and Learning provides comprehensive coverage of successful translation of language learning designs utilizing ICT in practical learning contexts. With 30 authoritative contributions by over 50 of the world’s leading experts this reference source offers researchers, scholars, students, and professionals worldwide, access to the latest knowledge related to research on computer-enhanced language acquisition and learning.
Von Klappentext im Buch Handbook of Research on Computer-Enhanced Language Acquisition and Learning (2008) Kapitel
- Australasian Language Learners and Italian Web Sites - A Profitable Learning Partnership? (Seite 1 - 19) (Gabriella Brussino, Cathy Gunn)
- Assessing the Benefit of Prewriting Conferences on Drafts (Seite 20 - 35) (Michael Fitze)
- Blogging and Academic Writing Development (Seite 36 - 47) (Joel Bloch, Cathryn Crosby)
- Second Language Reading in Hypertext Environments (Seite 48 - 63) (Robert Ariew, Gulcan Erçetin, Susan Cooledge)
- Application of Online Questionnaires in Grammar Teaching (Seite 64 - 83) (Leo Kam-hung Yu)
- ICT and Language Learning at Secondary School (Seite 84 - 100) (Diane Huot, France H. Lemonnier, Josiane Hamers)
- Computer-Enhanced Grammar Teaching (Seite 101 - 114) (David Barr)
- Research-Based Listening Tasks for Video Comprehension (Seite 116 - 135) (Luba V. Iskold)
- Invested Mental Effort in an Aural Multimedia Environment (Seite 136 - 158) (Linda Jones)
- A Computer-Based Reading Tutor for Young Language Learners (Seite 159 - 188) (Kenneth Reeder, Jon Shapiro, Margaret Early, Maureen Kendrick, Jane Wakefield)
- Supporting the Reflective Language Learner with Computer Keystroke Logging (Seite 189 - 204) (Eva Lindgren, Marie Stevenson, Kirk P. H. Sullivan)
- Grammar Animations and Cognition (Seite 205 - 218) (Jörg Roche, Julia Scheller)
- Evaluation of a Speech Interactive CALL System (Seite 219 - 239) (Hazel Morton, Nancie Davidson, Mervyn Jack)
- Pedagogy Meets Technology in the Somatically-Enhanced Approach (Seite 240 - 258) (Maliwan Buranapatana, Felicia Zhang)
- Training for Learning Mandarin Tones (Seite 259 - 274) (Xinchun Wang)
- An Evaluation of a Listening Comprehension Program (Seite 275 - 293) (Nattaya Puakpong)
- CMC for Language Acquisition (Seite 295 - 306) (Terence C. Ahern)
- A Task-Based Design for Integrating E-Mail with FL Pedagogy (Seite 307 - 325) (Shannon Johnston)
- The Role of Error Correction in Online Exchanges (Seite 326 - 341) (Margarita Vinagre, Maria Lera)
- Emerging Feedback in Two Asynchronous ESL Writing Forums (Seite 342 - 360) (Stella K. Hadjistassou)
- CMC and Intercultural Learning (Seite 361 - 376) (Martina Möllering, Markus Ritter)
- Developing L2 Strategic Competence Online (Seite 377 - 402) (Claudia Finkbeiner, Markus Knierim)
- Interventions and Student Factors in Collaboration (Seite 403 - 420) (Faridah Pawan, Senom T. Yalcin, Xiaojing Kou)
- Corpora in the Classroom and Beyond (Seite 422 - 437) (Rolf Kreyer)
- Sharing Corpus Resources in Language Learning (Seite 438 - 452) (Angela Chambers, Martin Wynne)
- The Texture of Inefficiently Self-Regulating ESL Systems (Seite 453 - 467) (Terence Patrick Murphy)
- Technology in Support of Self-Access Pedagogy (Seite 469 - 482) (Hayo Reinders, Noemí Lázaro)
- The CALL Lab as a Facilitator for Autonomous Learning (Seite 483 - 495) (Stephen Alan Shucart, Tsutomu Mishina, Mamoru Takahashi, Tetsuya Enokizono)
- Applying TTS Technology to Foreign Language Teaching (Seite 497 - 506) (Junichi Azuma)
- Using an Audio-Video Chat Program in Language Learning (Seite 507 - 520) (Yuko Kinoshita)
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Nicht erwähnte Begriffe | Bildung, CAAD, Digitalisierung, Face to Face Kommunikation (F2F), Kinder, LehrerIn, Mobile Assisted Language Learning (MALL), Schreiben am Computer, Schule, Unterricht, Weblogs in education |
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1 Erwähnungen
- Innovative Lernsysteme - Kompetenzentwicklung mit Blended Learning und Social Software (Annette Kuhlmann, Werner Sauter) (2008)
Volltext dieses Dokuments
Titel | Format | Bez. | Aufl. | Jahr | ISBN | ||||||
Handbook of Research on Computer-Enhanced Language Acquisition and Learning | E | - | - | 1 | 1599048957 |
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