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2 Texte von P. Duguid
Jahr | Volltext | Abrufe | Text | Texttyp |
7, 3, 6, 4, 2, 1, 1, 4, 2, 2, 3, 1 | Stolen Knowledge (John Seely Brown, P. Duguid) | Text | ||
1989 | 2, 11, 15, 1, 2, 1, 6, 9, 3, 3, 5, 6 | Situated Cognition and the Culture of Learning (John Seely Brown, Allan Collins, P. Duguid) erschienen in Educational Researcher, Vol. 18, No. 1. (Jan. - Feb., 1989), pp. 32-42. | Text |
Zeitungsartikel von P. Duguid
Jahr | Volltext | Abrufe | Text |
1996 | 3, 1, 5, 9, 6, 1, 1, 5, 3, 2, 8, 6 | The University in the Digital Age (John Seely Brown, P. Duguid) erschienen in Times Higher Education Supplement (THES) 1996 May 10: 1-4 |
Bemerkungen von P. Duguid
Von P. Duguid gibt es im Biblionetz Bemerkungen zu:
Texte KB IB clear | Situated Cognition and the Culture of Learning, The University in the Digital Age |
Begriffswolke von P. Duguid
Zitationsgraph (Beta-Test mit vis.js)
75 Erwähnungen
- Stolen Knowledge (John Seely Brown, P. Duguid)
- Learning with media (Robert B. Kozma) (1991)
- Computer-Based Learning Environments and Problem Solving (Erik De Corte, Marcia C. Linn, Heinz Mandl, Lieven Verschaffel) (1992)
- Wissenserwerb mit Bildern - Instruktionale Bilder in Printmedien, Film/Video und Computerprogrammen (Bernd Weidenmann) (1994)
- Informierende Bilder
- Edutainment: les raisons d'un succès (Patrick Jermann, Patrick Mendelsohn) (1996)
- Classtalk - A Classroom Communication System for Active Learning (Robert J. Dufresne, William J. Gerace, William J. Leonard, Jose P. Mestre, Laura Wenk) (1996)
- Tactile Programming (Alexander Repenning, James Ambach) (1996)
- CSCL - Theory and Practice of an Emerging Paradigm (Timothy D. Koschmann) (1996)
- Paradigm shifts and instructional technology - An introduction
- Learning by collaborating - Convergent conceptual change (Jeremy Roschelle) (1992)
- The University in the Digital Age (John Seely Brown, P. Duguid) (1996)
- On Claims That Answer the Wrong Questions (James G. Greeno) (1997)
- Communities of practice - Learning, meaning and identity (Etienne Wenger) (1999)
- From change to renewal - Educational technology foundations of electronic learning Environments (Rob Koper) (2000)
- Vernetztes Lernen mit digitalen Medien - Proceedings der ersten Tagung "Computergestütztes Kooperatives Lernen (D-CSCL 2000)" am 23. und 24. März 2000 in Darmstadt (2000)
- Growing up Digital - How the Web Changes Work, Education, and the Ways People Learn (John Seely Brown) (2000)
- Multimediale und telemediale Lernumgebungen (Michael Kerres) (2001)
- Laptop computers in an elementary school - Perspectives on learning environments from students, teachers, administrators, and parents (Susan T. Dinnocenti) (2001)
- Euro-CSCL - Proceedings of the first European Conference on Computer Supported Collaborative Learning (Pierre Dillenbourg, A. Eurelings, K. Hakkarainen) (2001)
- 154. Group-based learning (Jan-Willem Strijbos, Bernd Martens)
- Problem Based Learning - An instructional model and its constructivist framework (Thomas M. Duffy, John R. Savery) (2001)
- Three worlds of CSCL - Can we support CSCL (Paul A. Kirschner) (2002)
- Can we support CSCL? - Educational, social and technological affordances for learning
- Wissensgemeinschaften: Orte lebendigen Wissensmanagements - Dynamik - Entwicklung - Gestaltungsmöglichkeiten (Kai Romhardt) (2002)
- 2. Beiträge und Relevanz aktueller Forschung zum Thema Wissensgemeinschaften
- The Instructional Use of Learning Objects (David A. Wiley) (2002)
- Collaboratively filtering learning objects (Mimi M. Recker, Andrew Walker, David A. Wiley)
- Lernen und Wissensmanagement mit Hypermedien (Sigmar-Olaf Tergan) (2003)
- What Video Games Have to Teach Us About Learning and Literacy (J. P. Gee) (2003)
- Digitaler Campus - Vom Medienprojekt zum nachhaltigen Medieneinsatz in der Hochschule (Michael Kerres, Britta Voß) (2003)
- VirRAD: A New Paradigm For Technology Enhanced Learning
- Scripting Strategies in Computer Supported Collaborative Learning Environments (Michele Notari) (2003)
- What we know about CSCL and implementing it in higher education (Jan-Willem Strijbos, Paul A. Kirschner, Rob L. Martens) (2004)
- Instructional support in CSCL (Sanna Järvelä, Päivi Häkkinen, Maarit Arvaja, Piritta Leinonen)
- Computer Support for Interaction Regulation in Collaborative Problem-Solving (Patrick Jermann) (2004)
- Situated Language and Learning - A Critique of Traditional Schooling (Literacies) (J. P. Gee) (2004)
- Mobiles CSCL in der universitären Lehre - Best Practices und kritische Erfolgsfaktoren (Abel Rey) (2004)
- The Effect of Roles on Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning (Jan-Willem Strijbos) (2004)
- 1. General introduction
- mLearn 2005 - 4th World conference on mLearning (Tom Brown, Herman van der Merwe) (2005)
- Towards a Theory of Mobile Learning (Mike Sharples, Josie Taylor, Giasemi Vavoula)
- Journal of Universal Computing Science 3/2005 (2005)
- Integration of Communities into Process-Oriented Structures (Frank Fuchs-Kittowski, Andre Köhler)
- Social software - E-learning beyond learning management systems (Christian Dalsgaard) (2006)
- E-Learning - Eine multiperspektivische Standortbestimmung (Damian Miller) (2006)
- The Cambridge Handbook of the Learning Sciences (R. Keith Sawyer) (2006)
- 10. Design-Based Research - A Methodological Toolkit for the Learning Scientist (Sasha Barab)
- 1-To-1-Learning - Laptop Programs That Work (Pamela Livingston) (2006)
- Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge - A Framework for Teacher Knowledge (Punya Mishra, Matthew J. Koehler) (2006)
- Literature Review in Mobile Technologies and Learning - Futurelab Report 11 (Laura Naismith, Peter Lonsdale, Giasemi Vavoula, Mike Sharples) (2006)
- Productive failure (Manu Kapur) (2008)
- Does it «want» or «was it programmed to...»? - Kindergarten children’s explanations of an autonomous robot’s adaptive functioning (Sharona T. Levy, David Mioduser) (2008)
- Überfachliche Kompetenzen (AfH Arbeitsstelle für Hochschuldidaktik) (2008)
- Computer und Internet in der Primarschule - Theorie und Praxis von ICT im Unterricht. mit 20 Praxisbeispielen auf zwei DVDs (Iwan Schrackmann, Daniela Knüsel, Thomas Moser, Hartmut Mitzlaff, Dominik Petko) (2008)
- Epistemological and methodological issues for the conceptualization, development, and assessment of ICT-TPCK - Advances in technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPCK) (Charoula Angeli, Nicos Valanides) (2009)
- Handbook of Research on E-Learning Methodologies for Language Acquisition (Rita de Cássia Veiga Marriott, Patricia Lupion Torres) (2009)
- Social Software and Language Acquisition (Sarah Guth, Corrado Petrucco)
- Theory U - Leading From the Future as it Emerges (2009)
- Handbook of Emerging Technologies for Learning (George Siemens, Peter Tittenberger) (2009)
- Handbook of Research on New Media Literacy at the K-12 Level (Leo Tan Wee Hin, R. Subramaniam) (2009)
- Concept Mapping as a Mediator of Constructivist Learning (Gregory MacKinnon)
- Using wikis for collaborative learning - Assessing collaboration through contribution (Terry Judd, Gregor E. Kennedy, Simon Cropper) (2010)
- Hanging Out, Messing Around, and Geeking Out - kids living and learning with new media (Mizuko Ito, Sonja Baumer, Matteo Bittanti, danah boyd, Rachel Cody, Becky Herr-Stephenson, Heather Horst, Patricia G. Lange, Dilan Mahendran, Katynka Z. Martínez, C.J. Pascoe, Dan Perkel, Laura Robinson, Christo Sims, Lisa Tripp) (2010)
- Deconstructing and reconstructing - Transforming primary science learning via a mobilized curriculum (BaoHui Zhang, Chee-Kit Looi, P. Seow, G. Chia, Lung-Hsiang Wong, Wenli Chen, Hyo-Jeong So, Elliot Soloway, Cathleen Norris) (2010)
- A New Culture of Learning - Cultivating the Imagination for a World of Constant Change (Douglas Thomas, J. S. Brown) (2011)
- Innovation macht Schule - Eine Spurensuche mit der Akteur-Netzwerk Theorie (Bettina Dimai) (2012)
- Foundations of Educational Technology (J. Michael Spector) (2012)
- Technology and Social Inclusion - Rethinking the Digital Divide (Mark Warschauer) (2013)
- The PLE Conference 2013 - Learning and Diversity in the Cities of the Future (Ilona Buchem, Graham Attwell, Gemma Tur) (2013)
- A pedagogy-driven framework for integrating Web 2.0 tools into educational practices and building personal learning environments (Ebrahim Rahimi, Jan van den Berg, Wim Veen)
- ICER 2013 - International Computing Education Research Conference, ICER '13, La Jolla, CA, USA, August 12-14, 2013 (Beth Simon, Alison Clear, Quintin I. Cutts) (2013)
- Student experience in a student-centered peer instruction classroom (Beth Simon, Sarah Esper, Leo Porter, Quintin I. Cutts) (2013)
- Handbook of Research on Educational Communications and Technology - 4th edition (J. Michael Spector, M. David Merrill, Jan Elen, M. J. Bishop) (2014)
- 1. Bridging Learning Theories and Technology-Enhanced Environments - A Critical Appraisal of Its History (Joost Lowyck)
- Teaching crowds - Learning and Social Media (Jon Dron, Terry Anderson) (2014)
- Making as a Learning Process - Identifying and Supporting Family Learning in Informal Settings (Lisa Brahms) (2014)
- Connected Code - Why Children Need to Learn Programming (Yasmin B. Kafai, Quinn Burke) (2014)
- ISSEP 2015 - Informatics in Schools. Curricula, Competences, and Competitions (Andrej Brodnik, Jan Vahrenhold) (2015)
- Individuell fördern mit digitalen Medien - Chancen, Risiken, Erfolgsfaktoren (Bertelsmann Stiftung) (2015)
- Chancen und Risiken digitaler Medien in der Schule - Medienpädagogische und -didaktische Perspektiven (Heike Schaumburg) (2015)
- Lernwirksame Unterrichtsbesprechungen im Praktikum - Nutzung von Lerngelegenheiten durch Lehramtsstudierende und Unterstützungsverhalten der Praxislehrpersonen (Kathrin Futter) (2016)
- EdMedia 2018 (2018)
- Conceptual Gaps in Mathematics as a Research Base for a Successful Game-based Mathematics Intervention (Karin M. Wiburg, Carolyn Raynor)
- Medien und Schule - Unterrichten mit Whiteboard, Smartphone und Co. (Heike Schaumburg, Doreen Prasse) (2018)
- Lernen mit Bildungstechnologien - Praxisorientiertes Handbuch zum intelligenten Umgang mit digitalen Medien (Helmut M. Niegemann, Armin Weinberger) (2019)
- The Charisma Machine - The Life, Death, and Legacy of One Laptop per Child (Morgan Ames) (2019)
- ICER 2020 - International Computing Education Research Conference, Virtual Event, New Zealand, August 10-12, 2020 (Anthony V. Robins, Adon Moskal, Amy J. Ko, Renée McCauley) (2020)
- Collaborative Learning in Computing Education - Faculty Perspectives and Practices (Sharon Mason) (2020)
- Programming Versus Natural Language - On the Effect of Context on Typing in CS1 (John Edwards, Juho Leinonen 0001, Chetan Birthare, Albina Zavgorodniaia, Arto Hellas) (2020)
- Hedy - A Gradual Language for Programming Education (Felienne Hermans) (2020)
- A Longitudinal Evaluation of a Best Practices CS1 (Adrian Salguero, Julian J. McAuley, Beth Simon, Leo Porter 0001) (2020)
- Digitale Medien in der Schule (Jutta Standop) (2022)
- Mit Daten sprechen - Praktiken, Expertisen und Visualisierungsmodi im Datenjournalismus (Rahel Estermann) (2023)
- DELFI 2024 (Sandra Schulz, Natalie Kiesler) (2024)
- Phasen der Problemlösekompetenz bei der Korrektur elektrischer Schaltkreise in einer VR-Lernumgebung (Axel Wiepke, Alexander Hacke, Ulrike Lucke, Christian Manz) (2024)
The University in the Digital Age: Artikel als Volltext (: , 222 kByte; : 2021-03-21) | |
Stolen Knowledge: Artikel als Volltext (: , 35 kByte; : 2021-03-21) | |
Situated Cognition and the Culture of Learning: Artikel als Volltext (: 71 kByte; : Link unterbrochen? Letzte Überprüfung: 2020-11-28 Letzte erfolgreiche Überprüfung: 2017-03-28) | |
Situated Cognition and the Culture of Learning: Artikel als Volltext (: , 2426 kByte; : Link unterbrochen? Letzte Überprüfung: 2021-03-21 Letzte erfolgreiche Überprüfung: 2020-11-28) |