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3 Bücher von Gerry Stahl
Computer Support for Collaborative Learning
Foundations for a CSCL Community - Proceedings of CSCL 2002
(Gerry Stahl) (2002)9th International Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning Conference, July 4-8, 2011, Hong Kong, China (Long Papers)
(Hans Spada, Gerry Stahl, Naomi Miyake, Nancy Law) (2011)13 Texte von Gerry Stahl
Jahr | Volltext | Abrufe | Text | Texttyp |
2002 | 2, 5, 6, 5, 4, 1, 7, 3, 1, 2, 5, 2 | Can community knowledge exceed its members? (Gerry Stahl) | Text | |
2003 | Meaning and Interpretation in Collaboration (Gerry Stahl) erschienen in Designing for Change in Networked Learning Environments | Text | ||
2004 | Building collaborative knowing - Elements of a Social Theory of CSCL (Gerry Stahl) erschienen in What we know about CSCL and implementing it in higher education (Seite 53 - 85) | Text | ||
2004 | 5, 4, 13, 2, 1, 2, 5, 2, 1, 4, 3, 1 | Kommunikationskonzepte (Gerry Stahl, Angela Carell) erschienen in CSCL-Kompendium (Seite 229 - 237) | Text | |
2006 | Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning (Gerry Stahl, Timothy D. Koschmann, Dan Suthers) erschienen in The Cambridge Handbook of the Learning Sciences | Text | ||
2006 | Social practices of computer-supported collaborative learning (Gerry Stahl, Friedrich W. Hesse) erschienen in International Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning, Volume 1 (Seite 409 - 412) | Journal-Artikel | ||
2007 | CSCL and its flash themes (Gerry Stahl) erschienen in International Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning, Volume 2 (Seite 359 - 362) | Journal-Artikel | ||
2007 | Welcome to the future - ijCSCL volume 2 (Gerry Stahl, Friedrich W. Hesse) erschienen in International Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning, Volume 2 (Seite 1 - 5) | Journal-Artikel | ||
2007 | A double issue for CSCL 2007 (Gerry Stahl, Dan Suthers, Friedrich W. Hesse) erschienen in International Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning, Volume 2 (Seite 127 - 131) | Journal-Artikel | ||
2009 | 7, 1, 3, 8, 7, 4, 1, 3, 2, 2, 6, 1 | Collaborative Learning through Practices of Group Cognition (Gerry Stahl) erschienen in CSCL 2009 | Konferenz-Paper | |
2009 | 3, 1, 4, 5, 4, 4, 1, 1, 3, 2, 6, 6 | Interaction Analysis of Dual-Interaction CSCL Environments (Murat Perit Cakir, Gerry Stahl) erschienen in CSCL 2009 (Seite 3 - 12) | Konferenz-Paper | |
2010 | How to Study Group Cognition (Gerry Stahl) erschienen in Analyzing Interactions in CSCL (Seite 107 - 130) | Kapitel | ||
2011 | CSCL in Asia (Gerry Stahl, Friedrich W. Hesse) erschienen in International Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning, Volume 6 (Seite 1 - 7) | Journal-Artikel |
Definitionen von Gerry Stahl
problem-based learning |
Bemerkungen von Gerry Stahl
Von Gerry Stahl gibt es im Biblionetz Bemerkungen zu:
Bücher KB IB clear | CSCL 2011, What we know about CSCL and implementing it in higher education |
Texte KB IB clear | Building collaborative knowing, Can community knowledge exceed its members?, Collaborative Learning through Practices of Group Cognition, Contributions to a Theoretical Framework for CSCL, Groupware Goes to School, How to Study Group Cognition, Interaction Analysis of Dual-Interaction CSCL Environments, Rediscovering CSCL, The future of computer support for learning |
Begriffe KB IB clear | BSCW |
Murat Perit Cakir, Angela Carell, Friedrich W. Hesse, Timothy D. Koschmann, Nancy Law, Naomi Miyake, Hans Spada, Dan Suthers
Begriffswolke von Gerry Stahl
Zitationsgraph (Beta-Test mit vis.js)
35 Erwähnungen
- Supporting orchestration of CSCL scenarios in web-based Distributed Learning Environments (Luis P. Prieto, Juan I. Asensio-Pérez, Juan A. Muñoz-Cristóbal, Iván M. Jorrín-Abellán, Yannis Dimitriadis, Eduardo Gómez-Sánchez)
- Three worlds of CSCL - Can we support CSCL (Paul A. Kirschner) (2002)
- Over-scripting CSCL - The risks of blending collaborative learning with instructional design (Pierre Dillenbourg)
- Computer Support for Collaborative Learning - Foundations for a CSCL Community - Proceedings of CSCL 2002 (Gerry Stahl) (2002)
- Computer Support for Interaction Regulation in Collaborative Problem-Solving (Patrick Jermann) (2004)
- The Effect of Roles on Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning (Jan-Willem Strijbos) (2004)
- 4. Content analysis: What are they talking about?
- 6. The effect of functional roles on perceived group efficiency during computer-supported collaborative learning: A matter of triangulation
- Journal of Universal Computing Science 3/2005 (2005)
- Small Groups Learning Synchronously Online at the Workplace - The Interaction of Factors Determining Outcome and Acceptance (Stefan Münzer, Bo Xiao)
- WikiSym 2006 (2006)
- Is There a Space for the Teacher in a Wiki? (Andreas Lund, Ole Smordal)
- Scripting Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning (Frank Fischer, Ingo Kollar, Heinz Mandl, Jörg M. Haake) (2007)
- 17. The Interplay of Internal and External Scripts - A Distributed Cognition Perspective (Stefan Carmien, Ingo Kollar, Gerhard Fischer, Frank Fischer)
- Didactics of Microlearning - Concepts, Discourses and Examples (Theo Hug) (2007)
- Microlearning and (Micro)Didaktik (Norm Friesen)
- Using a wiki to evaluate individual contribution to a collaborative learning project (G. Trentin) (2008)
- A systemic and cognitive view on collaborative knowledge building with wikis (Ulrike Creß, Joachim Kimmerle) (2008)
- WikiSym 2008 (2008)
- ThinkSpace - the collaborative process of designing new technologies for the classroom (Jane Alexen Shuyska, Chris Davies)
- International Handbook of Information Technology in Primary and Secondary Education (Joke Voogt, Gerald Knezek) (2009)
- 1. Implications of the Information and Knowledge Society for Education (Ronald E. Anderson)
- CSCL 2009 (2009)
- Lernen im Digitalen Zeitalter - DeLFI 2009 - Die 7. E-Learning Fachtagung Informatik (14.-17. September 2009) (Andreas Schwill, Nicolas Apostolopoulos) (2009)
- Didaktische Entscheidungen bei der Konzeption einer Web 2.0-basierten Lerner-Community - Ein Erfahrungsbericht zum Einsatz eines Prüfungsvorbereitungswiki in der Mediencommunity 2.0 (Ilona Buchem, Thomas Hagenhofer)
- Lernplattformen in Schulen - Ansätze für E-Learning und Blended Learning in Präsenzklassen (Dominik Petko) (2010)
- Learning in the Disciplines - Proceedings of the 9th International Conference of the Learning Sciences (ICLS 2010) - Volume 1, Full Papers (Kimberly Gomez, Leilah Lyons, Joshua Radinsky) (2010)
- Social Software and Knowledge Building - Supporting Co-Evolution of Individual and Collective Knowledge (Joachim Kimmerle, Ulrike Creß, Christoph Held, Johannes Moskaliuk)
- Wiki Supporting Formal and Informal Learning (Stefania Bocconi, G. Trentin) (2012)
- Technology enhanced collaborative learning in projects - Dimensions of knowledge building: student’s activity, collaboration and communication (Michele Notari) (2012)
- Autorenwerkzeuge für digitale, multimediale und interaktive Lernbausteine im Web 2.0 (Michael Hielscher) (2013)
- Einführung in die Mediendidaktik - Lehren und Lernen mit digitalen Medien (Dominik Petko) (2014)
- «Bring Your Own Device (BYOD)» for seamless science inquiry in a primary school (Yanjie Song) (2014)
- Digital Didactical Designs - Teaching and Learning in CrossActionSpaces (Isa Jahnke) (2015)
- 2. From Sociotechnical Systems to Crossactionspaces
- 3. Dynamics of Roles in Crossactionspaces - Enabler and Hinderer
- 4. Learning as Reflective Crossaction - The Example of Learning Expeditions
- Tomorrow's Learning: Involving Everyone. Learning with and about Technologies and Computing - 11th IFIP TC 3 World Conference on Computers in Education, WCCE 2017, Dublin, Ireland, July 3-6, 2017 (Arthur Tatnall, Mary Webb) (2017)
- 33. Peer Affective Factors in Peer Collaboration - Facebook-Based Collaborative Writing Activity Among Turkish High School EFL Learners (Hasan Selcuk)
- Second Handbook of Information Technology in Primary and Secondary Education (Joke Voogt, Gerald Knezek, Rhonda Christensen, Kwok-Wing Lai) (2018)
- 11. Developing Scientific Inquiry in Technology-Enhanced Learning Environments (Carol K. K. Chan, Yuqin Yang)
- 15. Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning: Mediated and Co-Present Forms of Learning Together (Lara Johanna Schmitt, Armin Weinberger)
- Lernen mit Bildungstechnologien - Praxisorientiertes Handbuch zum intelligenten Umgang mit digitalen Medien (Helmut M. Niegemann, Armin Weinberger) (2019)
- 3. Computerunterstütztes kollaboratives Lernen (Frank Fischer)
- 20. Computer-unterstützte kooperative Lernszenarien (Armin Weinberger, Christian Hartmann, Lara Johanna Schmitt, Nikol Rummel)
- 30. Group Awareness-Tools beim technologieunterstützen Lernen (Daniel Bodemer, Lenka Schnaubert)
Anderswo finden
How to Study Group Cognition: Artikel als Volltext bei Springerlink (: , 1764 kByte; : 2020-11-28) | |
CSCL 2011: Gesamtes Buch als Volltext (: , 31019 kByte; : 2021-03-21) | |
The future of computer support for learning: Artikel als Volltext (: , 114 kByte; : 2021-03-21) | |
Interaction Analysis of Dual-Interaction CSCL Environments: Artikel als Volltext (: , 103 kByte) | |
Can community knowledge exceed its members?: Artikel als Volltext (: , 191 kByte; : 2020-11-28) | |
Group Cognition: Gesamtes Buch als Volltext (: , 3454 kByte) | |
The future of computer support for learning: Artikel als Volltext (: , 114 kByte) | |
Rediscovering CSCL: Artikel als Volltext (: , 59 kByte) | |
Groupware Goes to School: Artikel als Volltext (: , 147 kByte) | |
Kommunikationskonzepte: Artikel als Volltext (: , 61 kByte) | |
Computer Support for Collaborative Learning: Gesamtes Buch als Volltext (: , 9503 kByte) | |
Groupware Goes to School: Artikel als Volltext (: , 147 kByte; : Link unterbrochen? Letzte Überprüfung: 2021-03-21 Letzte erfolgreiche Überprüfung: 2015-05-28) | |
Rediscovering CSCL: Artikel als Volltext (: , 59 kByte) | |
Groupware Goes to School: Artikel als Volltext im HTML-Format ( : Link unterbrochen? Letzte Überprüfung: 2020-11-28 Letzte erfolgreiche Überprüfung: 2012-02-28) |