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Berechenbarkeit Computability

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Berechenbarkeit, Computability


Roger Penroselt should be mentioned, on the other hand, that some fairly recent work (Rubel 1989) has shown that theoretical analogue computers, belonging to a certain rather broad class, cannot reach beyond ordinary Turing computability.
Von Roger Penrose im Buch Shadows of the mind (1994) im Text Consciousness and computation auf Seite  25
Roger PenroseAlthough ordinary chaotic systems are completely deterministic and computational, they can, in practice, behave as though they are not deterministic at all. This is because the accuracy according to which the initial state needs to be known, for a deterministic prediction of ist future behaviour, can be totally beyond anything that is conceivably measurable.
Von Roger Penrose im Buch Shadows of the mind (1994) im Text Consciousness and computation auf Seite  21

iconVerwandte Objeke

Verwandte Begriffe
(co-word occurance)
Turing-Maschineturing machine(0.16), Lambda-Kalkül(0.06), Gödelsches Theorem(0.05), NP-completeNP-complete(0.04), Church-Turing-These(0.04), Halteproblem(0.04), Entscheidungsproblem(0.03), Komplexitätstheorie(0.03)

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