Consciousness and computationZu finden in: Shadows of the mind (Seite 7 bis 63), 1994
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Most of the material of our bodies and brains, after all, is being continuously replaced, and it is just its pattern that persists.
von Roger Penrose im Buch Shadows of the mind (1994) im Text Consciousness and computation auf Seite 13My own position is that questions of mind, though they lie very uncomnfortably with present-day scientific understanding, should not be regarded as being forever outside the realms of science.
von Roger Penrose im Buch Shadows of the mind (1994) im Text Consciousness and computation auf Seite 12A scientific world-view which does not profoundly come to terms with the problem of conscious minds can have no serious pretensions of completeness. Consciousness is part of our universe, so any physical theory which makes no proper place for it falls fundamentally short of providing a genuine description of the world.
von Roger Penrose im Buch Shadows of the mind (1994) im Text Consciousness and computation auf Seite 8Zitationsgraph (Beta-Test mit vis.js)
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