AI Viewpoint C (Penrose) AI Viewpoint C (Penrose)
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Appropriate physical action of the brain evokes awareness, but this physical action cannot even be properly simulated computationally.
Von Roger Penrose im Buch Shadows of the mind (1994) im Text Consciousness and computation auf Seite 12Bemerkungen
Von Roger Penrose im Buch Shadows of the mind (1994) im Text Consciousness and computation auf Seite 15
According to [Viewpoint] C, the robot's actual lack of consciousness ought ultimately to reveal itself, after a sufficiently long interrogation.
Von Roger Penrose im Buch Shadows of the mind (1994) im Text Consciousness and computation auf Seite 14As the philosopher John Searle has stressed, a computational simulation of a physical process is a very different thing from the actual process itself.
Von Roger Penrose im Buch Shadows of the mind (1994) im Text Consciousness and computation auf Seite 15Verwandte Objeke
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1 Erwähnungen
- Shadows of the mind - A search for the missing science of conciousness (Roger Penrose) (1994)