Problemlöseargument: Informatikkenntnisse helfen auch beim Lösen von Problemen ausserhalb der Informatik | ![]() |

Many strong claims have been made concerning the
relationship between learning to program and learning
to think. In the process of learning to program
a computer, it is assumed, students will also learn
about their own thinking processes. This premise
underlies many assertions concerning the usefulness
of teaching computer programming in schools.
Von Richard E. Mayer, Jennifer L. Dyck, William Vilberg im Text Learning to program and learning to think: what's the connection? (1986) 

Von Peter Denning im Text Remaining Trouble Spots with Computational Thinking (2017)

Pea and Kurland failed to find support for the idea that a year of Logo activities improved children’s strategic planning skills.
Von Richard E. Mayer, Jennifer L. Dyck, William Vilberg im Text Learning to program and learning to think: what's the connection? (1986) auf Seite 606Despite these claims, there have been very few
relevant research studies and almost no convincing
support of this connection [7, 8, 13, 17, 22].
Von Richard E. Mayer, Jennifer L. Dyck, William Vilberg im Text Learning to program and learning to think: what's the connection? (1986) 

Due to a lack of a widespread, positive, statistical relationship between programming language instruction and problem-solving skills, some computer educators and computer researchers question if a link between programming language instruction and problem-solving skills does, in fact, exist (Pea, 1984).
Von David B. Palumbo im Text Programming Language/Problem-Solving Research (1990) 

Gorman and Bourne found, however, that third graders who learned Logo with one extra hour of computer time per week performed better on tests of logical reasoning than third graders who learned Logo with just one half hour of extra computer time per week. Apparently, gains in thinking skills depend on the student being given heavy doses of Logo rather than just minimal exposure.
Von Richard E. Mayer, Jennifer L. Dyck, William Vilberg im Text Learning to program and learning to think: what's the connection? (1986) auf Seite 606

It is this generalized problem-solving transfer that computer programming educators hope to increase. Certainly, that is one of the claims made about the benefits of Logo instruction (Papert, 1980). Ginther and Williamson (1985), however, state that this type of generalized problem-solving transfer is difficult, if not impossible, to achieve in any context, and there is no reason to claim that programming language instruction will provide contrary evidence.
Von David B. Palumbo im Text Programming Language/Problem-Solving Research (1990) 

If a link between instruction in
computer programming and improved
problem solving ability is not proven,
then continued instruction in computer
programming will have to be justified on
some other basis. Other reasons, based
on personal beliefs and anecdotal evidence,
are that instruction in computer programming is necessary for computer literacy, allows for a better understanding of computer processing, provides an
appreciation for commercial software development, increases social interaction between teachers and students and between students, increases selfconfidence from successful programming
efforts, provides freedom from repetitive calculations, and provides the ability to simulate complex and/or dangerous situations in experiments and decision making.
Von Craig A. VanLengen, Cleborne D. Maddux im Text Does Instruction in Computer Programming Improve Problem Solving Ability? (1990) auf Seite 13

Despite the absence of substantial proof of a positive relationship, there are still those who support the proposed link between programming language instruction and problem-solving skills. These researchers address deficiencies in those research studies that have not found these predicted positive relationships. These deficiencies can be characterized according to four major issues:
Von David B. Palumbo im Text Programming Language/Problem-Solving Research (1990) - (a) programming language/ problem-solving studies not being firmly grounded in problem-solving theories (Burton & Magliaro, 1987-1988);
- (b) quality, length, and intensity of the treatment presented (Burton & Magliaro; Palumbo & Reed, 1987-1988; Seidman, 1988; Soloway, Spohrer, & Littman, 1988);
- (c) appropriateness of the programming language selected in increasing problem-solving skills and the method of instruction (Burton & Magliaro; Littlefield, Delclos, Lever, Clayton, Bransford, & Franks, 1988; Reed et al., 1987-1988); and
- (d) selection of an appropriate sample of students, whose age range and ability level will provide the necessary background to benefit from programming language instruction (Linn & Dalbey, 1985; Pea, 1984).

The reason for that is the way of working in computer science. Similarly as in mathematics, we begin with an abstract description of a problem and continue with its analysis. But additionally, computer scientists do not only discover an efficient way of solving it, but they also implement the discovered method and provide a product (program) for solving problems of this kind. This work is more constructive than the typical work of a mathematician and ties the exact way of thinking in mathematics with the pragmatic way of working in engineering.
Studies of computer programming
and problem solving have yielded mixed
results. Studies that failed to find a
relationship between computer
programming and problem solving had
various weaknesses in experimental design
and instructional approach. Specifically,
many studies employed small samples [8,
12], did not use random selection and/or
assignment of the subjects [8, 9, 10, 11 ],
or lacked control groups [9].
In addition, the main instructional approach in the non-support studies was non-directive (discovery) [8, 9]. Program planning, development, and debugging were not specifically taught [8, 9]. This is a problem, since using a non-directive instructional approach with a limited amount of treatment time does not appear to be effective.
Another difficulty is that mastery of programming was not measured [8, 12, 10, 11]. Without ensuring that programming is mastered, it makes little sense to talk of problem solving transfer [13].
A number of other studies showed some positive relationship between computer programming and problem solving ability. Some of these studies used random selection and/or assignment [14, 15, 16, 12, 17, 18]. Random selection should result in sample groups that are more closely related to the population. Several studies were for longer periods of time (semester or more) [19, 17, 20]. Longer studies should allow for more treatment time. The instructional strategy used in a number of these studies was directed with specific instruction in program planning and development [15, 16, 12, 17, 18). Tbe results of some of the studies are not conclusive since the programming activities and dependent variables appeared to be highly related [16, 18]. Even though the inferences were not clearcut, these studies are a beginning of an experimental process directed at investigating a possible link between computer programming instruction and generat problem solving ability.
Von Craig A. VanLengen, Cleborne D. Maddux im Text Does Instruction in Computer Programming Improve Problem Solving Ability? (1990) auf Seite 11In addition, the main instructional approach in the non-support studies was non-directive (discovery) [8, 9]. Program planning, development, and debugging were not specifically taught [8, 9]. This is a problem, since using a non-directive instructional approach with a limited amount of treatment time does not appear to be effective.
Another difficulty is that mastery of programming was not measured [8, 12, 10, 11]. Without ensuring that programming is mastered, it makes little sense to talk of problem solving transfer [13].
A number of other studies showed some positive relationship between computer programming and problem solving ability. Some of these studies used random selection and/or assignment [14, 15, 16, 12, 17, 18]. Random selection should result in sample groups that are more closely related to the population. Several studies were for longer periods of time (semester or more) [19, 17, 20]. Longer studies should allow for more treatment time. The instructional strategy used in a number of these studies was directed with specific instruction in program planning and development [15, 16, 12, 17, 18). Tbe results of some of the studies are not conclusive since the programming activities and dependent variables appeared to be highly related [16, 18]. Even though the inferences were not clearcut, these studies are a beginning of an experimental process directed at investigating a possible link between computer programming instruction and generat problem solving ability.
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