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Chizuru Kawamoto






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39 Erwähnungen 
- Scalable game design and the development of a checklist for getting computational thinking into public schools (Alexander Repenning, David Webb, Andri Ioannidou) (2010)
- Schülerinnen und Lehrpersonen in mediengestützten Lernumgebungen - Zwischen Wissensmanagement und sozialen Aushandlungsprozessen (Melanie Stadermann) (2012)
- Programming Goes Back to School - Broadening participation by integrating game design into middle school curricula. (Alexander Repenning) (2012)
- SIGCSE 2012 - Proceedings of the 43rd ACM technical symposium on Computer science education, SIGCSE 2012, Raleigh, NC, USA, February 29 - March 3, 2012 (Laurie A. Smith King, David R. Musicant, Tracy Camp, Paul T. Tymann) (2012)
- The fairy performance assessment - measuring computational thinking in middle school (Linda L. Werner, Jill Denner, Shannon Campe, Damon Chizuru Kawamoto) (2012)
- The fairy performance assessment - measuring computational thinking in middle school (Linda L. Werner, Jill Denner, Shannon Campe, Damon Chizuru Kawamoto) (2012)
- Invent to Learn - Making, Tinkering, and Engineering in the Classroom (Sylvia Libow Martinez, Gary Stager) (2013)
- ICER 2013 - International Computing Education Research Conference, ICER '13, La Jolla, CA, USA, August 12-14, 2013 (Beth Simon, Alison Clear, Quintin I. Cutts) (2013)
- The zones of proximal flow - guiding students through a space of computational thinking skills and challenges (Ashok R. Basawapatna, Alexander Repenning, Kyu Han Koh, Hilarie Nickerson) (2013)
- The zones of proximal flow - guiding students through a space of computational thinking skills and challenges (Ashok R. Basawapatna, Alexander Repenning, Kyu Han Koh, Hilarie Nickerson) (2013)
- SIGCSE 2013 - The 44th ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, SIGCSE '13, Denver, CO, USA, March 6-9, 2013 (Tracy Camp, Paul T. Tymann, J. D. Dougherty, Kris Nagel) (2013)
- The simulation creation toolkit - an initial exploration into making programming accessible while preserving computational thinking (Ashok R. Basawapatna, Alexander Repenning, Clayton H. Lewis) (2013)
- The simulation creation toolkit - an initial exploration into making programming accessible while preserving computational thinking (Ashok R. Basawapatna, Alexander Repenning, Clayton H. Lewis) (2013)
- Spielerisches Kombinieren - Kinder lernen Programmieren - Die Pädagogische Hochschule fördert informatische Bildung bereits bei den Jüngsten (Irène Dietschi) (2014)
- Beyond Minecraft - Facilitating Computational Thinking through Modeling and Programming in 3D (Alexander Repenning, David C. Webb, Catharine Brand, Fred Gluck, Ryan Grover, Susan Miller, Hilarie Nickerson, Muyang Song) (2014)
- Regelstandards informatische Bildung in der Volksschule des Kantons Solothurn - Wegleitung und Empfehlungen (imedias) (2014)
- Computational Thinking in der Lehrerbildung (Alexander Repenning) (2015)
- SIGCSE 2015 - Kansas City, MO, USA, March 4-7, 2015 (Adrienne Decker, Kurt Eiselt, Carl Alphonce, Jodi Tims) (2015)
- Closing The Cyberlearning Loop - Enabling Teachers To Formatively Assess Student Programming Projects (Ashok Ram Basawapatna, Alexander Repenning, Kyu Han Koh) (2015)
- Closing The Cyberlearning Loop - Enabling Teachers To Formatively Assess Student Programming Projects (Ashok Ram Basawapatna, Alexander Repenning, Kyu Han Koh) (2015)
- Lernumgebungen für den Einstieg ins Programmieren - Versuch einer Klassifikation (Michael Hielscher, Beat Döbeli Honegger) (2015)
- Programmieren als dritte Fremdsprache (Marc Bodmer) (2015)
- Proceedings of the Workshop in Primary and Secondary Computing Education, WiPSCE 2015, London, United Kingdom, November 9-11, 2015 (Judith Gal-Ezer, Sue Sentance, Jan Vahrenhold) (2015)
- Launching Swiss Computer Science Education Week (Nora A. Escherle, Dorit Assaf, Ashok R. Basawapatna, Carmine Maiello, Alexander Repenning) (2015)
- Launching Swiss Computer Science Education Week (Nora A. Escherle, Dorit Assaf, Ashok R. Basawapatna, Carmine Maiello, Alexander Repenning) (2015)
- ICER 2015 - Proceedings of the eleventh annual International Conference on International Computing Education Research, ICER 2015, Omaha, NE, USA, August 09 - 13, (Brian Dorn, Judy Sheard, Quintin I. Cutts) (2015)
- Grounding Computational Thinking Skill Acquisition Through Contextualized Instruction (Hilarie Nickerson, Catharine Brand, Alexander Repenning) (2015)
- Grounding Computational Thinking Skill Acquisition Through Contextualized Instruction (Hilarie Nickerson, Catharine Brand, Alexander Repenning) (2015)
- Developing Computational Thinking in Compulsory Education - Implications for policy and practice (Stefania Bocconi, Augusto Chioccariello, Giuliana Dettori, Anusca Ferrari, Katja Engelhardt) (2016)
- Das ist kein Spiel (Jochen Bettzieche) (2016)
- Modality matters - Understanding the Effects of Programming Language Representation in High School Computer Science Classrooms (David Weintrop) (2016)
- ICER 2016 - Proceedings of the 2016 ACM Conference on International Computing Education Research, ICER 2016, Melbourne, VIC, Australia, September 8-12, 2016 (Judy Sheard, Josh Tenenberg, Donald Chinn, Brian Dorn) (2016)
- Mixed Methods for the Assessment and Incorporation of Computational Thinking in K-12 and Higher Education (Joshua Levi Weese) (2016)
- Mixed Methods for the Assessment and Incorporation of Computational Thinking in K-12 and Higher Education (Joshua Levi Weese) (2016)
- Proceedings of the 11th Workshop in Primary and Secondary Computing Education (WiPSCE 2016) - Münster, Germany, October 13-15, 2016 (Jan Vahrenhold, Erik Barendsen) (2016)
- Drops and Kinks - Modeling the Retention of Flow for Hour of Code Style Tutorials (Alexander Repenning, Ashok R. Basawapatna) (2016)
- Drops and Kinks - Modeling the Retention of Flow for Hour of Code Style Tutorials (Alexander Repenning, Ashok R. Basawapatna) (2016)
- Scalable Game Design - Ein Erfolgsmodell - Kurzfassung des Schlussberichts (2016)
- Emerging Research, Practice, and Policy on Computational Thinking (Peter J. Rich, Charles B. Hodges) (2017)
- 5. Proto-computational Thinking - The Uncomfortable Underpinnings (Deborah Tatar, Steve Harrison, Michael Stewart, Chris Frisina, Peter Musaeus)
- 11. Teaching Computational Thinking Patterns in Rural Communities (Carla Hester Croff)
- 12. Teacher Transformations in Developing Computational Thinking - Gaming and Robotics Use in After-School Settings (Alan Buss, Ruben Gamboa)
- 18. Principles of Computational Thinking Tools (Alexander Repenning, Ashok R. Basawapatna, Nora A. Escherle)
- 5. Proto-computational Thinking - The Uncomfortable Underpinnings (Deborah Tatar, Steve Harrison, Michael Stewart, Chris Frisina, Peter Musaeus)
- Nutze die Macht der Algorithmen - Algorithmen Z2 (Urs Meier, Michel Hauswirth) (2017)
- Notions of disruption - A collection of exploratory studies written and commissioned by the Swiss Science and Innovation Council SSIC (Schweizerischer Wissenschafts- und Innovationsrat) (2017)
- 3. Digital competences - Paper commissioned by the Swiss Science and Innovation Council SSIC (Sabine Seufert) (2017)
- 3. Digital competences - Paper commissioned by the Swiss Science and Innovation Council SSIC (Sabine Seufert) (2017)
- Second Handbook of Information Technology in Primary and Secondary Education (Joke Voogt, Gerald Knezek, Rhonda Christensen, Kwok-Wing Lai) (2018)
- 75. Organizing Learning Environments for Relational Equity in New Digital Media (William R. Penuel, Daniela K. DiGiacomo)
- 75. Organizing Learning Environments for Relational Equity in New Digital Media (William R. Penuel, Daniela K. DiGiacomo)
- Heute mal bildschirmfrei (Paula Bleckmann, Ingo Leipner) (2018)
- Programmieren in der Primarschule hilft, Probleme eigenständig lösen zu lernen (2018)
- Scale or Fail - Moving beyond self-selected computer science education in Switzerland (Alexander Repenning) (2018)
- Teaching How to Teach Computational Thinking (Anna Lamprou, Alexander Repenning) (2018)
- SIGCSE 2019 - Proceedings of the 50th ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, SIGCSE 2019, Minneapolis, MN, USA, February 27 - March 02, 2019 (Elizabeth K. Hawthorne, Manuel A. Pérez-Quiñones, Sarah Heckman, Jian Zhang 0036) (2019)
- The Zones of Proximal Flow Tutorial - Designing Computational Thinking Cliffhangers (Ashok R. Basawapatna, Alexander Repenning, Mark Savignano) (2019)
- The Zones of Proximal Flow Tutorial - Designing Computational Thinking Cliffhangers (Ashok R. Basawapatna, Alexander Repenning, Mark Savignano) (2019)
- Proceedings of the 14th Workshop in Primary and Secondary Computing Education, WiPSCE 2019, Glasgow, Scotland, UK, October 23-25, 2019 (2019)
- Cognitive Correlates of Computational Thinking - Evaluation of a Blended Unplugged/Plugged-In Course (Katerina Tsarava, Luzia Leifheit, Manuel Ninaus, Marcos Román-González, Martin V. Butz, Jessika Golle, Ulrich Trautwein, Korbinian Moeller) (2019)
- Cognitive Correlates of Computational Thinking - Evaluation of a Blended Unplugged/Plugged-In Course (Katerina Tsarava, Luzia Leifheit, Manuel Ninaus, Marcos Román-González, Martin V. Butz, Jessika Golle, Ulrich Trautwein, Korbinian Moeller) (2019)
- Informatics in Schools: Engaging Learners in Computational Thinking - 13th International Conference, ISSEP 2020, Tallinn, Estonia, November 16-18, 2020 Proceedings (Külli Kori, Mart Laanpere) (2020)
- Engagement Taxonomy for Introductory Programming Tools - Failing to Tackle the Problems of Comprehension (Tomas Šiaulys) (2020)
- Engagement Taxonomy for Introductory Programming Tools - Failing to Tackle the Problems of Comprehension (Tomas Šiaulys) (2020)
- Programmierkompetenzen von Lehrpersonen des Zyklus 3 - Aktueller Stand der Aus- und Weiterbildung von Lehrpersonen des Zyklus 3 bezüglich persönlicher Programmierkompetenzen (Adrian Degonda) (2021)
- Informatics in Schools. Rethinking Computing Education - 14th International Conference on Informatics in Schools: Situation, Evolution, and Perspectives, ISSEP 2021, Virtual Event, November 3–5, 2021 (Erik Barendsen, Christos Chytas) (2021)
- Encouraging Task Creation Among Programming Teachers in Primary Schools (Jacqueline Staub, Zaheer Chothia, Larissa Schrempp, Pascal Wacker)
- Encouraging Task Creation Among Programming Teachers in Primary Schools (Jacqueline Staub, Zaheer Chothia, Larissa Schrempp, Pascal Wacker)
- WiPSCE '22 - The 17th Workshop in Primary and Secondary Computing Education, Morschach, Switzerland, 31 October 2022 - 2 November 2022 (Mareen Grillenberger, Marc Berges) (2022)
- 11. Quantifying the Corona Effect - How much the pandemic-induced switch from face-to-face to online teaching increased students' self-efficacy - a practical report (Nicolas Fahrni, Alexander Repenning) (2022)
- 11. Quantifying the Corona Effect - How much the pandemic-induced switch from face-to-face to online teaching increased students' self-efficacy - a practical report (Nicolas Fahrni, Alexander Repenning) (2022)