Repräsentationstrias / EIS-Prinzip |
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Repräsentationstrias, EIS-Prinzip, EIS principle
Jerome Bruner classified three modes of human representation and communication: enactive (action-based, using gestures), iconic (image-based using pictures and diagrams) and symbolic (including language and mathematical symbols).
Von David Tall im Buch How Humans Learn to Think Mathematically (2013) Any domain of knowledge (or any problem within that domain of knowledge) can be represented in three ways: by a set of actions appropriate for achieving a certain result (enactive representation) ; by a set of summary images or graphics that stand for a concept without defining it fully (iconic representation); and by a set of symbolic or logical propositions drawn from a symbolic system that is governed by rules or laws for forming and transforming propositions (symbolic representation).
Von Jerome S. Bruner im Buch Towards a theory of instruction (1966) im Text Notes on a Theory of Instruction auf Seite 44Verwandte Objeke
Verwandte Begriffe (co-word occurance) | symbolische Repräsentationsymbolic representation(0.64), ikonische Repräsentationiconic representation(0.58), enaktive Repräsentation(0.56), Criterion of SenseCriterion of Sense(0.05), Criterion of TimeCriterion of Time(0.05), Horizontal CriterionHorizontal Criterion(0.05), Vertical CriterionVertical Criterion(0.05), echt enaktiv(0.04), virtuell-enaktiv(0.04), Repräsentationskriterium(0.03), Fundamentale Ideen der Schulinformatik(0.03), Fundamentale Ideen(0.03), spiral curriculumspiral curriculum(0.03), Fundamentale Ideen der Informatik(0.03), Kontextualisierbarkeit(0.03) |