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How Humans Learn to Think Mathematically

Exploring the Three Worlds of Mathematics
David Tall , local 
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How Humans Learn to Think MathematicallyHow Humans Learn to Think Mathematically describes the development of mathematical thinking from the young child to the sophisticated adult. Professor David Tall reveals the reasons why mathematical concepts that make sense in one context may become problematic in another. For example, a child's experience of whole number arithmetic successively affects subsequent understanding of fractions, negative numbers, algebra, and the introduction of definitions and proof. Tall's explanations for these developments are accessible to a general audience while encouraging specialists to relate their areas of expertise to the full range of mathematical thinking. The book offers a comprehensive framework for understanding mathematical growth, from practical beginnings through theoretical developments, to the continuing evolution of mathematical thinking at the highest level.
Von Klappentext im Buch How Humans Learn to Think Mathematically (2013)

iconBemerkungen zu diesem Buch

How Humans Learn to Think MathematicallyThis is, I believe, the first book to focus on the full framework of mathematical thinking as it develops from birth through to adulthood and on to the frontiers of research.
Von David Tall im Buch How Humans Learn to Think Mathematically (2013)
Beat Döbeli HoneggerWarum ich dieses Buch im Biblionetz erfasst habe: In diesem Buch geht es um das mathematische Denken und der Autor hat ein entsprechendes Modell entwickelt. Da ich mich u.a. mit informatischem Denken (computational thinking) beschäftige, ist es spannend zu sehen, wie ein anderes Fachgebiet ihre eigene Denkweise modelliert.
Von Beat Döbeli Honegger, erfasst im Biblionetz am 13.08.2021

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Jerome S. Bruner , Mark Johnson , G. Lakoff

KB IB clear
Axiomatic formalism , Conceptual embodiment , Denkenthinking , EmbodimentEmbodiment , enaktive Repräsentation , Formal-operatives Denkenformal operational stage , ikonische Repräsentationiconic representation , Mathematikmathematics , Operational symbolism , Repräsentationstrias / EIS-Prinzip , symbolische Repräsentationsymbolic representation , three worlds of mathematics
Jahr  Umschlag Titel Abrufe IBOBKBLB
local  Metaphors We Live By (G. Lakoff, Mark Johnson) 9, 3, 2, 5, 2, 3, 4, 2, 1, 5, 10, 3 25 4 3 515
1960 local  The Process of Education (Jerome S. Bruner) 1, 2, 3, 12, 3, 7, 3, 6, 4, 5, 9, 6 86 16 6 2809
1987 Women, fire, and dangerous things (G. Lakoff) 14 0 0 0
1999 local  Philosophy in the Flesh (G. Lakoff, Mark Johnson) 2, 1, 6, 8, 3, 3, 5, 3, 1, 3, 10, 4 6 9 4 381

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How Humans Learn to Think Mathematically E - - 0 1107668549 Swissbib Worldcat Bestellen bei Amazon.de Buy it now!

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