Personen mit Pat
Name |
Ist AutorIn von |
wird erwähnt in |
Kai Pata |
Theoretical Framework of the iCampFolio (2007) (erschienen in Creating New Learning Experiences on a Global Scale) | |
Alex Patak |
Intelligent Tutorial System in Medicine through an Interactive Testing Program (1992) (erschienen in ICCAL '92) | |
Frank Patalong |
Crashkurs - Kind und Internet (2005) | Siehe Crashkurs - Kind und Internet (2005) |
Glen Pate |
Magischer Realismus und die Produktion von Komplexität (1992) | Siehe Magischer Realismus und die Produktion von Komplexität (1992) |
Chelsea Patek |
Can Undergraduate Computing Research Be Student-Driven? (Abstract Only) (2017) (erschienen in SIGCSE 2017) | |
Jesal Patel |
Innovations in Teaching and Learning Strategies to Improve the Effectiveness of Using Haptic Simulators in Higher Education for Dental Students and Other Health Care Disciplines (2017) | Siehe Innovations in Teaching and Learning Strategies to Improve the Effectiveness of Using Haptic Simulators in Higher Education for Dental Students and Other Health Care Disciplines (2017) |
Jignesh M. Patel |
Does Native Language Play a Role in Learning a Programming Language? (2018) (erschienen in SIGCSE 2018) Role of Live-coding in Learning Introductory Programming (2018) Effect of Native Language on Student Learning and Classroom Interaction in an Operating Systems Course (2019) (erschienen in ITiCSE 2019) |
Keyur Patel |
Digital Transformation (2000) | Siehe Digital Transformation (2000) |
Pretesh B. Patel |
JAWAA (2003) (erschienen in SIGCSE 2003) | |
Shama Patel |
Exploring XML for data exchange in the context of an undergraduate database curriculum (2005) (erschienen in SIGCSE 2005) | |
James H. Paterson |
Using coding patterns in a model-driven approach to teaching object oriented programming (2009) (erschienen in ITiCSE 2009) Drawing the line (2008) (erschienen in ITiCSE 2008) From classes to code (2007) (erschienen in ITiCSE 2007) | |
Kenny Paterson |
So knackt man ein Chiffriergerät (2020) | Siehe So knackt man ein Chiffriergerät (2020) |
Suneeta A. Pathak |
Learning the physics of electricity (2011) (erschienen in International Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning, Volume 6) Failures and Successes in Collaborative Inquiry (2009) | |
Mahmood K. Pathan |
Investigating Performances's Progress of Students (2014) (erschienen in DeLFI 2014 Workshops) | |
Marta Patiño-Martínez |
Graphical visualization of the evaluation of functional programs (1996) (erschienen in ITiCSE 1996) DD-Mod (1996) (erschienen in ITiCSE 1996) The locker metaphor to teach dynamic memory (1997) (erschienen in SIGCSE 1997) AnLex and AnSin (1997) (erschienen in SIGCSE 1997) A Modula-2 interpreter/visualizer (1996) (erschienen in ITiCSE 1996) Visual HIPE (1997) Using the WWW as the delivery mechanism for interactive, visualization-based instructional modules (report of the ITiCSE 1997 working group on visuali (1997) A language-independent plagiarism detection system (poster) (1997) An overview of visualization (1996) (erschienen in ITiCSE 1996) | |
Elizabeth Patitsas |
Scaling up Women in Computing Initiatives (2015) Accounting for the Role of Policy in the Underrepresentation of Women in Computer Science (2016) (erschienen in ICER 2016) Evaluating diversity initiatives in computer science (2014) Evidence That Computer Science Grades Are Not Bimodal (2016) (erschienen in ICER 2016) A case study of the development of CS teaching assistants and their experiences with team teaching (2013) (erschienen in Koli Calling 2013) | |
Elizabeth Ann Patitsas |
Effective closed labs in early CS courses (2012) (erschienen in SIGCSE 2012) Investigating the effects of women-in-CS initiatives (2013) Computer science education for social good (2013) (erschienen in SIGCSE 2013) On the countably many misconceptions about #hashtables (abstract only) (2013) (erschienen in SIGCSE 2013) Comparing and contrasting different algorithms leads to increased student learning (2013) A case study of environmental factors influencing teaching assistant job satisfaction (2012) |
Susan Patrick |
ICT in Educational Policy in the North American Region (2009) | Siehe ICT in Educational Policy in the North American Region (2009) |
Jean-Luc Patry |
Die Qualitätsdiskussion im konstruktivistischen Unterricht (2001) (erschienen in Konstruktives Lernen mit neuen Medien) E-Learning über die reine Wissensvermittlung hinaus (2003) | |
William Patry |
How to Fix Copyright | Siehe How to Fix Copyright |
Andrew Patterson |
The BlueJ System and its Pedagogy (2003) (erschienen in Computer Science Education 4/2003) | |
Ashley Seaton Patterson |
On the Outs (2009) | Siehe On the Outs (2009) |
Brian Patterson |
Toolmaker or scientist? (abstract only) (2014) (erschienen in SIGCSE 2014) | |
David A. Patterson |
Experiences teaching MapReduce in the cloud (2012) (erschienen in SIGCSE 2012) | |
Justin H. Patterson |
Lessons Learned From an Interactive Educational Computer Game About Concurrent Programming (2018) (erschienen in SIGCSE 2018) | |
Rich Patterson |
How Much More XXX is Generation X Consuming? (2015) | Siehe How Much More XXX is Generation X Consuming? (2015) |
Stacy Patterson |
Autograding Distributed Algorithms in Networked Containers (2019) (erschienen in SIGCSE 2019) | |
Viviana Patti |
Reasoning-Based Curriculum Sequencing and Validation (2007) (erschienen in Creating New Learning Experiences on a Global Scale) | |
Colin Pattinson |
Network management teaching - managing a simulated network (1996) (erschienen in ITiCSE 1996) | |
Richard E. Pattis | Siehe Richard E. Pattis | Siehe Richard E. Pattis |
Charles Patton |
Trace Theory, Coordination Games, and Group Scribbles (2009) One-to-one technology-enhanced learning (2006) Ink, Improvisation, and Interactive Engagement (2007) Coordinating Networked Learning Activities with a General-Purpose Interface |
Michael F. Patton |
The Cartoon Introduction to Philosophy (2015) | |
Samuel D. Patton |
DYNALAB (1995) (erschienen in SIGCSE 1995) | |
Alexandra Patzak |
Designs for Learning Analytics to Support Information Problem Solving (2017) | |
Yasmin Patzer |
Anforderungen und ein Rahmenkonzept für inklusive E-Learning Software (2016) (erschienen in DeLFI 2016) | |
Rainer Patzlaff |
Interview mit Prof. Dr. Rainer Patzlaff | |
Sebastian Pätzold |
eLearning als Teil einer serviceorientierten Hochschulinfrastruktur (2008) (erschienen in DeLFI 2008) | |
Klaus Patzwaldt |
Google Inside (2005) (erschienen in Die Google-Gesellschaft) |
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