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Digital Transformation

The Essentials of E-business Leadership
Personenreihenfolge alphabetisch und evtl. nicht korrekt John Chambers, Mary McCarthy, Keyur Patel ,  
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Digital TransformationWe are in the midst of an Internet Revolution that will have an impact as big, if not bigger, than the Industrial Revolution. Today's revolution is leveling the playing field and creating unprecedented opportunities for countries, companies and individuals around the world. The result is an economy in which agility and the ability to adapt to change, not size, geographic location, or physical assets are the keys to success and survival.
In just five years since the introduction of the World Wide Web, the Internet economy already rivals the size of century-old sectors such as energy, automotive and telecommunications. Milestones that took up to 100 years to achieve in the Industrial Age are occurring at a staggering pace in this new economy.
It is increasingly evident that the adoption of Internet applications is the key to future growth. The countries and companies that will survive are those that learn to harness the power of the Internet to create a competitive advantage.
This book outlines why some companies have excelled in the Internet economy and why some companies have missed on execution. It also offers powerful insights into what it takes to be an Internet Economy leader.
Four years ago, Cisco predicted that the Internet would change the way we work, live, play and learn. Today, 85 percent of our orders - or over $40 million a day - are transacted over the Web. I truly believe that this book is a valuable resource for anyone looking to compete successfully in the new economy.
Von John Chambers im Buch Digital Transformation (2000)

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Apple , B2B , Bookmarks / LesezeichenBookmarks , CommunityCommunity , ContentContent , E-CommerceE-Commerce , Intel , Internetinternet , Managementmanagement , Marketingmarketing , Microsoft , Softwaresoftware , Suchmaschinesearch engine , WWW (World Wide Web)World Wide Web

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Titel   Format Bez. Aufl. Jahr ISBN          
Digital Transformation E Gebunden - 1 2000 0071364080 Swissbib Worldcat Bestellen bei Amazon.de Buy it now!

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