Verwandte Objeke
![]() Verwandte Begriffe (co-word occurance) | MS Windows Vista(0.13), Oracle(0.09), Compaq(0.05), MS Windows XPMS Windows XP(0.03) |
Statistisches Begriffsnetz 
Einträge in Beats Blog
16 Erwähnungen 
- Crossing the Chasm - Marketing and Selling High-Tech Products to Mainstream Customers (Geoffrey A. Moore) (1991)
- Digitale Elite - 34 Management-Strategien für das 21. Jahrhundert (Geoffrey James) (1996)
- Release 2.0 - A Design for Living in the Digital Age (Esther Dyson) (1997)
- 10. Sicherheit
- Digital Transformation - The Essentials of E-business Leadership (John Chambers, Mary McCarthy, Keyur Patel) (2000)
- Professionalität stärken - Zeitschrift Computer und Untericht 47 (2002)
- Intel(R) Lehren für die Zukunft - Allgemeine Informationen zum Lehrer-Aus- und -Fortbildungsprogramm (Martina Roth)
- Croquet: A Collaboration Architecture - Open Croquet Presentation @ Terry Winograds HCI-Seminar (Alan Kay) (2003)
- Intel(R) Lehren für die Zukunft - online trainieren und gemeinsam lernen - Qualität - Evaluation - Innovation (Arbeitsbericht Nr. 7) (Gabi Reinmann) (2005)
- Thinking for a Living - How to Get Better Performances And Results from Knowledge Workers (Thomas H. Davenport) (2005)
- One Laptop Per Child (Mary Lou Jepsen) (2008)
- Why Microsoft and Intel tried to kill the XO $100 laptop (Bryan Appleyard) (2008)
- A Brief History of Computing (Gerard O'Regan) (2012)
- Digital Is Destroying Everything - What the Tech Giants Won’t Tell You about How Robots, Big Data and Algorithms Are Radically Remaking Your Future (Andrew V Edwards) (2015)
- The Code - Silicon Valley and the Remaking of America (Margaret O’Mara) (2019)
- Your Computer Isn't Yours (2020)
- Framers - Human Advantage in an Age of Technology and Turmoil (Kenneth Cukier, Viktor Mayer-Schönberger, Francis de Véricourt) (2021)
- The Metaverse - And How it Will Revolutionize Everything (Matthew Ball) (2022)