Personal Smartphones in Primary SchoolDevices for a PLE?
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This paper describes the goals and first results of an ongoing two year case study in
a European primary school (5th primary class) where the teacher and all students
(n=17) were equipped with a personal smartphone (Apple iPhone 3G). Students are
allowed to use phone and internet services at no charge and to take home their
smartphones after school. In this project the students have anytime and anywhere
access to an internet connected computing device which can be used for reading,
writing, calculating, drawing, taking photos, listening or recording audio and
communicating. Does this setting help to achieve the goals of the official school
curriculum? How do personal smartphones in primary school influence teaching and
learning, especially weekly planning ("Wochenplanunterricht") and learning outside
The paper describes the planning and introduction phase of the project as well as first best practice examples of using personal smartphones in and out of school after five months of use. We have qualitative data from questionnaires with students and parents and quantitative data of phone and internet use.
To date the results are promising in two ways: They help to formulate specific research questions for further research and they encourage enlarging the case study to several classes in the near future.
Von Beat Döbeli Honegger, Christian Neff im Konferenz-Band The PLE Conference im Text Personal Smartphones in Primary School (2010) The paper describes the planning and introduction phase of the project as well as first best practice examples of using personal smartphones in and out of school after five months of use. We have qualitative data from questionnaires with students and parents and quantitative data of phone and internet use.
To date the results are promising in two ways: They help to formulate specific research questions for further research and they encourage enlarging the case study to several classes in the near future.
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Nicht erwähnte Begriffe | Bildung, Ein Notebook pro StudentIn (ENpS), Handheld / PDA, Handyverbot in der Schule, Kinder, Notebooks an Schulen, Schule, Unterricht |
2 Vorträge von Beat mit Bezug
- Integrieren statt ignorieren
Referat am 1. Schweizer Tag der Medienkompetenz (Videoaufzeichnung)
Fribourg, 27.10.2011 - Professur «Digitalisierung und Bildung»
Kurzvorstellung der Professur an der internen Forschungsklausur der PHSZ
Goldau, 29.06.2020
Einträge in Beats Blog
Zitationsgraph (Beta-Test mit vis.js)
14 Erwähnungen
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- Medienkompetenzförderung: Das iPhone im Unterricht - Ein Schweizer Pilotprojekt unter der Lupe (Sandra Wayer, Sarah Frei, Corinne Obrist) (2011)
- 2. Workshop «Lerninfrastruktur in Schulen: 1:1-Computing» (Richard Heinen, Andreas Breiter, Beat Döbeli Honegger, Michael Kerres, Renate Schulz-Zander, Joachim Wedekind, Stefan Welling) (2011)
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- Learning to Teach Using ICT in the Secondary School - A companion to school experience (Marilyn Leask, Norbert Pachler) (2013)
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Volltext dieses Dokuments
Personal Smartphones in Primary School: Devices for a PLE?: conference version of the article as fulltext (: , 218 kByte; : 2021-03-21) |
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Beat hat Dieser Zeitschriftenartikel während seiner Zeit am Institut für Medien und Schule (IMS) ins Biblionetz aufgenommen. Beat besitzt kein physisches, aber ein digitales Exemplar. Eine digitale Version ist auf dem Internet verfügbar (s.o.). Beat hat Dieser Zeitschriftenartikel auch schon in Vorträgen sowie in Blogpostings erwähnt.