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Duncan J. Watts

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This is not an official homepage of Duncan J. Watts and it is not possible to contact Duncan J. Watts here!

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iconBücher von Duncan J. Watts Hier finden Sie alle Bücher der gewählten Person, die im Biblionetz vorhanden sind.


Small Worlds

The Dynamics of Networks between Order and Randomness


Small Worlds

The Dynamics of Networks Between Order and Randomness

(Duncan J. Watts) (1999)

Six Degrees

The Science Of A Connected Age

(Duncan J. Watts) (2003) local 

Everything Is Obvious

Once You Know the Answer

(Duncan J. Watts) (2011) local 

iconDefinitionen von Duncan J. Watts

Pareto-Prinzip (80/20-Regel)
  • The distribution of wealth in the United States, for instance, resembles a power law. The nineteenth-Century Parisian engineer Vilfredo Pareto was the first person to note this phenomenon, subsequently called Pareto's law, and demonstrated that it held true in every European country for which the relevant statistics existed. The law's main consequence is that very many people possess relatively little wealth while a very small minority are extremely wealthy.
    von Duncan J. Wattsim Buch Six Degrees (2003) im Text Beyond the Small World auf Seite 105
Success to the Successful
  • This phenomenon has been with us a long time - at least as Ions, as the Bible, in which Matthew observes, "For unto every one that hath shall be given, and he shall have abundance; but from him that hath not shall be taken away even that which he hath." In the context of networks, the Matthew effect, as it was coined by the great twentieth-century sociologist Robert Merton, equates to well-connected nodes being more likely to attract new links, while poorly connected nodes are disproportionately likely to remain poor.
    von Duncan J. Wattsim Buch Six Degrees (2003) im Text Beyond the Small World auf Seite 108

iconBemerkungen von Duncan J. Watts

Von Duncan J. Watts gibt es im Biblionetz Bemerkungen zu:

KB IB clear
Wie treffen wir Entscheidungen?How do we decide?


iconBegriffswolke von Duncan J. Watts

APH KB IB clear
Algorithmusalgorithm, Altruismus, Angstfear, Biologiebiology, Computercomputer, Computerviruscomputer virus, Computer-Wurm, Dilemma, Early AdopterEarly Adopter, Effizienz, Emergenzemergence, Exponential-Verteilung, Fehlererror, frame problemframe problem, Gehirnbrain, Globalisierungglobalization, Gruppendruckgroup pressure, Hierarchiehierarchy, hindsight bias, Individualismus, Industrielle Revolutionindustrial revolution, Informatikcomputer science, Informationinformation, Innovationinnovation, Internetinternet, Internet-Service-Provider (ISP)internet service provider, Japan, Komplexitätcomplexity, Künstliche Intelligenz (KI / AI)artificial intelligence, Lernenlearning, machine learning, Managementmanagement, Marktmarket, Mathematikmathematics, Milgram-Experiment, Netzwerknetwork, Normal-Verteilung, Ökonomieeconomy, Pareto-Prinzip (80/20-Regel)pareto principle, Physikphysics, Poisson-Verteilung, Problemproblem, Simulation, small world problemsmall world problem, social network analysissocial network analysis, Soziales Dilemma, Soziologiesociology, Statistikstatistics, Steuerntaxes, Strukturstructure, Success to the SuccessfulSuccess to the Successful, Suchmaschinesearch engine, survival of the fittestsurvival of the fittest, Systemsystem, Total Quality Management (TQM)Total Quality Management, Tragedy of the CommonsTragedy of the Commons, Unternehmencompany, USA, Verhalten, Virus, Watson, Zelluläre AutomatenSelf-Reproducing Automata,


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Everything Is Obvious: Gesamtes Buch als Volltext (lokal: 2315 kByte)
Six Degrees: Gesamtes Buch als Volltext (lokal: 1351 kByte)

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