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Wie treffen wir Entscheidungen? How do we decide?


The Biggest BluffIn study after study, people fail to internalize numeric rules, making decisions based on things like “gut feeling” and “intuition” and “what feels right” rather than based on the data they are shown. We need to train ourselves to see the world in a probabilistic light—and even then, we often ignore the numbers in favor of our own experience. We believe what we want to see, not what research shows.
Von Maria Konnikova im Buch The Biggest Bluff (2020)
Six DegreesPaying attention to the actions and advice of peers is often a reliable strategy for doing at least reasonably well in a complex and unpredictable world. From choosing graduate programs to movies, many people consistently opt to minimize potential risk, whether to their career prospects or their evening's entertainment, by observing and emulating the actions of others. Even where we explicitly eschew the majonty, we are rarely behaving entirely as atomistic individuals or as pure contrarians. Rather, we typically have in mind some minority group of actors whom we do wish to emulate. The difference between conventional and unconventional social actors, therefore, is not so much that the unconventional ones don't pay attention to others—it's just that they are not the same others as for the conventional actors.
Von Duncan J. Watts im Buch Six Degrees (2003) im Text Decisions, Delusions, and the Madness of Crowds auf Seite  210
Six DegreesiVhether we are aware of it or not, we rarely, if ever, make decisions completely independently and in Isolation. Often we are conditioned by our ci Viistories, and our culture. We also can t help but be influenced by the mesmerizing pool of universally available, often media-driven information in which we continually swim. In determining the kind of person that we are and the background pictnrp acrainst which our lives play out, these generic influences determine both the expertise and the preferences that we bring to any decision-making scenario. But once we are in the scenano, even our expenence and predispositions may be insufficient to sway us entirely one way or the other. This is where externalities - whether Information, coercive, market, or coordination externalities - enter to play a crucial les to shove, humans are fundamentally social creaures, and to ignore the role of social Information in human making - to ignore the role of externalities - is to misconstrue the proress by which we come to do the things we do.
Von Duncan J. Watts im Buch Six Degrees (2003) im Text Decisions, Delusions, and the Madness of Crowds auf Seite  218

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