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Peter Morville

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This is not an official homepage of Peter Morville and it is not possible to contact Peter Morville here!

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iconBücher von Peter Morville Hier finden Sie alle Bücher der gewählten Person, die im Biblionetz vorhanden sind.


Information Architecture for the World Wide Web

Designing Large-Scale Web Sites

(Louis Rosenfeld, Peter Morville) (1998)  local 

Ambient Findability

What We Find Changes Who We Become

(Peter Morville) (2005)  local 

Search Patterns

Design for Discovery

(Peter Morville, Jeffery Callender) (2010) local 

iconDefinitionen von Peter Morville

    • a. The quality of being locatable or navigable.
    • b. The degree to which a particular object is easy to discover or locate
    • c. The degree to which a system or environment supports navigation and retrieval
    von Peter Morvilleim Buch Ambient Findability (2005) im Text Lost and Found auf Seite 4
information architecture
    1. The combination of organization, labeling, and navigation schemes within an information system.
    2. The structural design of an Information space to facilitate task completion and intuitive access to content.
    3. The art and science of structuring and classifying web sites ntranets to help people find and manage Information.
    4. An emerging discipline and community of practice focused on bringing principles of design and architecture to the digital landscape.
    von Louis Rosenfeld, Peter Morvilleim Buch Information Architecture for the World Wide Web (1998) im Text Introducing Information Architecture auf Seite 4
Metcalfe's law
  • Metcalfe's Law states that the usefulness, or utility, of a network equals the square of the number of users. In other words, the value of networked systems (e.g., telephone, fax, email, Web) grows exponentially as the user population mcreases in a linear manner.
    von Peter Morvilleim Buch Ambient Findability (2005) im Text Intertwingled auf Seite 65

iconBemerkungen von Peter Morville

Von Peter Morville gibt es im Biblionetz Bemerkungen zu:

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Ambient Findability

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A Brief History of Wayfinding, Basic Principles of Information Architecture, Information Interaction, Inspired Decisions, Intertwingled, Lost and Found, Process and Methodology

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Bibliotheklibrary, Datendata, FindabilityFindability, Informationinformation, Long TailLong Tail, Ontologieontology, Taxonomietaxonomy, UsabilityUsability, Wissen


Ambient FindabilityPeter Morville is president of Semantic Studios, an Information architecture and findability consultancy. For over a decade, he has advised such clients as AT&T, IBM, Microsoft, Harvard Business School, Internet!, Procter & Gamble, Vanguard, and Yahoo!. Peter is best known as a founding father of Information architecture, having coauthored the field's best-selling book, Information Architecture for the World Wide Web.
Peter serves on the faculty at the University of Michigan's School of Information and on the advisory board of the Information Architecture Institute. He delivers keynotes and Seminars at international events, and his work has been featured in major publications, including Business Week, The Economist, Fortune, and The Wall Street Journal.
Von Klappentext im Buch Ambient Findability (2005)



Jeffery Callender, Louis Rosenfeld

iconBegriffswolke von Peter Morville

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AJAX, Apple Watch, augmented realityaugmented reality, Baldwin-EffektBaldwin effect, Bibliotheklibrary, Bottom-upbottom up, Bring-Prinzippush principle, Computerspielecomputer game, CSSCSS, CyberspaceCyberspace, Datendata, Datenbankdatabase, del.icio.us, Designdesign, E-CommerceE-Commerce, Efficiency (Usability-Dimension)Efficiency, Evolutionevolution, FindabilityFindability, flickr, FOAF, FolksonomyFolksonomy, GUI (Graphical User Interface)Graphical User Interface, Handheld / PDAHandheld, HCI/MMI (Human-Computer-Interaction)Human-Computer-Interaction, Hierarchiehierarchy, HitsHits, Hol-Prinzippull principle, HypermediaHypermedia, Hypertexthypertext, Informationinformation, information architectureinformation architecture, information retrievalinformation retrieval, Informationsgesellschaftinformation society, Informationskompetenzinformation literacy, Innovationinnovation, Intelligenzintelligence, Internetinternet, IntranetIntranet, Kommunikationcommunication, Kontextcontext, Kulturculture, Kunst, Künstliche Intelligenz (KI / AI)artificial intelligence, Location Based Services (LBS)Location Based Services, Logfile-Auswertung, Long TailLong Tail, machine learning, Marketingmarketing, Meme, MemexMemex, Metadatenmeta data, Metaphermetaphor, Metcalfe's lawMetcalfe's law, Moore's lawMoore's law, Navigation in Hypertext, Netzwerknetwork, Netzwerkeffekte, Ontogenese, patternpattern, Privatsphäreprivacy, Prozess, Psychologiepsychology, RDF, Relevanzrelevance, Reputationreputation, RFID, RSSReally Simple Syndication, Semantic Websemantic web, Semantiksemantics, SimCity, small world problemsmall world problem, SMSText messaging, social softwaresocial software, SpamSpam, Strukturstructure, Suchmaschinesearch engine, survival of the fittestsurvival of the fittest, Taxonomietaxonomy, Technologietechnology, Technorati, Top-downTop-down, Trackback, Ubiquitous ComputingUbiquitous Computing, UsabilityUsability, User Interface (Benutzerschnittstelle)User Interface, User/BenutzerUser, Visualisierungvisualization, Wearable ComputingWearable Computing, Weblogsblogging, Weisheitwisdom, Wikipedia, Wissen, Wissenschaftscience, Wissensmanagementknowledge management, WLAN / Wireless LANWireless LAN, WWW (World Wide Web)World Wide Web, XML, Zitationsanalysecitation analysis,


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iconErwähnungen  Dies ist eine nach Erscheinungsjahr geordnete Liste aller im Biblionetz vorhandenen Werke, welche die gewählte Person oder ihre Werke erwähnen.


Ambient Findability: Gesamtes Buch als Volltext (lokal: PDF, 6815 kByte)
Information Architecture for the World Wide Web: Gesamtes Buch als Volltext (lokal: PDF, 7240 kByte)
Search Patterns: Gesamtes Buch als Volltext (lokal: PDF, 12548 kByte)
Lost and Found: Artikel als Volltext (lokal: PDF, 559 kByte)

iconExterne Links

Auf dem WWW http://findability.org: Blog of Peter Morville ( WWW: Link OK 2021-03-21)

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