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knowledge worker knowledge worker

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knowledge worker, Wissensarbeiter, knowledge-worker


Thomas H. DavenportKnowledge workers have high degrees of expertise, education, or experience, and the primary purpose of their Jobs involves the creation, distribution, or application of knowledge.
Von Thomas H. Davenport im Buch Thinking for a Living (2005) im Text What's a Knowledge Worker, Anyway? auf Seite  10
Thomas H. DavenportKnowledge workers think for a living. They live by their wits - any heavy lifting on the Job is intellectual, not physical. They solve problems, they understand and meet the needs of customers, they make decisions, and they collaborate and communicate with other people in the course of doing their own work.
Von Thomas H. Davenport im Buch Thinking for a Living (2005) im Text What's a Knowledge Worker, Anyway? auf Seite  10


Thomas H. DavenportThe typical way of dealing with knowledge workers is to HSPALTA, or "hire smart people and leave them alone."
Von Thomas H. Davenport im Buch Thinking for a Living (2005) im Text Interventions, Measures, and Experiments in Knowledge Work auf Seite  39
Thomas H. DavenportWe know more about our own work than just about anyone else, so it's hard for a manaser to improve our performance — and in any case we don't like to be told what to do.
Von Thomas H. Davenport im Buch Thinking for a Living (2005) im Text What's a Knowledge Worker, Anyway? auf Seite  3
Theorie der UnbildungDer »Wissensarbeiter« entpuppt sich als Phänotyp eines Wandels, der nicht dem Prinzip des Wissens, sondern dem der industriellen Arbeit gehorcht. Es ist nicht der Arbeiter, der zum Wissenden, sondern der Wissende, der zum Arbeiter wird. Wäre es anders, würde man Unternehmen in Universitäten und nicht Universitäten in Unternehmen verwandeln.
Von Konrad Paul Liessmann im Buch Theorie der Unbildung (2006) im Text Was weiss die Wissensgesellschaft? auf Seite  42
Thomas H. DavenportYet despite the importance of knowledge workers to the economic success of countries, companies, and other groups, they haven't received sufficient attention. We know little about how to improve knowledge workers' performance, which is very unfortunate, because no less an authority than Peter Drucker has said that improving knowledge worker performance is the most important economic issue of the age.
Von Thomas H. Davenport im Buch Thinking for a Living (2005) im Text What's a Knowledge Worker, Anyway? auf Seite  8
Jay CrossI fit Davenport's description of knowledge worker well. I want to set my own schedule and choose where I work. I think for myself. No one will ever reduce what I do to a flowchart. I like to work on things I help create. Fm always building for the long term while getting today's work out the door. And if I don't feel good about doing something, I probably won't do it well. I work for me first and my organization second.
Von Jay Cross im Buch Informal Learning (2006) im Text Out of Time auf Seite  8
Thomas H. DavenportWhat difference does it make that we are knowledge workers? It's certainly not a new thing. This category of work has existed for centuries - think about medieval monks, or the first professors at universities - so why write about them now? Well, as I'll argue a little later in this chapter, if nothing eise they're important because they are a large category of workers - probably larger than ever before as a percentage of the workforce in sophisticated economies.
Von Thomas H. Davenport im Buch Thinking for a Living (2005) im Text What's a Knowledge Worker, Anyway? auf Seite  3

iconVerwandte Objeke

Verwandte Begriffe
(co-word occurance)
Verwandte Aussagen
Innovation bedingt Knowledge Workers
Knowledge worker lieben Autonomie
Informationsgesellschaft erfordert knowledge worker
Knowledge worker müssen kreativ sein

iconHäufig erwähnende Personen

iconHäufig co-zitierte Personen

Peter Drucker Peter
Fabrizio Dell'Acqua Fabrizio
Karim R. Lakhani Karim R.
Hila Lifshitz-Assaf Hila
François Candelon François
Lisa Krayer Lisa
Edward McFowland III Edward McFowland
Saran Rajendran Saran
Katherine C. Kellogg Katherine C.
Judy Wajcman Judy
Ethan Mollick Ethan
Gloria Mark Gloria
Jan Schmidt Jan
Michel Callon Michel
Justin Harris Justin
Lucas Gonzalez Lucas
Cal Newport Cal

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