«Human beings were never born to read,» writes Tufts University cognitive neuroscientist and child development expert Maryanne Wolf. Reading is a human invention that reflects how the brain rearranges itself to learn something new. In this ambitious, provocative book, Wolf chronicles the remarkable journey of the reading brain not only over the past five thousand years, since writing began, but also over the course of a single child's life, showing in the process why children with dyslexia have reading difficulties and singular gifts. Lively, erudite, and rich with examples, Proust and the Squid asserts that the brain that examined the tiny clay tablets of the Sumerians was a very different brain from the one that is immersed in today's technology-driven literacy. The potential transformations in this changed reading brain, Wolf argues, have profound implications for every child and for the intellectual development of our species.
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19 Erwähnungen
- Philosophy of Technology and Engineering Sciences (Anthonie W.M. Meijers, Dov M. Gabbay, Paul Thagard, John Woods) (2009)
- Payback - Warum wir im Informationszeitalter gezwungen sind zu tun, was wir nicht tun wollen, und wie wir die Kontrolle über unser Denken zurückgewinnen (Frank Schirrmacher) (2009)
- Computing Our Way to Paradise? - The Role of Internet and Communication Technologies in Sustainable Consumption and Globalization (Robert Rattle) (2010)
- The Shallows - What the Internet Is Doing to Our Brains (Nicholas G. Carr) (2010)
- Generation Google - Wie verändern digitale Medien unsere Bildung, Moral und personale Identität? (Manfred Spitzer) (2010)
- The Digital Divide - Arguments for and Against Facebook, Google, Texting, and the Age of Social Networking (Mark Bauerlein) (2011)
- Is Google Making Us Stupid? - What the Internet is doing to our brains (Nicholas G. Carr) (2008)
- The Blind Giant - Being Human in a Digital World (Nick Harkaway) (2012)
- Critics of Digitalisation - Warners, Sceptics, Scaremongers, Apocalypticists - 20 Portraits (Otto Peters) (2012)
- Net Smart - How to Thrive Online (Howard Rheingold) (2012)
- Digitale Demenz - Wie wir uns und unsere Kinder um den Verstand bringen (Manfred Spitzer) (2012)
- Denken 3.0 - Von der künstlichen Intelligenz zum digitalen Denken (Frank Schirrmacher) (2013)
- Visible Learning and the Science of How We Learn (John Hattie, Gregory C. R. Yates) (2013)
- The Future of Reading Depends on the Future of Learning Difficult to Learn Things (Alan Kay) (2013)
- The Big Disconnect - Protecting Childhood and Family Relationships in the Digital Age (Catherine Steiner-Adair, Teresa H. Barker) (2013)
- 100 MORE Things Every Designer Needs to Know About People (Susan Weinschenk) (2015)
- Reclaiming Conversation - The Power of Talk in a Digital Age (Sherry Turkle) (2015)
- Schnelles Lesen, langsames Lesen - Warum wir das Bücherlesen nicht verlernen dürfen (Maryanne Wolf) (2018)
- The Cambridge Handbook of Computing Education Research (Sally Fincher, Anthony V. Robins) (2019)
- «Eine Schwäche des Gehirns: Wir wollen mit dem Text fertig sein» (Maryanne Wolf, Lisa Hegemann) (2024)
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Beat hat dieses Buch während seiner Zeit am Institut für Medien und Schule (IMS) ins Biblionetz aufgenommen. Er hat dieses Buch einmalig erfasst und bisher nicht mehr bearbeitet. Beat besitzt kein physisches, aber ein digitales Exemplar. (das er aber aus Urheberrechtsgründen nicht einfach weitergeben darf).